2024-25 Catalog

French (FREN)


FREN 001 Elementary French I 4 Credits

Multimedia approach to the study of French. Introduction to French conversation, grammar, and culture.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

FREN 002 Elementary French II 4 Credits

Continuation of FREN 001.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

FREN 011 Intermediate French I 4 Credits

Further acquisition of the fundamentals of French conversation, writing, and culture. Multimedia approach.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

FREN 012 Intermediate French II 0,4 Credits

Continuation of FREN 011.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

FREN 091 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Materials not covered in regular courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, CC, HE, HU, W

FREN 099 (ARAB 099, ASIA 099, CHIN 099, GERM 099, HEBR 099, JPNS 099, MLL 099, RUSS 099, SPAN 099) Language & Culture Abroad I 0-8 Credits

Beginning level of French language, literature, or other culture courses taught abroad.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, CC, HE, HU, W

FREN 145 French Conversation and Composition 4 Credits

Intensive practice in oral and written French and introduction to literary criticism. Emphasis on comprehension and oral performance of the French language. Student acquires confidence in speaking and writing French through discussions and written applications of current issues, articles, novels, movies, and other topics. Required for French majors.
Attribute/Distribution: HU, W

FREN 152 Introduction to Literary Analysis 4 Credits

Exposure to representative French and Francophone works from the Middle Ages to the Twenty-First Century offering various critical strategies needed to read and interpret a literary text.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU, W

FREN 180 Independent Study 1-4 Credits

Topics related to French and Francophone Studies not covered in regular courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, W

FREN 191 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Materials not covered in regular courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, CC, HE, HU, W

FREN 199 (ARAB 199, ASIA 199, CHIN 199, GERM 199, HEBR 199, JPNS 199, MLL 199, RUSS 199, SPAN 199) Language & Culture Abroad II 0-8 Credits

Intermediate level of French language, literature, or other culture courses taught abroad.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, CC, HE, HU, W

FREN 235 French Short Stories in Context 4 Credits

Reading and discussion of a selection of mostly contemporary short stories from the French-speaking world. In addition to sharpening your critical reading skills, you will be exposed to a host of issues that will be, whenever possible, contextualized through a range of recent news clips pertaining to similar topics.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

FREN 237 Introduction to the Francophone World 4 Credits

Introduction to the Francophone world through a series of texts, films, articles, etc. from Francophone Europe, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Canada, Vietnam, and the Caribbean. Students will become acquainted with Francophone cultures and literatures while developing their interpretative and writing skills. In French.
Attribute/Distribution: W

FREN 242 The Harem in French and Francophone Literature and Film 4 Credits

Explore representations of this forbidden and secret feminine space, the harem, starting with French theater from the 17th century all the way to 20th-21st century Francophone North African novels and film. We will attempt a comparative study between the French and Francophone traditions and will be looking at the harem as a visual as well as textual feminine space from which narratives emerge and the extent to which they constitute a counter-discourse that questions dominant power structures.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

FREN 251 Postcolonizing France: North African Immigration 4 Credits

Depictions of North African immigrants (legal or illegal) and French citizens of North African descent in postcolonial France in novels, film, and Rap music. Explore key concepts such as hospitality, minority ethnic settlement, multiculturalism, nationality and citizenship, racism, extreme-right politics, and anti-discrimination policy, and attempt to see how North African postcolonial identities are articulated in relation to perceptions of French national identity, republican values, universalism, etc.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

FREN 255 Introduction to the Francophone World 4 Credits

Introduction to the Francophone world through a series of texts, films, articles, etc. from Francophone Europe, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Canada, Vietnam, and the Caribbean. Students will become acquainted with Francophone cultures and literatures while developing their interpretative and writing skills. In French.

FREN 259 (GS 259) Contemporary France 3-4 Credits

How is France defining itself today as a European nation in a global world? Issues to be explored include: family, gender, race and religion, the education and social systems, immigration, and politics. Strongly recommended for students who plan to study abroad in France.
Attribute/Distribution: HU, W

FREN 271 French Readings 4 Credits

Study of the works of some author or group of authors, or of a period, or of a literary theme.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

FREN 280 Independent Study 1-4 Credits

Topics related to French and Francophone Studies not covered in regular courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, W

FREN 291 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Materials not covered in regular courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, W

FREN 299 (ARAB 299, ASIA 299, CHIN 299, GERM 299, HEBR 299, MLL 299, RUSS 299, SPAN 299) Language & Culture Abroad III 0-8 Credits

Advanced level of French language, literature, or other culture courses taught abroad.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, W

