2024-25 Catalog

Health Medicine and Society (HMS)


HMS 002 (ETH 002, REL 002) Death and Dying: Religious and Ethical Perspectives 4 Credits

Introduces students to the study of religion, world religious traditions and ethics through an exploration of death and dying. Rituals, practices and texts focused on death provide the basis for comparative study of Asian and Western religious approaches to the meaning and mystery of death as it confronts individuals and communities. Attention will also be given to moral justification for deaths brought about by human actions (i.e., killings). Specific issues include suicide, war deaths, abortion, euthanasia and state-sponsored execution.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU

HMS 071 Independent Study 1-4 Credits

Independent research and reading with a faculty member. After receiving initial approval from the HMS director, the student must prepare an independent study proposal, with readings and assignments, in consultation with a professor who agrees to direct the independent study.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: HU, SS

HMS 091 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Intensive study of a topic of special interest not covered in other courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, CC, HE, HU, SS, SW, W

HMS 102 (SOC 102) Sociology of Mental Health 4 Credits

This course will provide an introduction to the sociology of mental health. You will learn how the social world influences our well-being, how the line between health and illness (“normal” and “crazy”) is socially constructed, and how mental health treatment has changed over time. We will also delve into demographic patterns of mental health and discuss the social stigma that surrounds mental illness, mental health treatment, and diagnosis. Throughout the course, we will discuss contemporary issues through a sociological lens.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW

HMS 106 (ETH 106, PHIL 106, REL 106) Bioethics and the Law 4 Credits

Students in this course will learn something about the foundations and (nontechnical) workings of the American system of justice, and will combine that understanding with a focus on various topics in bioethics, from the "right to die" to gene-patenting. A key point will be the understanding that, as science and medicine continually move forward, there are always new challenges to existing legal understanding. How should the law respond to new questions, e.g. inheritance rights of posthumously conceived children?
Attribute/Distribution: HU

HMS 107 (PHIL 107, REL 107) Bio-Ethics and the Family 4 Credits

From reproduction to dying, this course will focus on how ethical issues in science and medicine highlight the role of the family. Issues include assisted reproduction and the role of gamete donors; genetic testing and the problem of misattributed paternity; the locus of decision making when patients are terminal or in pvs. Should our individual-orientated medical culture move toward a more family-oriented perspective?
Attribute/Distribution: HU

HMS 110 (ES 110, EVST 110, POLS 110) Environmental Planning for Healthy Cities 4 Credits

An introduction to the topic of environmental planning, the course will review the roles of citizens, other stakeholders, political interests, and local governments in determining the use of land; unpack the meaning of "sustainability;" and grapple with the challenge of balancing communities' demand for development with the need to protect valuable natural resources. Students will be introduced to examples of successful and unsuccessful instances of environmental planning both at home and abroad.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW

HMS 115 (ENGL 115) Topics in Literature, Medicine, and Health 4 Credits

Largely focused on narratives about health, illness and disability, this course will examine individual experiences with attention to social context. Topics may include the physician/patient relationship, illness and deviance, plague literature, gender and medicine, autism, AIDS, mental illness, aging.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU, W

HMS 116 (ETH 116, PHIL 116, REL 116) Bioethics 4 Credits

Moral issues that arise in the context of health care and related biomedical fields in the United States today, examined in the light of the nature and foundation of moral rights and obligations. Topics include: confidentiality, informed consent, euthanasia, medical research and experimentation, genetics, and the distribution of health care.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU

HMS 118 (HIST 118) History of Modern Medicine 4 Credits

Introduction to Western medical history from the 18th century to the present day. Students will explore patient/practitioner relationships; examine changing ideas concerning health, sickness, and disease; chart changes in hospital care and medical education; and tackle topics such as eugenics, medical experimentation and health insurance.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU

HMS 120 (ETH 120, SOAN 120) Values and Ethics of Community-Engaged Research 4 Credits

The many dimensions of community-engaged research and learning are explored, with special attention to ethical practices, values, research methods, and critical reflection. Experiential and service aspects of the course provide opportunities for students to build skills for social and community change, as well as build capacity for research and critical inquiry.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW

HMS 125 (HIST 125, WGSS 125) Does Sex have a History? The History of Sexuality in the United States 4 Credits

