2024-25 Catalog

Management (MGT)


MGT 043 Organizational Behavior 3 Credits

Managers are needed to make organizations run effectively. Management is the art and science of helping individuals achieve goals together, often in organizations. This course provides a broad overview of the principles of effective, ethical management at the individual, interpersonal, and group levels of analysis. Emphasis is on conceptual and applied organizational behavior topics such as: individual differences; decision making; perception and judgment; motivation; leadership; delivering effective feedback and performance appraisal; managing diversity; power, politics and influence; and organizational culture.

MGT 201 (ENTP 201) Entrepreneurship & Enterprise 3 Credits

This course provides an overview of the skills and steps needed to successfully launch new ventures. We will examine the entrepreneurial mindset and emphasize topics such as opportunity scanning, identification, and evaluation, informal networking, resource acquisition, business models, financing and debt, new venture strategies, developing a leadership team and a creative culture, managing change, ethics, franchising, and exit strategies. The course serves as a foundation for students who might own a business some day and/or work in a startup.
Prerequisites: ENTP 101 or MGT 043 or MGT 143

MGT 233 Managing the Health Care Workforce 3 Credits

Application of human resource management to the health care setting, with a focus on how the unique institutional aspects of the health care industry affect the recruitment, retention, and management of employees. Topics include, for example, managing conflict, burnout associated with long and unpredictable work hours, and coping with repeated exposure to trauma and stress.
Prerequisites: MGT 043

MGT 243 Leadership in Organizations 3 Credits

This course provides a deep dive into how to lead people, teams and organizations. Beyond intelligence and technical skills, what separates effective from less effective leaders is an understanding of the human side of business. This course offers an in-depth examination of leadership, and focuses on providing students with knowledge and abilities, increasing self-awareness, social-awareness, and organizational-awareness, thus facilitating their capacity for effective leadership. Students will learn to lead from within, and build and lead high impact and innovative teams.
Prerequisites: MGT 043

MGT 300 Apprentice Teaching 1-3 Credits

MGT 301 Strategic Management in a Global Environment 3 Credits

The capstone business class, integrating concepts and practices from core business classes, utilizing an organization-wide, strategic perspective and examining the relationship among firm strategy, structure and environment. Course emphasizes strategic analysis, strategy formulation, and strategy implementation to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and business ethics are incorporated into the strategic perspective. Case analyses and competitive simulation game are central learning components. Senior standing in the College of Business and completion of college core.
Prerequisites: (MKT 111) and (ECO 146 or ECO 119) and (LAW 201) and (FIN 125) and (MGT 186 or SCM 186) and MGT 043 and (MGT 143 or MGT 243 or CSB 312) and (BIS 111 or CSB 311) and ACCT 152 and (BUS 001 or BUS 002) and BUS 003 and BUS 203 and (BIS 244 or BUAN 244 or CSB 311)

MGT 302 (ENTP 302) Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation 3 Credits

This course explores the role of innovation in enterprise growth. Through assigned readings, cases, and group projects we explore the organizational and individual challenges associated with pursuing innovation as a driver of firm growth. The course also explores the tension between tradition and innovation as applicable to large family businesses including some of the most enduring ones (e.g., Ford, Dell, Walmart, BMW). The course uses a live case where students work with a real enterprise to develop a growth solution.
Prerequisites: ENTP 101 or MGT 043 or MGT 143

MGT 306 (ENTP 306) Decision Making and Problem Solving in Business 3 Credits

The course will provide the foundational hard and soft-skills consulting firms employ to identify and diagnose business problems, generate data, formulate innovative solutions, and effectively communicate recommendations. The course will blend lecture with experiential learning.

MGT 311 (ENTP 311) The Garage: Launching Entrepreneurial Ventures I 3 Credits

Students work in cross-disciplinary teams with faculty advisors and alumni mentors on marketing, financial planning, and economic and technical feasibility of entrepreneurial product- or service-based new ventures, commercial or non-profit. Students may elect to work either on their own entrepreneurial projects, on projects related to Lehigh University intellectual property, or on ideas brought in by outside entrepreneurs. Oral presentations, written new venture plans and discussions with guest speakers are integral parts of the course. Consent of minor director.
Prerequisites: ENTP 101 or MGT 043 or MGT 143

