2024-25 Catalog

Global Studies (GS)


GS 001 Introduction to Global Studies 4 Credits

Globalization - the historical and continuing integration of peoples, cultures, markets and nations - is the defining characteristic of our century. It brings with it advantages and disadvantages, surfeit and suffering. In this interdisciplinary course, the foundation of the Global Studies major, students will be introduced to a variety of historical, critical and analytical perspectives, methods and vocabularies for continued study of globalization and social change. Priority given to CAS freshmen and sophomores.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW

GS 003 (POLS 003) Comparative Politics 4 Credits

The political systems of foreign countries; approaches to the study of comparative politics.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW

GS 011 (REL 011) Introduction to World Religions 4 Credits

Living and working in a globalizing 21st century requires an understanding of diverse religious and cultural identities. In this course, students will be introduced to the history, ideas, and practices from a wide variety of the world's religious traditions.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU

GS 013 (REL 013) Religion and Food 4 Credits

This course explores the complex connections between religion and food. We will examine food-related rituals, including Jewish Passover seders, Christian communion, and Hindu puja; the role of gastronomy in forming religious and ethnic identity; and the global ethics of food and sustainability. We will also probe the notion of food itself as sacred. Are “foodies” engaging in their own sort of sacred actions? How does food connect with the sublime? The class will include tastings and outings as scheduling permits.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU

GS 015 (HIST 015) Three English Revolutions 4 Credits

The Protestant Reformation, the Civil Wars, and the Glorious Revolution, from Henry the Eighth to John Locke. Examines how three bloody conflicts gave birth to the first modern society. Explores the origins of empire, capitalism, secularization, nationalism, and democracy.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, Q

GS 017 (HIST 017) Democracy's Rise and Fall 4 Credits

The promise and perils of democracy from the ancient world to the present.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW, W

GS 044 (REL 044) Religious Fundamentalism in Global Perspective 4 Credits

This course will explore the rise of fundamentalist religious movements and their involvement in violent conflicts. Topics to be considered will include the relationship between fundamentalist religious ideologies and terrorism, and the kinds of responses that fundamentalist religious movements present to the development of a global marketplace and the spread of secular nationalisms.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU

GS 049 (HIST 049, LAS 049) The True Road to El Dorado: Colonial Latin America 4 Credits

Examines the initial encounters of peoples of Iberian and African origins with the indigenous civilizations of the Western Hemisphere. Explores the development of a colonial economy and its global reach. Focuses on the birth of a distinctive Latin American society and culture, with attention to the Latin American patriots who fought for their freedom. No prior knowledge of Latin American history required.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW, W

GS 050 (HIST 050, LAS 050) Heroes, Dictators, and Revolutionaries: Latin America since Independence 4 Credits

Examines the 200-year-long struggle of Latin American peoples to gain political representation, economic equality, and social justice. Explores key historical events in Latin America from the movement for independence in the early nineteenth century to today's modern societies. Topics include the wars of independence, the rule of caudillos, foreign military interventions, export economies, populism, social revolutions, the Cold War era, state terror and military dictatorships, and the war on drugs.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW, W

GS 070 (MLL 070) Other Voices: Being Human around the Globe 4 Credits

How do the processes of globalization affect human society and our concepts of culture and identity? What do societies gain and lose from their interactions with the rest of the world? What does it mean to be human in a globalized yet diverse world? This course grapples with such questions from the humanist’s point of view. Course materials include a broad selection of film, fiction, art, music, and theory, including both well-known pieces and newer works from under-represented global communities.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU

GS 077 (ASIA 077, REL 077) The Islamic Tradition 4 Credits

A thematic introduction to Islamic history, doctrine and practice. Topics include: Qur’an; prophecy and sacred history; ritual practices; community life; legal interpretation; art and aesthetics; mysticism; politics and polemics.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU, W

GS 091 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Introductory-level study of a topic of special interest not covered in other courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, SS, SW

GS 100 (PHIL 100, POLS 100) Introduction to Political Thought 4 Credits

A critical examination of political ideologies: Liberalism, Marxism, Fascism, and Islamism.

GS 101 (HIST 101) Histories of Globalization 4 Credits

Critical historical perspectives on current debates around “globalization” and the varied paths and responses to modernity, using recent scholarship associated with the New Global History. The “Rise of the West” paradigm, Industrial Revolution and modernization theory; creation of global financial markets, nation-building and New Imperialism; Great Depression and World Wars as global historical events; postwar decolonization, Cold War and emergence of North-South relations; impact of consumerism, movements for women's rights, ethnic nationalism and religious fundamentalist movements in tradition-bound societies.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU

GS 102 (COMM 102, DOC 102, FILM 102, JOUR 102) The Sports Documentary 4 Credits

The sports documentary has become an increasingly important form of media. Through the sports documentary, some of society’s most significant concerns are portrayed and discussed, including issues of race, gender, terrorism, inequality and more. Too, the sports documentary has adapted to various media, from film to television to online, from the multi-volume work of Ken Burns to ESPN’s “30 for 30.” This course examines and critiques the social, cultural, political and economic implications of the sports documentary in contemporary culture.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU

GS 106 (ANTH 106) Cultural Studies and Globalization 4 Credits

This course closely examines the complex relationship between culture and globalization. The impact of globalization on local culture is an essential topic. But the interaction of globalization and culture is not a oneway process. People around the world adapt globalization to their own uses, merging global cultural flows with local practices in transformative ways. The course will study the interaction of local culture with globalizing forces; immigration and culture; the localizing of mass culture; cultures of diasporic and migratory groups, and globalization, gender and identity.
Attribute/Distribution: SS

