2024-25 Catalog

Integrated Degree in Engineering, Arts, and Sciences (IDEA)


IDEA 011 IDEAS Seminar I 2 Credits

The first year IDEAS core courses will emphasize intensive faculty mentoring within a small seminar environment where students develop, write, and present their individual interest areas and select their concentrations.

IDEA 012 IDEAS Seminar II 2 Credits

The first year IDEAS core courses will emphasize intensive faculty mentoring within a small seminar environment where students develop, write, and present their individual interest areas and select their concentrations.

IDEA 111 IDEAS Seminar III 1 Credit

A continuation of IDEAS 01 & IDEA 012 where interest areas are integrated into themes as individual concentrations are pursued.

IDEA 112 IDEAS Seminar IV 1 Credit

A continuation of IDEAS 011 & IDEA 012 where interest areas are integrated into themes as individual concentrations are pursued.

IDEA 150 IDEAS Seminar V 1 Credit

The Senior-year IDEAS Seminar has students working on team-based projects and focuses on thesis work.

IDEA 251 IDEAS Seminar VIII 1 Credit

The senior year honors thesis courses.

IDEA 300 Apprentice Teaching 1-4 Credits

Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

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