2024-25 Catalog

Marketing (MKT)


MKT 111 Principles of Marketing 3 Credits

The purpose of this course is to give an overview of the entire marketing function. The objective is to take a broad-based approach to expose students to the meaning of marketing, the terminology of marketing, the activities involved in marketing, how managers make and implement decisions in marketing, and how they evaluate the results. The role of marketing in the broader society will also be discussed. At the end of this course, students will be able to understand the meaning of the marketing concept, various marketing terminologies, how firms develop and evaluate marketing strategies related to product, place, price, and promotions, how marketing strategies are related to other strategies of the firm, and what internal and external factors influence the marketing decisions. The outcome of the course will be assessed by a series of multiple choice and short essay questions, and other suitable assignments decided by the instructor.
Prerequisites: ECO 001

MKT 300 Apprentice Teaching 1-3 Credits

Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

MKT 311 Consumer Behavior 3 Credits

This course focuses on the theory and tools necessary to analyze and understand consumer buyers and business buyers, as well as other organizational and governmental buyers, in the context of the global information age. The topics covered include, but are not limited to: market segmentation and product positioning; the multiattribute model and the theory of reasoned action; group and individual decision making processes of buyers; and buyer conditioning, perceptual, and learning processes.
Prerequisites: MKT 111

MKT 312 Marketing Research 3 Credits

The objective of this course is to offer a managerial approach toward conducting and using research for marketing decisions. The focus will be on the relevance and usefulness of systematic research for decision making, the process and steps involved in conducting effective marketing research, analysis and interpretation of the information for decision making, and the presentation of research results to help managers arrive at sound marketing decisions.
Prerequisites: ECO 045 and MKT 111

MKT 313 Advertising & Sales Promotion Strategy 3 Credits

The basic principles of advertising are covered in this course through the mechanism of an advertising campaign. Emphasis is on the advertising and promotions planning framework including but not limited to: targeting of advertising, types of media, types of promotions, media planning and buying, creative planning, and the basic creative formats appropriate for each medium. As part of a specific advertising campaign, the student must estimate the campaign's budget and evaluate the campaign's overall performance following its conclusion.
Prerequisites: MKT 111

MKT 314 Digital and Social Media 3 Credits

The focus of this course will be on understanding social and digital media, how to build social/digital media marketing strategies, and how to track their effectiveness. The key course objectives include: (1) evaluate what companies have done or are currently doing and learn what makes some marketing communications strategies succeed but others fail; (2) stay abreast of recent and current trends and innovations in social and digital media; and (3) learn about how customers interact socially.
Prerequisites: MKT 111

MKT 319 (ENTP 319) Innovation and Marketing of New Products 3 Credits

This course adopts the marketing philosophy that new products and services will be profitable if the extended product provides customers with highly valued benefits. The goal is to help students learn how to use state-of-the-art management techniques to identify markets, develop new product ideas, measure customer benefits, and design profitable new products. The course provides techniques to interface the marketing function with the functions of R&D, design engineering, and manufacturing.
Prerequisites: MKT 111

MKT 320 Global Marketing 3 Credits

Understanding the process of globalization and its impact on the firm’s marketing activities. Whether an organization operates in the domestic market or in the global market place, it cannot ignore competitive pressures and market opportunities at the global level. This course will focus on topics such as the changes in global environment and their impact on marketing activities, development of global marketing strategies based on sound marketing research, and the role of technology in global marketing strategies.
Prerequisites: MKT 111

MKT 325 (ECO 325) Consumer Insights through Data Analysis 3 Credits

Explores marketing analytic approaches aimed at improving the understanding of customers and customers' perceptions, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of marketing decision-making and implementation. Foundational data analysis techniques are examined in such areas as advertising, customer acquisition and retention (customer relationship management), segmentation, customer loyalty, lifetime-value analysis of the customer, pricing, sales force management, sales promotions, and new products. The development, implementation, and utilization of quantitative models on customer data are emphasized. Prerequisites as noted below.
Prerequisites: MKT 111 and ECO 146

MKT 326 Marketing Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Space 3 Credits

Data analytics and artificial intelligence (A.I.) have become an essential toolkit for marketers. This course introduces the fundamental concepts and computational techniques for analyzing marketing data. Topics include structured/unstructured data, visualization, social media listening, SEO/SEM, and machine learning (M.L.). Students explore the impact of A.I. on various aspects of consumers' lives and companies' marketing actions. Through discussions, presentations, and hands-on exercises and projects, students will gain a solid understanding of analytics and A.I.- and M.L.-facilitated marketing in the digital space.
Prerequisites: MKT 111
Attribute/Distribution: ND

MKT 327 Retail Marketing 3 Credits

This course provides an overview of the retailing industry. Primary focus will be on the customer-facing activities of retailers, such as assortment planning, private-label development and the management of in-store operations, and the back-door activities that support customer interaction. In addition, current issues facing retailers, such as customer relationship management, industry consolidation and supplier relations, will be examined.
Prerequisites: MKT 111

MKT 330 Professional Selling 3 Credits

The course provides students with basic preparation for business-to-business personal selling and careers in sales. The course utilizes role-playing, experiential exercises, lectures and projects designed to teach the latest strategies and tactics in lead generation and prospecting, qualifying leads for high potentials, seeding, cold-calling, making formal sales presentations, handling objections, negotiating for final proposal, closing techniques and service after the sale.
Prerequisites: MKT 111

