2024-25 Catalog

Art (ART)


ART 001 Art and Architecture History: Ancient to Medieval 4 Credits

Survey of art and architecture around the globe, from the world's earliest artistic and architectural production through the 14th century. European, Middle Eastern, African, Asian and Central and South American works are covered. The course also serves as an introduction to the vocabulary, concepts, and methods of art and architectural history.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU

ART 002 Art History: Renaissance to Present 4 Credits

Survey of art and architecture from the Renaissance through the contemporary era. Examining developments in painting, sculpture, and the built environment, as well as the rise of media such as printmaking and photography, the course explores the changing form and status of the visual arts in modern culture and society.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU

ART 003 Two-Dimensional Design 4 Credits

This class will present the fundamentals of two-dimensional design through the use of creative assignments and critical discussion. Using both traditional and digital media, students will gain an understanding of the design process and compositional theory with an introduction to the basic principles and elements of design.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

ART 004 Three-Dimensional Design 4 Credits

An introduction to the basic elements and principles of design. involves use of various materials to solve 3D design problems in studio and computer lab. Problem solving in variety of materials for 3D design including assemblages, models, constructions, and conceptual forms. Required for all majors in department.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

ART 007 (FILM 007) Digital Photography I 4 Credits

Intensive work in photography as fine art using digital input and output. Lectures, demonstratons, critiques.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

ART 011 Drawing I 4 Credits

Concepts and practice of drawing, both traditional and contemporary. Includes drawing from life and an introduction to materials and techniques.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

ART 013 Sculpture I 4 Credits

Projects directed toward developing design in sculpture. Exploration of materials and their application. Emphasis on sculptural form as it relates to techniques.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

ART 015 Figure I 4 Credits

Drawing and modeling in clay from direct observation of the human figure. Fundamental principles of drawing, and two- and three-dimensional design through analysis of the human form. Inclass exercises cover basic scale, proportion, structure, drawing media and techniques, and clay modeling. Emphasis on personal expression, the human figure as vehicle for narrative, abstract or formal drawings or sculpture.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

ART 034 Plein Air Painting I 4 Credits

Through weekly field trips to local sites, this class will provide the foundation for creating artwork in various media while exploring the exciting and unpredictable subject of the landscape. Although materials and techniques for painting in the outdoors will be covered, the primary objective of the course will be the introduction to heightened experience in nature through observation and response. Moderate hiking will be required for some field trips.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

ART 035 Painting I 4 Credits

Painting in oil beginning with color mixing and basic layering techniques. Students learn the basic mechanisms for creative expression. Emphasis on understanding the physical nature of the materials.
Prerequisites: ART 003 or ART 011
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

ART 037 Printmaking I 4 Credits

An introduction to the fundamentals of printmaking. Students will gain an understanding of the technical processes and the visual language of different printmaking techniques. They will also examine historical approaches and context while exploring contemporary modes of expression.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

ART 052 (FILM 052) Introduction to Video Recording and Editing 4 Credits

We will consider the interaction of image, sequence, motion, time and audio with video to create associative,abstract, documentary and narrative videos. Workshops in camera use, editing, concept development, lighting,sound and DVD authoring.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

ART 069 Special Topics in Art History 1-4 Credits

Directed projects for students in the history of art or architecture. Consent of instructor required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HE, HU, W

ART 073 Introductory Studio Practice 1-4 Credits

An introduction to the methods and techniques of studio art. Designed to acquaint the student with general studio practice, covering topics not covered in other specific studio course listings.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

ART 077 The Laws of Light 3 Credits

In this course students will learn the laws of light and how to apply them to situations inside the studio and out. Course starts by exploring the physics of light through in class demonstrations. Then we will use different light sources and modifiers to experiment with a wide range of lighting scenarios. We will also focus on problem solving on set, as it is vital to understand what must be achieved in camera and what can be added in Photoshop.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

ART 107 (FILM 107) Digital Photography II 4 Credits

An opportunity to produce a unified body of work and to explore digital photography on a deeper level with an opportunity to produce a unified body of work and to explore digital photography on a deeper level with an emphasis on conceptually driven images. Experimental process encouraged.
Prerequisites: ART 007 or FILM 007
Attribute/Distribution: HU