Explores the history of sexuality in the United States from the colonial era to the present. While sexuality can appear timeless and stable, sexual ideologies, categories, and behaviors have consistently evolved and have transformed society in the process. The class pays special attention to relationships between sexuality, race, class, and the state, as well as how law, medicine, and the media have shaped sexual identities and experiences. In so doing, the class develops sophisticated readers of historical and contemporary cultures.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, W

HMS 130 (PSYC 130) Introduction to Health Psychology 4 Credits

This course explores the psychological processes that influence how people stay healthy, why people get sick, and how people respond to illness. The course also examines what the study of health psychology has to teach us about illness prevention and the provision of health care services. May not be taken pass/fail.
Attribute/Distribution: SS, SW

HMS 138 (PSYC 138) Psychopathology 4 Credits

Examines research and theory on the patterns, causes, and treatment of various forms of psychopathology. May not be taken pass/fail.
Prerequisites: PSYC 001
Attribute/Distribution: SS, SW

HMS 142 (CLSS 142) The Greek and Latin Roots of Medical Terminology 4 Credits

This course is an intro to scientific and medical terminology through the study of the core Greek and Latin roots and other elements (prefixes, suffixes) of this specialized vocabulary. Students will develop the skills needed to analyze a broad range of scientific and medical terms linguistically and to recognize their components in order to understand better the meaning of medical language. The course includes regular homework assignments, quizzes, and exams. No prior knowledge of Latin or ancient Greek is required.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU

HMS 150 (COMM 150) Health Communication 4 Credits

Knowledge of health communication is an essential foundation for anyone working in the field. Yet communicating about health is often complex and multi-faceted. To better understand health communication, we will explore the role of media and persuasion. We'll examine media coverage of health information; communications on risks and epidemics; theories and research of health behavior; effects of communication technologies on health communication; communicating about health data and information; health campaigns; engaging with individuals and communities with health messages and more.
Attribute/Distribution: SS, SW

HMS 151 (JST 151, PHIL 151, REL 151) Judaism, Medicine, and Bioethics 4 Credits

This class traces the relationship between Jews and medicine from 1100 to 2020. How does Jewish religion and culture cultivate an affinity for the healing arts? How does Jewish law, ethics, and culture inform contemporary bioethics?
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU

HMS 155 (ANTH 155, GS 155) Medical Anthropology 4 Credits

Medical Anthropology is the study of how conceptions of health, illness, and healing methods vary over time and across cultures. Students will learn how social and cultural factors shape health outcomes in a variety of human contexts, and will study culturally specific approaches to healing, including Western bio-medicine. The course offers a broad understanding of the relationship between culture, health, and healing.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW, W

HMS 160 (SOC 160) Medicine and Society 4 Credits

Sociological perspectives on health, illness, and medical care. Focus on social epidemiology, social psychology of illness, socialization of health professionals, patient-professional relationships, medical care organization and policies.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW

HMS 162 (GS 162, SOC 162) HIV/AIDS and Society 4 Credits

Impact of the AIDS epidemic on individuals and on social institutions (medicine, religion, education, politics, etc.); social and health policy responses; international experience; effect on public attitudes and policy on people affected directly by AIDS.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW

HMS 166 (FILM 166) Topics in Film and Health 4 Credits

This course will involve extended study in a sub-area of Film with a focus on health, medicine, and/or illness.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU

HMS 170 Medical & Health Humanities 4 Credits

The focus on social determinants, individual voices, cultural representations, and particular historical moments from the perspective of the humanities disciplines has much to add to our understanding of health, illness, and medicine. This course will take up historical, literary, ethical, and theoretical approaches to health.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, W

HMS 171 Independent Study 1-4 Credits

Independent research and reading with a faculty member. After receiving initial approval from the HMS director, the student must prepare an independent study proposal, with readings and assignments, in consultation with a professor who agrees to direct the independent study.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: HU, SS

HMS 176 (AAS 176, GS 176, HIST 176) Keeping Africa and Africans Healthy: A History of Illness and Wellness 4 Credits

What are the myths about diseases in Africa and how does the world respond to health crises there? What are the African healing traditions? What is the history of global health in Africa and its implications for illness and wellness? This course explores health interventions and initiatives by Africans and non-Africans including missionaries, colonial officials, and NGOs. Students’ final papers will perform a “post-mortem” on Africa, critically tracing how efforts to control, manage and eradicate diseases have succeeded or failed.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, W