MKT 332 Sales Management 3 Credits

This course is an integrative approach to sales management including formulation of strategically sound sales programs, implementation of sales programs, and evaluation and control of the organization’s sales activities. Illustrative topics include the role of the sales manager in the divergent demands of multiple constituencies; the development of effective sales organizations; salesperson’s motivations and the development of flexible motivational plans; the variety of financial and non-financial rewards used by sales managers; forecasting sales costs and evaluating performance by person, territory, customer, market, and industry; and coordination of the sales activities with other elements in a firm’s marketing program.
Prerequisites: MKT 211 or MKT 111

MKT 347 Strategic Brand Management 3 Credits

In this class you will be introduced to concepts pertaining to brand development and its relationship with technology, design, emotions and the financial performance of firms. Our goal is to help you learn how to use state-of-the-art branding techniques. Our focus is brand equity and its contributions to shareholder wealth. The course will be relevant to students who expect to work directly in brand or product management.
Prerequisites: MKT 111

MKT 360 Marketing Practicum 3 Credits

The marketing practicum combines formal class work on marketing problem formulation and business communications with an intensive internship or consulting engagement with a business. Students work with client firms to develop individual or team projects, which focus on marketing activities such as market research, strategy development, sales management, and promotion management. Upon completion of the project, students submit a written report and make a formal presentation to clients. This course cannot be used to satisfy marketing major requirements. Summer only.
Prerequisites: MKT 111 and MKT 312 and MKT 311

MKT 366 (ENTP 366) Services Marketing and Innovation 3 Credits

While manufacturing giants all consider themselves service-related companies, services are moving to the forefront of industry value proposition offerings. This course focuses on issues related to service design and marketing on a broad basis, and its implication to retailing in particular. The course enables students to gain an understanding of the special challenges evident in marketing services and to acquire a unique set of knowledge and skills beyond the traditional strategies designed for product goods. Illustrative topics include fundamental differences.
Prerequisites: MKT 111

MKT 371 Directed Readings 1-3 Credits

Readings in various fields of marketing designed for the student who has a special interest in some field of marketing not covered in regularly scheduled courses. Consent of department chair required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

MKT 372 Special Topics 1-3 Credits

Special problems and issues in marketing for which no regularly scheduled course work exists. When offered as group study or internship, coverage will vary according to the interests of the instructor and students. Consent of department chair required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

MKT 373 Marketing Internship 1 Credit

Based on a student’s work experience, a sponsoring faculty member shall direct readings, projects, and other assignments–including a “capstone report.” It should be noted that the work experience (at least 80 hours), by itself, is not the basis for academic credit. The faculty directed activity must be provided concurrent with the work. Course registration and related arrangements must be made in advance of the work engagement. This course must be taken Pass/Fail and cannot be used to satisfy marketing major requirements. Must have junior standing. Consent of department chair required. Declaration of a marketing major.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Prerequisites: MKT 111

MKT 387 Marketing Strategy 3 Credits

The objective of this capstone course is to synthesize the marketing principles introduced in other marketing courses and thus provide students an integrative framework to marketing decision-making. Our review indicates that this integrative closure for the marketing coursework is a common practice at some of the better business schools. It will focus on how marketing strategy supports the overall corporate strategy. The course will emphasize that Marketing does not operate in vacuum. What is done in other functional areas will impact marketing strategy profoundly, and vice versa. The will address traditional strategic issues such as identification of organizational strengths, weaknesses and environmental opportunities in the context of developing marketing strategies, but will also emphasize the importance of embracing a customer centric orientation throughout the organization. Incorporating a customer centric orientation is an essential component of marketing strategy today as it captures the dynamic and evolving nature of marketing. Every company employee is important to the marketing function, every employee contact with a customer is a form of marketing communication, the increasing number of customer- initiated contacts with the firm are as important as firm-initiated contacts, and customer relationships now take precedence over sales transactions. Specific emphasis will be placed on applying theoretical principles in realistic scenarios by means of case studies of how marketing strategy is impacted by the overall corporate strategy and other functional strategies. Student performance will be evaluated by his/her ability to prepare and present case analyses. Senior Standing.
Prerequisites: MKT 311 and MKT 312

MKT 389 Honors Project 1-6 Credits

MKT 415 Marketing Foundations 3 Credits

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive analytical framework to develop, implement and evaluate competitive marketing strategies that achieve organizational goals and objectives. It explores the functional marketing operations of organizations and examines the key elements of a marketing manager’s decision making process. Examples of learning modules include: customer and market analysis, segmentation, targeting and positioning, marketing mix decisions (product, price, placement and promotion).

MKT 425 Contemporary Topics in Marketing 2 Credits

The objective of this course is to build on the principles learned in Marketing Foundations and study a series of contemporary topics relevant for the marketing function in organizations. The focus is on key factors that are driving changes in the marketplace and the implications to the organization when devising strategies. Students will obtain an understanding of how to identify emerging trends, explore the underlying antecedents and consequences of these trends, and learn how organizations can proactively manage these trends.
Prerequisites: MKT 415

MKT 437 Customer Insights and Marketing Strategy for Managers 3 Credits

This course presents principles, tools, and techniques to understand customers and the marketplace that enable marketers to create, communicate, and deliver superior value to all stakeholders. Select topics include segmenting and targeting prospective customers, assessing competitors, positioning offerings, managing customer relationships, and creating lifetime value. Building on the fundamentals, more advanced conceptual frameworks, analytical tools, and contemporary perspectives for managerial decision-making will be applied to effectively develop and manage new and existing customer offerings in the increasingly data-rich environment.
Prerequisites: MGT 431
Can be taken Concurrently: MGT 431

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