ART 111 Drawing II 4 Credits

Projects in creative drawing designed to build on concepts and practices initiated in basic drawing and life drawing.
Prerequisites: ART 011
Attribute/Distribution: HU

ART 113 Sculpture II 4 Credits

Development of principles and techniques in Sculpture I. Modeling, casting, fabrication and carving. Emphasizes an approach to sculptural form and an exploration of the evolution of modern sculpture.
Prerequisites: ART 013
Attribute/Distribution: HU

ART 115 Figure II 4 Credits

Projects in figure modeling and drawing from direct observation of the human figure, designed to build on concepts and practices initiated in Figure I. Students may elect to concentrate in one particular medium, although the primary investigation of form will always incorporate both two and three dimensional work.
Prerequisites: ART 015
Attribute/Distribution: HU

ART 121 (WGSS 121) Women in Art 4 Credits

A history of women artists from Renaissance to present day, with emphasis on artists of the 20th and 21st century from a global perspective. We explore attitudes toward women artists and their work as well as the changing role of women in art world. There may be required visits to museums and/or artists’ studios.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU

ART 124 (AAS 124, GS 124) Arts of the Black World 16th-20th Centuries 4 Credits

This course covers artistic practices originating in Africa that subsequently influenced countless world cultures. The material covers artistic production and theory of arts of the enslaved populations in the AnteBellum South, early African American painting through the Harlem Renaissance, the religious arts of Haiti (Vodou) and Cuba (Santería), and contemporary production from Black Brazilian, American and European artists. Students should be prepared to attend Museums/galleries during the semester.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

ART 125 (AAS 125, GS 125) Art and Architecture of Africa from Colonial to Contemporary Times 4 Credits

This course is structured around case studies of art and architecture from early traditions up through the present. The focus is on cultural production, religious art and architecture (local as well as Christian and Muslim traditions), craftsmanship, style, materials, trade, and international exhibition of art objects in Museums. The literature draws from art historical, anthropological, and historical analyses as well as museum studies. Students should be prepared to attend Museums/galleries during the semester.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

ART 126 (ARCH 126, THTR 126) History of Interior Design and Decor 4 Credits

Survey of architectural interiors and décor examining public and domestic spaces and their contents in terms of period and style. Exploration of major art and design movements through the lens of interior spaces and objects within the context of culture and society.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU

ART 127 History of Photography 4 Credits

An overview of the history of photography and its theoretical debates since the inception of the medium in the early 19th century through the present. Combining lectures, on-site analysis of works from the Lehigh University Art Galleries, guest speakers, and exhibition visits, students will explore themes including the function of photographs in different historical and cultural contexts; photography’s relation to fiction, truth, ethics, and aesthetics; and the role of materials, techniques, and reproduction in the creation of meaning.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU

ART 131 (MUS 131) Music and the Creative Arts 3 Credits

This course examines collaborations, convergences and cross-influences between musicians, visual artists and other creatives in late 19th-early 20th century Europe and America. Students explore ways artists responded as individuals and collaborators, gain perspective on aesthetic movements including romanticism, realism, impressionism, symbolism, expressionism, futurism, dada, surrealism, and how these movements shaped the development of modernist culture. Students work with materials in the Music Department and LU Art Galleries teaching collection, studying the connections between music and visual works.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, W

ART 134 Plein Air Painting II 4 Credits

A sustained exploration of advanced plein air painting practices focusing on various media and approaches.
Prerequisites: ART 034
Attribute/Distribution: HU

ART 135 Painting II 4 Credits

A sustained exploration of paint media. Students concentrate on developing a body of related images using various media and approaches.
Prerequisites: ART 035
Attribute/Distribution: HU

ART 137 Printmaking II 4 Credits

Building on skills and concepts developed in Printmaking I. Individual projects in intaglio and relief and silkscreen with an emphasis on concept and refinement of image. Students concentrate on developing a body of related images using various media and approaches, furthering their research into historical approaches and context while exploring contemporary modes of expression.
Prerequisites: ART 037
Attribute/Distribution: HU