FREN 300 Apprentice Teaching 1-4 Credits

FREN 311 French Classicism 4 Credits

French classical theater, novel, and criticism, with emphasis on Corneille, Racine, Moliere, Pascal, Lafayette, Malherbe, and Boileau.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

FREN 312 (AAS 312, MLL 312) Modernity in the Maghreb 4 Credits

Emergence of the modern self through a comparative study of textual as well as visual representations of postcolonial subjects by male and female writers and film makers. Study of the way the sociopolitical context of countries such as Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia informs the constitution of subjectivity within a multicultural and multilingual community. Issues such as patriarchy, nationalism, colonialism, postcolonialism, identity, gender, and Islam in North African literature and film from Franco-Arab traditions.
Attribute/Distribution: HU, W

FREN 313 The Age Of Enlightenment 4 Credits

The Philosophes and Encyclopédistes of the eighteenth century, with emphasis on Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu, and Diderot.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

FREN 316 Nineteenth Century French Literature 4 Credits

Study of major nineteenth century novelists and poets.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

FREN 318 French Drama in the Twentieth Century 3 Credits

Contemporary French drama with an analysis of its origins and movements.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

FREN 320 Contemporary French Fiction 4 Credits

Reading and discussion of contemporary works of fiction (post1980). Study of how these works fit into the context of French literature and relate more specifically to major literary currents of the twentieth century.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

FREN 321 Twentieth-Century French Short Fiction 4 Credits

Examination, within the framework of short fiction, of the major literary currents that have made up twentieth-century literature. Works by Sartre, Camus, Robbe-Grillet, Le Clézio, Echenoz, Sallenave, Toussaint, Diebar, Ben Jelloun, and others.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

FREN 322 (FILM 322) Contemporary French Films 4 Credits

French Films from the late 1950s to the present. Introduction to cinematograhic language and exploration of the issues of gender, power, and madness. Films by Truffaut, J-L Godard, C. Denis, A. Varda, J-J Beineix, E. Rohmer, and others.
Attribute/Distribution: HU, W

FREN 323 (FILM 323) The Algerian War in Francophone Literature and Film 4 Credits

This course deals with representations of the Algerian War and its consequences in francophone works by postcolonial authors and filmmakers from France and Algeria. We will examine the historical context of the conflict, issues of torture, repressed memories and trauma, nation-building narratives, the meaning of independence, the role of women and the complexities of postcolonial identity formation as experienced by Algerians and the Algerian Diaspora in France. Taught in French.
Attribute/Distribution: HU, W

FREN 324 The Outsider In French Fiction 4 Credits

Focus on otherness/difference in French fiction from the eighteenth to the twentieth century. Reading and discussion of short stories and novels by Graffigny, Diderot, Maupassant, Gide, Camus, Duras, Beauvoir, Le Clézio and others.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

FREN 325 (FILM 325) Illegal immigration in Francophone Literature and Film 4 Credits

This course examines representations of illegal immigrants in postcolonial francophone literature and film. We will be looking at visual and textual narratives from and about those who decided to leave their African homeland to seek a better future in Europe despite the very restrictive policies adopted by most of the European Union on illegal immigration. The course will explore issues of postcolonial identity, the notions of borders, displacement, exile, trauma and how they relate to the act of writing.
Attribute/Distribution: HU, W

FREN 327 (WGSS 327) Women Writing In French 4 Credits

Reading and discussion of works written by women in French. The emphasis is on 19thand 20thcentury writers, such as G. Sand, Colette S. de Beauvoir, M. Duras, and Andrée Chédid.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

FREN 369 French Readings 4 Credits

Advanced study of an author, period, or theme. Topics vary. Consent of instructor required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

FREN 370 French Internship 1-8 Credits

Designed to give advanced qualified students the chance to acquire field experience and training with selected firms and governmental agencies in French-speaking countries. Assigned readings, written reports, and employer performance evaluations are required. Consent of instructor required.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, W

FREN 371 French Independent Study 1-8 Credits

Special topics under faculty guidance, including honors thesis. Consent of instructor required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, W

FREN 380 Independent Study 1-4 Credits

Topics related to French and Francophone Studies not covered in regular courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, W

FREN 389 Honors Project 1-6 Credits

FREN 391 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Materials not covered in regular courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, W

FREN 399 (ARAB 399, CHIN 399, GERM 399, HEBR 399, JPNS 399, MLL 399, RUSS 399, SPAN 399) Language & Culture Abroad IV 0-8 Credits

Professional level of French language, literature, or other culture courses taught abroad.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, W

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