MGT 312 (ENTP 312) The Garage: Launching Entrepreneurial Ventures II 3 Credits

Continuation of ENTP 311. Investigates and pursues in detail the critical steps and activities necessary when entrepreneurs seriously pursue launching new ventures.
Prerequisites: ENTP 311

MGT 314 Business Consulting Practicum 3 Credits

Students will build upon the skills acquired in MGT 306 and, working in student teams, will engage client organizations to diagnose and develop innovative solutions to address client needs.
Prerequisites: MGT 306
Attribute/Distribution: ND

MGT 328 (SCM 328) Negotiations and Conflict Management 3 Credits

This course covers the theory and processes of negotiation in a variety of settings including facetoface, virtual and crosscultural business environments. Students will learn negotiating skills by preparing and simulating a broad mixture of negotiations, ranging from oneonone, to threeperson, to multiparty and team negotiations. They will learn to analyze outcomes and strategies during the debriefing sessions and will have an opportunity to compare results of their negotiations to the results of other people in class.

MGT 333 Human Resource Management 3 Credits

Analysis and resolution of personnel problems in organizations. Human resource planning, recruitment, selection, orientation, training, appraisal, compensation, and development.
Prerequisites: MGT 043 or MGT 143

MGT 342 Managing in the International Organization 3 Credits

This course introduces students to the challenges of managing and leading organizations whose operations and activities span national boundaries. Particular attention will be given to the critical human resource issues confronting managers in the global marketplace. Topics discussed include: contemporary and emerging international organizational structures; fostering a global mindset; managing across cultures; developing global leaders; reward systems; performance management; and managing global careers. Junior standing is required.

MGT 346 (GS 346) International Business 3 Credits

This class provides an overview of international business, including the decisions, issues, and challenges faced by multinational enterprises and the environment in which they operate. This class will discuss why trade exists between nations and examine patterns in foreign direct investment. We will explore political, economic, cultural, and other differences between countries that are salient to international business. We will understand why businesses decide to create overseas subsidiaries, and the various choices available to them as they operate globally.

MGT 350 (BIS 350) Project Management 3 Credits

Key processes and tenets of project management including scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communications, risk, procurement, and integration management. Both technical and behavioral aspects of project management are applied within the context of either IS management, HR management, Supply Chain Process Management, Small Business Management. Topics include: expectations management, change management and consulting engagement management. Introduces both software project monitoring tools and project team collaboration techniques and tools. Must have completion of all other courses in either BIS or Management major.
Prerequisites: (MGT 321 and MGT 333) or (MGT 321 and MGT 311 and MGT 306) or (MGT 321 and BIS 311 and BIS 324) or (MGT 321 and (SCM 328 or SCM 340 or SCM 342 or SCM 309 or SCM 354), )

MGT 363 Managing Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace 3 Credits

This 3-credit course focuses on the complex dynamics that emerge in diverse groups and environments, explains how diversity and inclusion affect individual and organizational performance, relates diversity and inclusion to career development and success and to the management of human resources. This course also aims to develop skills and competencies for effectively managing diversity and its effects in the workplace. Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace will be taught with a combination of lectures, self-assessments, class discussions, group exercises, self-reflections.

MGT 371 Directed Readings 1-3 Credits

Readings in various fields of management designed for the student who has a special interest in some field of management not covered by the regularly scheduled courses. Consent of department chair required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

MGT 372 Special Topics 1-3 Credits

Special problems and issues in management for which no regularly scheduled course work exists. Consent of department chair required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

MGT 373 Management Internship 1-3 Credits

A sponsoring faculty member shall direct readings, projects, and other assignments including a comprehensive final report in conjunction with an industrysponsored internship. The work experience itself, whether paid or unpaid, is not the basis for academic credit. Intellectual development in the context of a field study learning experience will be the determining factor in awarding academic credit. This course cannot be used to satisfy requirements of the Management major. Consent of department chair required. Must have junior standing.

MGT 374 Societal Shifts 3 Credits

This course is designed to enable students to look at major societal-level forces and understand how they will impact society, and business, over the coming decades and what managers, can do to prepare the organization to thrive amidst the disruptive change that these forces will bring. This sequence will provide students with critical thinking skills to evaluate the current environment, predict how that environment is likely to shift in fundamental ways in the future, and help build adaptive resilient organizations.