ART 169 Special Topics in Art History 1-4 Credits

Directed projects for students in the history of art or architecture. Consent of instructor required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HE, HU, W

ART 173 Special Topics in Studio Practice 1-4 Credits

Directed projects in art. Permission of instructor required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HE, HU, W

ART 175 Introduction to Museums and Museum Professions 4 Credits

Museums preserve and interpret cultural and natural heritage for the benefit of the public, but are also complex networks of professionals whose common goal is to create knowledge, share information, and connect with their communities. Students will gain an understanding of museum origins and histories, followed by an introduction to the wide range of museum professions such as curatorial, education, collections management, conservation, exhibition design, and administration. Recommended (but not required) as the introductory course for the Museum Studies minor.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU

ART 176 (ANTH 176, ARCH 176, CLSS 176) Roman Archaeology 4 Credits

Cultures of the Roman Empire. Reconstructions of social, political, and economic dynamics of the imperial system from study of artifacts.
Attribute/Distribution: SS

ART 183 (GS 183, HIST 183) France from Medieval to Modern:Soc., Pol. & Art 3 Credits

France's artistic, cultural, social, artistic and political development from early kingship and dominance of the Church in the Middle Ages to the grandeur of Versailles in the Age of Absolutism; radical transformations of culture and society during the French Revolution and advent of the Modern Nation-State; to twentieth century developments including the two World Wars, imperialism and impact of post-war globalization. Offered in summer only through Lehigh Study Abroad Office as part of Lehigh in Paris program.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU

ART 213 Advanced Sculpture Workshop 4 Credits

An advanced studio emphasizing sculpture within a contemporary context. Through the exploration of various concepts, material processes and rigorous critique, the student works toward developing their own unique vision and practice.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Prerequisites: ART 013 and (DES 004 or ART 004)
Attribute/Distribution: HU

ART 215 Advanced Figure Workshop 4 Credits

Further exploration of the human figure as the subject of art. More advanced students may elect to concentrate in either two or three dimensional representations in any media. The emphasis will be on personal interpretation and independent work with the instructor.
Prerequisites: ART 115
Attribute/Distribution: HU

ART 217 Advanced Studio Workshop 4 Credits

Studio Workshop is available to any student who has completed a second level discipline specific art studio such as Drawing II, Figure II, Painting II, Plein Air II, Digital Photography II, Printmaking II or Sculpture II and is designed for intermediate to advanced work in a specified medium. Course may be repeated.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Prerequisites: ART 111 or ART 107 or ART 113 or ART 115 or ART 135 or ART 152 or ART 134 or ART 137
Attribute/Distribution: HU

ART 220 Modern Art of the 20th Century 4 Credits

What was modern art, and how do we make sense of it? Modern artists revolutionized the art world of the 20th century, exploding its boundaries and conventions in ways that still challenge us today. This course explores modern art’s origins and development. It offers a closer look at the leading artists, works, and debates of the period, and an introduction to the methods we use to understand and interpret them. Includes museum visits.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU, W

ART 221 (GS 221) Global Contemporary Art 4 Credits

Examines art and theory since World War II through the present in the global context. Topics include the development of abstract expressionism; conceptual art and the aesthetics of 1960s-era social movements; the politics of multiculturalism; the shift from contemporary to global in the 1990s; the rise of art biennials and the role of curators; post-Marxist and decolonial approaches to the arts; critical discourses on globalization; and issues of memory, trauma, migration, diaspora, and the environment. Includes museum and gallery visits.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, W

ART 222 Seminar in Art History 4 Credits

In this seminar students undertake sustained and focused study of select themes and topics from the history of art. Particular attention is devoted to learning the methods, theories, and research practices that art historians use to interpret and understand art. Seminar topics change annually.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Prerequisites: ART 002 or ART 001
Attribute/Distribution: HU

ART 223 Writing Your Way Into the Arts 3 Credits

A seminar course designed to build proficiency in the writing of personal statements, application materials, and portfolio narratives for students who are considering careers, internships, and graduate studies in the visual, performing, and creative arts or related fields. Specifically useful for juniors and seniors preparing for future opportunities after graduation. Writing intensive.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU, W

