2024-25 Catalog

Journalism (JOUR)


JOUR 001 Brown and White 1 Credit

This course is a student's first semester on the staff of the semiweekly undergraduate newspaper. Students register for this course, attend a meeting on the first Wednesday of the semester, and are placed on the staff. Because this is an introductory training class, JOUR 001 is for students with freshman or sophomore standing; juniors only with consent of department chair.
Attribute/Distribution: ND

JOUR 002 Brown and White 1 Credit

Enrollment constitutes continued membership on the staff of the semiweekly undergraduate newspaper. These courses are taken consecutively after a student has completed JOUR 001. For a second semester on the newspaper, a student registers for JOUR 002. For a third semester, JOUR 003. For a fourth semester, JOUR 004. And so on.
Prerequisites: JOUR 001
Attribute/Distribution: ND

JOUR 003 Brown and White 1 Credit

Enrollment constitutes continued membership on the staff of the semiweekly undergraduate newspaper. These courses are taken consecutively after a student has completed JOUR 001. For a second semester on the newspaper, a student registers for JOUR 002. For a third semester, JOUR 003. For a fourth semester, JOUR 004. And so on.
Prerequisites: JOUR 002
Attribute/Distribution: ND

JOUR 004 Brown and White 1 Credit

Enrollment constitutes continued membership on the staff of the semiweekly undergraduate newspaper. These courses are taken consecutively after a student has completed JOUR 001. For a second semester on the newspaper, a student registers for JOUR 002. For a third semester, JOUR 003. For a fourth semester, JOUR 004. And so on.
Prerequisites: JOUR 003
Attribute/Distribution: ND

JOUR 005 Brown and White 1 Credit

Enrollment constitutes continued membership on the staff of the semiweekly undergraduate newspaper. These courses are taken consecutively after a student has completed JOUR 001. For a second semester on the newspaper, a student registers for JOUR 002. For a third semester, JOUR 003. For a fourth semester, JOUR 004. And so on.
Prerequisites: JOUR 004
Attribute/Distribution: ND

JOUR 006 Brown and White 1 Credit

Enrollment constitutes continued membership on the staff of the semiweekly undergraduate newspaper. These courses are taken consecutively after a student has completed JOUR 001. For a second semester on the newspaper, a student registers for JOUR 002. For a third semester, JOUR 003. For a fourth semester, JOUR 004. And so on.
Prerequisites: JOUR 005
Attribute/Distribution: ND

JOUR 007 Brown and White 1 Credit

Enrollment constitutes continued membership on the staff of the semiweekly undergraduate newspaper. These courses are taken consecutively after a student has completed JOUR 001. For a second semester on the newspaper, a student registers for JOUR 002. For a third semester, JOUR 003. For a fourth semester, JOUR 004. And so on.
Prerequisites: JOUR 006
Attribute/Distribution: ND

JOUR 008 Brown and White 1 Credit

Enrollment constitutes continued membership on the staff of the semiweekly undergraduate newspaper. These courses are taken consecutively after a student has completed JOUR 001. For a second semester on the newspaper, a student registers for JOUR 002. For a third semester, JOUR 003. For a fourth semester, JOUR 004. And so on.
Prerequisites: JOUR 007
Attribute/Distribution: ND

JOUR 009 Brown and White Photography 1 Credit

Enrollment constitutes membership on the photography staff of the semiweekly undergraduate newspaper. Students should have basic camera skills and knowledge of digital photography. Classes will include review of these subjects and more advanced techniques in digital darkroom techniques. Members of the class work on a series of assignments for the newspaper. Students should have their own digital SLR camera equipment and will be expected to provide examples of their work for admission to the class.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: ND

JOUR 010 Brown and White 1-2 Credits

Enrollment constitutes an editorial position on the staff of the semiweekly undergraduate newspaper. Editors are chosen by the instructors and the newspaper's editorial board. Consent of department required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Prerequisites: JOUR 001
Attribute/Distribution: ND

JOUR 011 Brown and White Projects 1-4 Credits

This section of The Brown and White is devoted to special projects that fall outside or complement traditional sections and can include investigative reporting, podcasts, partnerships with other media organizations, such as WLVR and PBS, data stories, experiments in new forms of storytelling and other efforts. Instructor Permission.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: ND

JOUR 012 Brown and White Videography 1 Credit

Enrollment constitutes membership on the videography staff of the student newspaper. Students should have basic camcorder skills and knowledge of editing video. Members of the class use the newspaper’s video equipment and work on assignments for the newspaper’s Web site. First-time students should provide examples of their work for admission to the class. Does not count in department‘s majors or minors.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: ND

JOUR 021 Writing for the Media 4 Credits

Practice gathering, writing and editing news; definition and components of news; structure and style; interviewing. Study and practice in use of social media and blogs by journalists as a way to gather and publish information. Requires freshman or sophomore standing.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, W