MGT 379 Bias in Individuals & Organizations 3 Credits

Biased decision-making can threaten the ability for organizations to innovate, succeed, and lead in modern, multicultural societies. This course provides the tools to understand how bias can shape decision-making in individuals and organizations, and to critically evaluate strategies designed to reduce its pernicious impact. This course will equip students with a scientific understanding of how modern forms of bias operate in human relations and how to confront biases in individuals and organizations.

MGT 381 Implementing & Evaluating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs 3 Credits

This course focuses on the design, implementation, and evaluation of anti-bias interventions and other initiatives to create, maintain, and lead diverse, equitable, and inclusive (DEI) organizations. Students will learn and apply cutting edge scientific methods that are critical for evaluating the effectiveness of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion initiatives and anti-bias interventions. This course culminates in an independent research project in which students will propose, develop, and evaluate the effectiveness of an anti-bias or pro-diversity intervention in an organizational setting.
Prerequisites: MGT 379

MGT 390 Global Business Immersion 0-3 Credits

Participants have the opportunity to travel overseas and learn about business in a global setting. While abroad, students will interact with business owners, executives, government officials, and other key business stakeholders. The goal is to integrate global academic concepts learned in the classroom with the realities and functioning of business overseas. Eligibility restricted to students enrolled with the College of Business and related programs. Students are invited to participate by program leader(s) through application and interview process.

MGT 416 Managing Talent 3 Credits

The course is fundamentally about understanding and improving the behavior and performance of individuals in the workplace. As such, we will draw upon key theories in organizational behavior to address human resource issues arising from the employment relationship. Topics will address key areas in the talent pipeline from sourcing and selection, training and development, motivation and performance management, to talent management metrics and analytics.

MGT 431 Leadership in Contemporary Organizations 1.5 Credit

Leadership skill development for increasingly complex environments. This course covers concepts that will enable students to navigate their mutual interdependence in modern, complex, organizations. It focuses on personal leadership concepts (e.g., growth mindset; emotional intelligence), as well as relational leadership concepts (e.g., listening; giving and receiving feedback; coaching; how to have difficult conversations) and/or team leadership concepts.

MGT 436 Managing People 3 Credits

This course examines how effective organizations are created, maintained, and improved. The course will focus on how good people are attracted to an organization and how to make them productive. Topics include: organizational design, job design, staffing, training and development, performance, teams, influence, diversity, change, ethical decision-making, and current people issues facing today's organizations.
Prerequisites: MGT 431
Can be taken Concurrently: MGT 431

MGT 438 Strategy for Competitive Advantage 3 Credits

The focus of this course is on how the organization creates and maintains competitive advantage in a rapidly shifting, complex environment. This course will give you the critical thinking skills to evaluate the current environment, predict how that environment is likely to shift in fundamental ways in the future, and build a resilient, adaptive strategy for your organization.
Prerequisites: MGT 431
Can be taken Concurrently: MGT 431

MGT 439 Applied Capstone Experience (ACE) 1.5 Credit

The Applied Capstone Experience, or ACE, challenges students to grapple with a complex issue facing their organization. It builds on the functional topics and projects from other core courses, such that the ACE integrates different functional lenses in addressing a complex problem or opportunity that is critical to the organization. Students identify this substantive challenge facing the organization, work to understand its interconnectedness with the other operations of the organization, and seek to provide implementable strategic and operational solutions.
Prerequisites: ACCT 432 and FIN 433 and BIS 434 and SCM 435 and MGT 436 and MKT 437 and MGT 438
Can be taken Concurrently: ACCT 432, FIN 433, BIS 434, SCM 435, MGT 436, MKT 437, MGT 438

MGT 461 Strategic Management 1 Credit

Strategic Management covers overall organizational issues in determination, analysis, execution, and control within a global environment. This capstone course integrates theories and concepts from production, marketing, finance, and accounting and provides an opportunity to simulate the function of top level management as it relates to the total business environment through a team-based business simulation. Through readings, written assignments, presentations, in-depth group discussions, and a team-based simulation competition, students will broaden their understanding and practice the art of strategic decision making.

MGT 462 Experiential Learning Capstone 3 Credits

The Experiential Learning Capstone in the M2 curriculum immerses students in the study of how historical, iconic companies, under the guise of strategic management principles, created disruptive/game-changing industry innovation. Built on the foundational courses in the M2 curriculum, the capstone integrates classroom lectures with a combination of company visits and externship projects. Students apply their foundational learning in the study of how birth was given to a select set of companies.

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