ART 227 (LAS 227) Latin American Art 4 Credits

Presents an overview of the origins and development of Latin American art since the independence period in the 19th century through the present. Understanding "Latin" American as a cultural construct that extends from Mexico to Tierra del Fuego and includes the Caribbean and Latinx cultures of the United States, the course examines key art movements and discourses across the region through the lens of historical and political events. Includes museum and gallery visits.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, W

ART 234 Advanced Plein Air Painting Workshop 4 Credits

An advanced studio emphasizing the development of a collective body of work as the student works toward developing their own unique vision and practice.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Prerequisites: ART 134
Attribute/Distribution: HU

ART 247 (FILM 247) Advanced Photography Workshop 4 Credits

Building on skills and concepts developed in Photography I and II, students will further their exploration of lens-based media and photo-based materials and processes, and the development of visual language in a structured environment. Through rigorous critique students develop their own voice, style and practice, building advanced digital and print bodies of work for professional review. Prerequisite: ART 107.
Prerequisites: ART 107 or FILM 107
Attribute/Distribution: HU

ART 269 Special Topics in Art History 1-4 Credits

ART 269. Special Topics in Art History (1-4) Directed projects for advanced students in the history of art or architecture. Consent of instructor required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: HU, W

ART 273 Special Topics in Studio Practice 1-4 Credits

Individually directed projects for advanced students capable of undertaking independent creative work in studio art. Consent of instructor required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: HU, W

ART 275 Museum Collections and Exhibitions 4 Credits

Museums often consider their collections as “core” to their work, and even their reason for existence. But how do museums move beyond simply being “object warehouses” and activate their collections to create public value? This course analyzes how museums care for, manage, and present their collections to the public through a range of formats, including exhibitions. Students will engage in hands-on learning and will contribute to a project at the Lehigh University Art Galleries (LUAG).
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU

ART 276 Museum Education and Interpretation 4 Credits

Museum collections can remain remarkably silent unless they are activated by skilled professionals charged with facilitating connections between objects and people. In this course, students investigate the critical role of museum educators, from gallery teaching to program development. Students will also explore other interpretive areas of museum work, from exhibition texts and labels to digital media and audio guides. Student will have the opportunity to teach with objects for the public at the Lehigh University Art Galleries (LUAG).
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU

ART 300 Apprentice Teaching 1-4 Credits

Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

ART 317 Departmental Capstone 4 Credits

Departmental Capstone is offered to seniors and qualified juniors and is taught collectively by the departmental faculty. Students focus on understanding and articulating their own interests and vision through research, written work, creation of new works of art, and critique. Instructor permission required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: HU, W

ART 350 Special Topics in Graphic Design and Theory Seminar 1-4 Credits

Current topics in graphic communication theory and practice. will cover preparation, production, and formulation of individual portfolio. Selected readings and discussions in professional ethics as well as legal issues in the field will be covered.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Prerequisites: ART 253 or DES 253
Attribute/Distribution: ND

ART 356 Advanced Seminar in Art History 4 Credits

In this upper level seminar, students undertake advanced study of select themes and topics from the history of art. Special emphasis is accorded to the practical application of art historical methods, theories, and research practices. Students pursue advanced research projects related to the seminar topic, which changes annually.
Prerequisites: ART 001 and ART 002 and ART 220
Attribute/Distribution: HU

ART 370 Special Topics in Museum Studies 1-4 Credits

Special topics related to museum studies. Directed projects in museum and exhibition related fields. Consent of instructor required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, W

ART 373 Studio Art Internship 1-4 Credits

Practical infield experience in an artist's studio or art-related apprenticeship opportunity. Requires approval a semester in advance by instructor and host organization.
Attribute/Distribution: ND

ART 375 Museum Internship 1-4 Credits

Internship under professional supervision in all areas of museums and/or related organizations, regionally, nationally or abroad in well established or accredited institutions. Students must initiate contact/application. A contractual agreement or letter of acceptance is required. Consent of department required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: ND

ART 389 Honors Project 1-8 Credits

Opportunity for undergraduate majors in Art to pursue a project for departmental honors. Department permission required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: W

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