JOUR 023 Editing 4 Credits

Students will strengthen news judgment, critical thinking and writing through careful editing of articles for accuracy, fairness and clarity, including use of proper spelling, grammar, usage and style. Practice in writing headlines for print and the Web, including search engine optimization and multimedia presentation of content.
Prerequisites: JOUR 021 or JOUR 123
Attribute/Distribution: AL, SS

JOUR 024 Visual Communication 4 Credits

Study of and practice in techniques of multimedia storytelling including photography, data visualization, print layout, and video-shooting and editing skills. This course combines principles of visual communication with hands-on work to help improve your visual literacy and multimedia skills and develop a professional digital portfolio. Prerequisite: Jour 21 or Jour 123.
Prerequisites: JOUR 021 or JOUR 123
Attribute/Distribution: AL, SS

JOUR 025 Data Journalism 4 Credits

Journalists, now more than ever, need to be able to use data as any other type of information for news reporting and storytelling. This introductory course, designed for journalism majors, encourages students to understand data as a natural source of journalism, understand the core concepts of data journalism, gain capacity and literacy to assess data for news reporting, and learn skills and tools for searching and using datasets as a part of journalistic practices.
Prerequisites: JOUR 021
Attribute/Distribution: Q, SS, SW

JOUR 091 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Intensive study of a topic of special interest not covered in other courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: SS

JOUR 102 (COMM 102, DOC 102, FILM 102, GS 102) The Sports Documentary 4 Credits

The sports documentary has become an increasingly important form of media. Through the sports documentary, some of society’s most significant concerns are portrayed and discussed, including issues of race, gender, terrorism, inequality and more. Too, the sports documentary has adapted to various media, from film to television to online, from the multi-volume work of Ken Burns to ESPN’s “30 for 30.” This course examines and critiques the social, cultural, political and economic implications of the sports documentary in contemporary culture.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

JOUR 110 (LAS 110) Latinx & Latin American Media 4 Credits

The cultures, languages, and traditions of Spanish-language and Latinx media in the U.S. and globally will be examined. The course presents frameworks for understanding media development and performance, discusses the role of media in democratic societies, and identifies common patterns in Latin American media development, media ownership, media-state relationships, relations with societal groups and citizens, and media content. Students identify and analyze societal and international forces that explain why these patterns appear, persevere and, sometimes, change.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, SS

JOUR 118 Sports Journalism 4 Credits

Fundamentals and practice of sports coverage through hands-on multimedia news gathering techniques in the field. Practice sports writing, photography, and video shooting and editing targeted for publications in both traditional and digital platforms.
Attribute/Distribution: AL

JOUR 119 (COMM 119) Mobile and Social Media Storytelling 4 Credits

Learn how to take a better photo, record a better video or podcast, and produce better social media content for your newsroom, company, or brand — all with your smartphone. This is a hands-on, highly practical online course that will have you learning tools and principles for visual and audio storytelling. You’ll be producing content in the community that surrounds you and publishing exclusively to social media platforms. (Access to a smartphone is required).
Attribute/Distribution: AL, SS

JOUR 122 Media Ethics and Law 4 Credits

First Amendment theory and history; ethical and legal issues involving libel, privacy, obscenity, newsgathering, access, and fair trials; national and international concerns over censorship, prior restraint and manipulation and control of information.
Attribute/Distribution: SS, SW

JOUR 125 (EVST 125) Environment, the Public and the Mass Media 4 Credits

Extensive exploration of local, national and international environmental problems and their social, political and economic impacts. Analysis of mass media coverage of complex environmental issues and the media's effects on public opinion and government environmental policies. Examination of environmental journalism principles and practices in the United States and around the world.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW

JOUR 135 (COMM 135) Human Communication 4 Credits

Processes and functions of human communication in relationships and groups.
Attribute/Distribution: SS, SW

JOUR 191 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Intensive study of a topic of special interest not covered in other courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: SS

JOUR 225 PBS-NPR Partnership 4 Credits

For decades, the Public Broadcasting Service and National Public Radio – PBS and NPR – have offered high-quality television, radio and digital journalism to American audiences. Lehigh University is fortunate to have PBS and NPR stations right on the edge of our campus. This class takes advantage of that fortune and offers Lehigh journalism students the opportunity to partner with PBS and NPR journalists to produce in-depth stories for television and radio as well as digital outlets.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Prerequisites: JOUR 023 or JOUR 024
Attribute/Distribution: HU

JOUR 230 Multimedia Storytelling 4 Credits

An introduction to storytelling across multimedia styles such as video, audio, photography, social media, and written word. stresses experiential learning with emphasis on complementary story packaging and publishing. Students do in-class assignments and team reporting on issues of concern to local residents.
Prerequisites: JOUR 024
Attribute/Distribution: SS

