2024-25 Catalog

Russian (RUSS)


RUSS 001 Elementary Russian I 0,4 Credits

Classroom and laboratory, audio, and video introduction to the fundamentals of conversational and grammatical patterns; practice in pronunciation, simple conversation, reading, and writing.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

RUSS 002 Elementary Russian II 4 Credits

Continuation of RUSS 001.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

RUSS 011 Intermediate Russian I 4 Credits

Classroom and laboratory practice in conversation. Development of reading and writing skills.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

RUSS 012 Intermediate Russian II 4 Credits

Continuation of RUSS 011.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

RUSS 091 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Materials not covered in regular courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, CC, HE, HU, W

RUSS 092 Survival Russian 1 Credit

This one-credit course introduces students to the basics of the Russian language as a means of intercultural communication. The class combines asynchronous instruction with individually scheduled, hybrid practice sessions. Learn to decipher Cyrillic, manage cross-cultural work situations, be the "perfect" guest, and prepare to learn more in-country. Recommended for Global Impact Fellows in Kazakhstan. HU.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

RUSS 099 (ARAB 099, ASIA 099, CHIN 099, FREN 099, GERM 099, HEBR 099, JPNS 099, MLL 099, SPAN 099) Language & Culture Abroad I 0-8 Credits

Beginning level of Russian language, literature, or culture courses taught abroad.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, CC, HE, HU, W

RUSS 141 Russian Conversation and Composition I 4 Credits

Intensive practice in oral and written Russian and oral comprehension. Readings and discussions on Russian literature and culture.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU, W

RUSS 142 Russian Conversation and Composition II 4 Credits

Continuation of RUSS 141.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU, W

RUSS 180 Independent Study 1-4 Credits

Topics related to Russia or Russian language not covered in regular courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, W

RUSS 191 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Materials not covered in regular courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, CC, HE, HU, W

RUSS 199 (ARAB 199, ASIA 199, CHIN 199, FREN 199, GERM 199, HEBR 199, JPNS 199, MLL 199, SPAN 199) Language & Culture Abroad II 0-8 Credits

Intermediate level of Russian language, literature, or culture courses taught abroad.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, CC, HE, HU, W

RUSS 215 Russian Classics: Russian Literature with Variable Topic and Credit 1-4 Credits

Special topics in Russian Classic Literature.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: HU, W

RUSS 280 Independent Study 1-4 Credits

Topics related to Russia or Russian language not covered in regular courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, W

RUSS 291 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Materials not covered in regular courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, W

RUSS 299 (ARAB 299, ASIA 299, CHIN 299, FREN 299, GERM 299, HEBR 299, MLL 299, SPAN 299) Language & Culture Abroad III 0-8 Credits

Advanced level of Russian language, literature, or culture courses taught abroad.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, W

RUSS 300 Apprentice Teaching 1-4 Credits

RUSS 370 Russian Internship 1-6 Credits

Designed to give advanced qualified students the chance to acquire field experience and training with selected firms and governmental agencies in Russian-speaking countries. Assigned readings, written reports, and employer performance evaluations are required. Consent of faculty committee required.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, W

RUSS 380 Independent Study 1-4 Credits

Topics related to Russia or Russian language not covered in regular courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, W

RUSS 389 Honors Project 1-8 Credits

An opportunity for students to undertake an honors project with consent of instructor.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, W

RUSS 391 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Materials not covered in regular courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, W

RUSS 399 (ARAB 399, CHIN 399, FREN 399, GERM 399, HEBR 399, JPNS 399, MLL 399, SPAN 399) Language & Culture Abroad IV 0-8 Credits

Professional level of Russian language, literature, or culture courses taught abroad.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, W

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