HMS 180 Introduction to Public Health 4 Credits

This course provides historical perspective on the contributions and roles of public health; introduces health status indicators of morbidity and mortality, concepts of rate, causation, and public health surveillance and vital statistics; and addresses determinants of health from an environmental, social, behavioral perspective. Aspects of health care delivery will be addressed from a population perspective and organizational structure. Not available for credit for students who have completed POPH 001.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS

HMS 191 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Intensive study of a topic of special interest not covered in other courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, CC, HE, HU, SS, SW, W

HMS 216 (ETH 216, PHIL 216, REL 216) Research Ethics 4 Credits

Research with human and animal subjects carries with it a host of ethical and legal obligations. Topics include the history of human subjects research; ethical use of placebo studies; the ethics of research in developing countries; whether there is an ethical obligation to volunteer to be a research subject.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

HMS 221 Peer Education Foundations 2 Credits

This course prepares students to be peer educators at Lehigh. This course will focus on foundational education skills for peer educators including educational and development theories, identity development, educational needs assessments, educational goal setting, managing sensitivities in the classroom, educational delivery methods, strategies, and assessment. Particular attention will be given to creating trauma-informed and inclusive classrooms. Students completing the course are eligible to serve in other peer educator roles and should note that this commitment and others are extracurricular.
Attribute/Distribution: SS

HMS 226 (ETH 226, REL 226) From Black Death to Covid-19:Plague,Pandemic,Ethics and Religion 4 Credits

An investigation into the ways religion and morality shape interpretations of plague and pandemics. Three specific pandemics are examined: the bubonic plague of the 14th century, the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, and the current global Covid-19 crisis. Moral issues provoked by institutional, political and social responses to pandemic disease are also considered.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU, W

HMS 257 (ASIA 257, HIST 257, MLL 257) Traditional Chinese Medicine: Historical Perspectives 4 Credits

This seminar focuses on conceptions of the human body and health that evolved from the ancient through early modern times. Special attention is paid to healing strategies, the roles of healers and patients, and the evolution of a medical canon. The course materials are in English.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU, W

HMS 270 (LAS 270, SPAN 270) Spanish for the Health Professions 4 Credits

For prospective medical personnel communicating with Spanish-speaking patients. Healthcare vocabulary, patient-provider interaction, and cultural background of the Latino patient.
Prerequisites: SPAN 141
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU

HMS 271 Independent Study 1-4 Credits

Independent research and reading with a faculty member. After receiving initial approval from the HMS director, the student must prepare an independent study proposal, with readings and assignments, in consultation with a professor who agrees to direct the independent study.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: HU, SS

HMS 274 (BIOS 274) Neuroethics 3 Credits

The intersection of neuroscience and ethics. History of biomedical science and current topics in neuroethics explored through weekly case studies and relevant readings in neurobiology. Examples include: definitions of mental illness, definitions of consciousness and brain death, addiction neuroscience, brain-machine interfaces, wearable technology, social determinants of health and equity within science and medicine. Reading and critical analysis of scientific articles, integration of biological concepts with moral reasoning, effective written communication and participation in peer review, oral presentations and group discussions.
Prerequisites: BIOS 044
Attribute/Distribution: NS, W

HMS 291 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Intensive study of a topic of special interest not covered in other courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, SS, W

HMS 292 Supervised Research 1-8 Credits

Research project under the direct supervision of an HMS faculty member. Consent of instructor required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, SS, W

HMS 293 Internship 1-8 Credits

Student designed internship that provides practical experience in the application of health, medicine and society for both on- and off-campus organizations. Students must find the internship on their own and submit an application to the HMS program director. Upon approval, course will provide credit for supervised experiential learning experiences. Students are responsible for obtaining any clearances required by internship host agency. May be repeated for credit up to eight credits.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, SS, W

HMS 294 Health Equity Internship 1-8 Credits

Students will work with a combination of staff and faculty from the Hispanic Center, St. Luke’s, and Lehigh University to assist in developing programs at the Hispanic Center LV, the emerging Center for Integrative Health, and with other community agencies to promote health equity and reduce health disparities for the South Bethlehem community. Students may participate in activities related to data collection, program management, marketing of community/public health initiatives, outreach, and grant writing. Application and clearances required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, W

HMS 298 1-4 Credits

Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

HMS 300 Apprentice Teaching 1-4 Credits

Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

HMS 302 (PSYC 302) Stress and Coping 4 Credits

How does stress affect the psychological system, and what psychological mechanisms are in place to help people overcome environmental stressors? This seminar examines classic and contemporary theories and research on stress, coping, and social support.
Prerequisites: PSYC 121 or PSYC 153 or HMS 160 or HMS 180
Attribute/Distribution: SS

HMS 307 (POLS 307) The Politics of Mental Health Policy 4 Credits

What is normal behavior, and how do we come to understand mental illness? How do the resulting policies, to address mental health, impact society? This course is designed to facilitate thoughtful discourse on the various ways in which society regulates access to opportunities, facilitates integration or alienation, and constructs the social world.