JOUR 231 Science Writing Practicum 1-4 Credits

Onsite experience as accredited science reporter at major scientific meetings, or writing and research in university laboratories as part of science writing field research program. Must have junior standing. Consent of instructor required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Prerequisites: JOUR 021 or JOUR 123 or JOUR 311
Attribute/Distribution: ND

JOUR 232 Journalism Practicum 1-4 Credits

Credit for supervised on- and off-campus work in journalism and communication. Allows credit for internships attained by students who do not qualify for the senior-level journalism internship class. Must have completed eight hours of journalism credits or consent of instructor required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: ND

JOUR 245 Media Entrepreneurship 4 Credits

This class is designed to provide students with the journalistic, technological, business and entrepreneurial tools they need to consider working on their own. Students will examine traditional and emerging business models and understand the opportunities and challenges presented by the start-up economy. Ultimately, students will attempt to convert their intellectual, political, cultural or artistic passions into a viable media business.
Attribute/Distribution: SS

JOUR 246 (GS 246) International Communication 4 Credits

The subject matter is crucial to understanding modern life: the role of international news media in world affairs. The class studies the social, political and economic contexts that frame the reporting of international events by U.S. news media, such as politics, war, disasters, and other crises, as well as U.S. reporting on international issues, such as poverty, disease, and environmental change. The course also surveys reporting practices in nations around the world, including the varying systems of journalism and mass media and the brutal censorship and repression facing many foreign journalists.
Attribute/Distribution: SS

JOUR 275 Writing for Media II 4 Credits

This course fulfills the college junior-level writing intensive requirement and is required by the majors of Journalism and Journalism/Science Writing. Building on Writing for the Media I, the class combines essential aspects of Jour 211 Reporting, Jour 212 Feature Writing and Jour 218 Freelance Writing. Students will report and produce in-depth stories, to be published in The Brown and White, in paper and online, which will add substantially to their portfolios.
Prerequisites: JOUR 021 and JOUR 023
Attribute/Distribution: SS, W, WRIT

JOUR 291 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Intensive study of a topic of special interest not covered in other courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: SS

JOUR 300 Apprentice Teaching 1-4 Credits

Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

JOUR 312 Advanced Science Writing 3 Credits

Further practice, on individual basis, in science writing techniques.
Prerequisites: JOUR 123 or JOUR 311
Attribute/Distribution: SS

JOUR 313 Special Topics in Science Communication 1-4 Credits

Research or writing involving a topic, medium or issue in science, environmental or technical communication not covered in other courses. Must have completed eight hours in science or environmental writing or have consent of the instructor.
Attribute/Distribution: SS

JOUR 323 (EVST 323, HMS 323) Health and Environmental Controversies 4 Credits

Exploration of health and environmental controversies from the perspectives of scientific uncertainty and mass media coverage. Examines genetic engineering, biotechnology, environmental health risks and nanotechnology. Includes discussion of ethical and social responsibilities and interactions with the public.
Attribute/Distribution: SS, SW

JOUR 333 (AAS 333) Reporting the Crises: Identity, Journalism and Power 4 Credits

This seminar helps students understand the role of journalists, media-makers and citizens at the intersection of identity and inequality in times of crisis. It covers issues of race, class and gender with a specific emphasis on anti-Black racism, showing how media can be consciously or unwittingly used to further discrimination and support ongoing structures and patterns of harm. Ultimately students will explore how new media platforms, organizations and workers might undertake more equitable practices for a more equal media future.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS

JOUR 361 Internship 4 Credits

Professionally supervised work on newspapers, magazines, Web sites radio and television stations, or with public relations organizations. Some internships involve science writing. Must have senior standing and declared major in journalism or science writing.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: ND

JOUR 375 Writing for Media III 4 Credits

Building on Writing for the Media I and II, the class will offer different approaches and different platforms to advanced writing for media, from long-form journalism to multimedia storytelling to telling stories with data and visuals to experiments with new forms of storytelling. Prerequisite: JOUR 275 (SS).
Prerequisites: JOUR 275
Attribute/Distribution: SS, W

JOUR 385 Seminar in Journalism Issues 3-4 Credits

A seminar focusing on contemporary issues and problems facing the mass media and journalism. Topics vary. Taken by seniors for 4 credits and graduate students for 3 credits. Open to senior journalism or senior journalism/science writing majors or have consent of the instructor. Attribute/Distribution: SS.
Attribute/Distribution: SS

JOUR 389 College Scholar Project 1-8 Credits

Opportunity for college scholars to pursue an extended project. College wide course designation. Transcript will identify department in which project was completed. Consent of instructor required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: ND

JOUR 390 Honors Thesis 1-4 Credits

Directed undergraduate research thesis required of students who apply for and qualify for graduation with departmental honors. Qualifications are 3.75 GPA in the major and 3.5 overall GPA.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: ND

JOUR 391 Special Topics in Journalism and Communication 1-4 Credits

Directed research or writing involving a subject or issue in journalism not covered in other courses. Must have completed twelve hours in journalism or have consent of the instructor.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: ND

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