HMS 314 (AAS 314, GS 314, SOC 314) Infections and Inequalities: HIV, TB and Malaria in the Global South 4 Credits

This course will explore the social, economic, and environmental causes of HIV, TB, and malaria in developing nations, with a particular focus on the characteristics and causes of these diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa. Students will engage theories and perspectives on development, globalization, and social inequality to explain trends in HIV, TB, and malaria and to understand why certain groups are more vulnerable to infection than others. Prerequisite: Junior/senior standing with declared major/minor in SOC, ANTH, SOAN, HMS, GS, or AAS.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW, W

HMS 315 (ENGL 315) Topics in Literature, Medicine, and Health 3-4 Credits

Analyzing the stories people tell about health, illness and disability, this course engages cultural studies approaches in order to explore the way those stories are told. Topics may include: illness and the graphic novel, the changing image of the healer in literature, collaborative storytelling with Alzheimer's patients, end of life narratives, tales from the ER, narrative ethics.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, W

HMS 319 (PSYC 319) The Psychology of Trauma 4 Credits

This course explores the nature of psychological trauma, including the physiological, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, interpersonal, and developmental impact of exposure to extreme stress and traumatic events. Historical and current perspectives on the individual and cultural effects of trauma will be examined, including consequences of relational trauma, traumatic loss, injury/illness, crime, combat exposure, terrorism, natural disasters, and vicarious traumatization. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and related conditions will be explored, as will the nature of effective intervention techniques, recovery, adaptive coping, and resilience.
Prerequisites: PSYC 138 or HMS 138
Attribute/Distribution: SS

HMS 320 (EVST 320, POLS 320) Food Justice in Urban Environments 4 Credits

This course will review how urban agriculture and city greening programs and policies are part of a growing movement working to strengthen neighborhoods, promote healthier living, and create more localized and sustainable food economies. This class will explore research and readings from multiple disciplines on these programs and policies, and will also delve into individual case studies that illustrate how efforts to improve food access, beautify vacant land, and reduce farm-to-table distances get creatively and successfully combined.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS

HMS 322 (GS 322, SOC 322) Global Health Issues 4 Credits

Sociological dimensions of health, illness, and healing as they appear in different parts of the world. Focus on patterns of disease and mortality around the world; the relative importance of 'traditional' and 'modern' beliefs and practices with regard to disease and treatment in different societies; the organization of national health care systems in different countries; and the role of international organizations and social movements in promoting health.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW, W

HMS 323 (EVST 323, JOUR 323) Health and Environmental Controversies 4 Credits

Exploration of health and environmental controversies from the perspectives of scientific uncertainty and mass media coverage. Examines genetic engineering, biotechnology, environmental health risks, and nanotechnology. Includes discussion of ethical and social responsibilities and interactions with the public.
Attribute/Distribution: SS, SW

HMS 327 (PSYC 327) Advanced Topics in Health Psychology 4 Credits

This course provides an overview of the psychological study of health. The course explores psychological theories that aim to explain health behavior (e.g., why do people smoke?) and the role of psychology in understanding the experience of illness. This course also examines how psychological research and theory can be applied to promote health behavior (e.g., how can we design interventions to promote physical activity).
Prerequisites: PSYC 130 or HMS 130
Attribute/Distribution: SS, W

HMS 331 Latino Health 4 Credits

The course is designed to provide a rich understanding of the factors at the individual, health care provider, institution, and policy that affect Latino health and health seeking-behaviors in the United States. Research in the disciplines of social and behavioral sciences, epidemiology, health promotion, environmental health, minority health and health disparities, and public policy will be reviewed and discussed.
Attribute/Distribution: SS, SW

HMS 334 (PSYC 334, WGSS 334) The Psychology of Body Image and Eating Disorders 4 Credits

The course addresses the psychosocial aspects of the development of healthy and unhealthy body image and eating disorders. The roles of personality traits/individual factors, family and interpersonal functioning, and cultural factors will be examined, as will the impact of representations of body image in mass media. Public health and psychological interventions for prevention and treatment will be explored. Personal accounts/memoirs, clinical case presentations, and documentary and dramatic films will be incorporated in the presentation of topics.
Attribute/Distribution: SS, W

HMS 344 (PSYC 344) Health Care Reasoning and Decision Making 4 Credits

Health care professionals diagnose physical and mental illnesses and create treatment plans to improve their patients’ health. How do these professionals make decisions related to these important issues? We will explore the literature on how medical and mental health professionals reason and make decisions about health care issues. Topics to be covered include diagnosis, treatment decisions, access to care, and how these reasoning processes are swayed. Consideration will be given to patient decision-making as well.
Prerequisites: PSYC 117 or COGS 117 or PSYC 130 or HMS 130 or COGS 007 or HMS 160 or HMS 180
Attribute/Distribution: SS, W

HMS 348 (PSYC 348) Drugs and Behavior 4 Credits

Why are some people more vulnerable to substance use problems than others? How can we effectively address substance abuse in our society? This course explores theories and research on the complex psychological, social, and biological factors that contribute to substance use and disorders. Topics include theories of addiction, characteristics of illegal and legal drugs, risk and protective factors, and research on substance abuse prevention.
Prerequisites: PSYC 130 or HMS 130 or HMS 160 or HMS 180
Attribute/Distribution: SS, W

HMS 349 (PSYC 349) Participatory and Action Research in Psychology 4 Credits

Action research is used to understand important real-world social problems and promote social action. Participatory research engages community members as equals to help identify areas of focus and to design studies and interventions. This course provides an overview of the rich history of these approaches in psychology, an in-depth look at how they can be used effectively, and an opportunity to gain hands-on experience.
Prerequisites: PSYC 121 or PSYC 153 or PSYC 130 or HMS 130 or HMS 160 or HMS 180
Attribute/Distribution: SS

HMS 354 (POLS 354) U.S. Health Care Politics 4 Credits

Explores a range of health care programs and policies and their impacts on American society. Topics include the development of the U.S. approach to health care; public sector plans (Medicare and Medicaid); the role of managed care; the employer-sponsored system; the situation of the medically uninsured; the health care vested interests and lobbyists; movements for national health care; and options for change.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS

HMS 371 Independent Study 1-4 Credits

Independent research and reading with a faculty member. After receiving initial approval from the HMS director, the student must prepare an independent study proposal, with readings and assignments, in consultation with a professor who agrees to direct the independent study.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: HU, SS

HMS 375 (CGH 375, EDUC 375) Community Based Participatory Research Methodology 3-4 Credits

The course provides an introduction to the core concepts of community based participatory research (CBPR) methodology applied to social science research to address public health issues. The course will equip students with strategies for developing community academic partnerships as well as to strengthen skills in research methods.
Attribute/Distribution: SS

HMS 379 (PSYC 379) Grief, Anxiety, and Resilience 4 Credits

Grief and anxiety are familiar experiences for many people, and for some they can become debilitating. How can we understand the role these experiences play in a person’s life? In this course, we will explore diverse perspectives on grief and anxiety. We will also explore the possibility of being resilient to these experiences, even becoming stronger in the face of adversity. As part of this exploration, we will spotlight the biographies of historical figures who have written about their experiences.
Prerequisites: PSYC 121 or PSYC 130 or PSYC 153 or HMS 130 or HMS 160 or HMS 180 or SOC 160
Attribute/Distribution: SS

HMS 380 (POLS 380, WGSS 380) The End of Policing? Politics of Social Control 4 Credits

"What are your prime directives? Serve the public trust, protect the innocent, uphold the law" (Robocop 1987). This course focuses on policy design and feedback and is not a course on police procedure or policing tactics. The primary objective of the course is to learn to think critically about public safety and evaluate policies based on their value to democracy.
Attribute/Distribution: CC

HMS 386 (PSYC 386) Pediatric Psychology 4 Credits

Focuses on developmental research and theory related to health and wellness issues in children and adolescents. Topics include children's understanding of biology and disease, disease management, medical consent, education and policy efforts to promote children's health.
Prerequisites: PSYC 107 or PSYC 130 or HMS 130
Attribute/Distribution: SS

HMS 391 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Intensive study of a topic of special interest not covered in other courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, SS, W

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