GS 107 (HIST 107) Science and Technology in the Making of the Modern World 4 Credits

This course covers world history from 1400, focusing on the rise of science, with important and wide-ranging implications for the modem world and the society we live in today. Global travel, exploration, trade, and technological innovations played essential roles in the exchange of knowledge and the development and rise of modem science. Science and technology have also contributed to the growing disparities in the modem world.
Attribute/Distribution: SS, SW, W

GS 108 (ANTH 108) Not-so-Lonely Planet: The Anthropology of Tourism 4 Credits

Love to travel? This course explores tourist attractions around the world to understand why people leave home, why they visit resorts, monuments, historical sites, memorials, parks, museums, and more. By reading anthropological scholarship and by visiting nearby attractions ourselves, we examine the politics and economics of the global tourism industry, the impact of tourism on local communities, and tourists' search for an 'authentic' experience. And we see how Disneyworld, of all places, provides insight into each of these topics.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW, W

GS 117 (ANTH 117, LAS 117) Archaeology of Latin America 4 Credits

Explores the past of Latin America and the major civilizations that existed prior to European arrival and colonization. Extending from Mesoamerica through the Southern Andes, topics covered include the monumental structures, belief systems, and trade networks that made sure an entire continent was interconnected for millennia. This course also looks at the ways in which European colonialism has shaped the perception of these civilizations and how modern pseudoarchaeology continues to deny the accomplishments of indigenous cultures.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW, W

GS 119 (ASIA 119, REL 119) The Podcast and the Lotus 4 Credits

Buddhism is increasingly a global phenomenon. Contemporary Buddhist teachers stay in touch with students via podcasts, WeChat, Twitter and Facebook. Buddhists from Singapore, Tibet, Japan, Mexico, Taiwan or Pennsylvania now meet via new technology. This class asks, how is Buddhism now a global religion? what effect has this had? How is Buddhism a "modern" religion? Students explore issues of conversion, modernity, globalization, new technology, migration and travel. Sources include autobiography, film, travel writing, political essays, interviews, social media, ethnography.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, W

GS 124 (AAS 124, ART 124) Arts of the Black World 16th-20th Centuries 4 Credits

This course covers artistic practices originating in Africa that subsequently influenced countless world cultures. The material covers artistic production and theory of arts of the enslaved populations in the AnteBellum South, early African American painting through the Harlem Renaissance, the religious arts of Haiti (Vodou) and Cuba (Santería), and contemporary production from Black Brazilian, American and European artists. Students should be prepared to attend Museums/galleries during the semester.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

GS 125 (AAS 125, ART 125) Art and Architecture of Africa from Colonial to Contemporary Times 4 Credits

This course is structured around case studies of art and architecture from early traditions up through the present. The focus is on cultural production, religious art and architecture (local as well as Christian and Muslim traditions), craftsmanship, style, materials, trade, and international exhibition of art objects in Museums. The literature draws from art historical, anthropological, and historical analyses as well as museum studies. Students should be prepared to attend Museums/galleries during the semester.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

GS 126 (ANTH 126) Urban Anthropology 4 Credits

When you think of anthropology, you probably picture exotic fieldsites: the Arctic, the Amazonian rainforests, the beaches of the South Pacific. But contemporary anthropologists are just as likely to study Tokyo, Berlin, or Bethlehem, PA. This course examines anthropology both in and of the city. How have anthropologists thought about the complexities of urban life? How can anthropology help us make sense of urban governance? What does belonging mean in a city that is racially or ethnically diverse?
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW, W

GS 127 (POLS 127) The Politics of Ending Global Poverty 4 Credits

Theories of poverty reduction meet the messy realities of social life around the world. Students in the course will understand why poverty persists and what kinds of solutions to it may be effective.
Attribute/Distribution: SS, SW

GS 129 (MLL 129) The Global Workplace: Preparing to Work around the World 4 Credits

This course uses modern literature and film to explore current theories of global and intercultural competence as well as practical approaches to the acquisition and development of skills needed to function effectively across cultural boundaries. We’ll investigate changing definitions of work over time and across cultures and actively engage with contemporary global issues and the complexities of diverse cultural traditions.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, W

GS 131 (AAS 131, HIST 131, WGSS 131) Women, Gender, Sexuality and Race in African Societies 4 Credits

This course explores the various ways in which womanhood, gender, sexuality and race are defined, constructed and articulated in African societies. The interdisciplinary course draws from historical writings, novels, biography, anthropology, political science, health and other fields to examine diverse activities and contributions of African women from the pre-colonial period to the present.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, W

GS 140 (REL 140) Globalization and Religion 4 Credits

This course examines the complexity of globalization and its multi-layered impact on religious identity and piety. Though comparative in methodology and historical framework, the class will give special attention to Islam and Hinduism in South Asia. Topics include: European colonialism; Orientalism and its legacy; religious nationalism; Islamophobia; and the Internet and mass media.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, W

GS 143 (REL 143) Religious Nationalism in a Global Perspective 4 Credits

Religion has become a renewed political force on the world stage in recent years. This course will focus on how religion has often provided both the Ideological language and the organizing principles for many modern nationalisms. Our exploration of this topic will take the form of case studies from various parts of the world, including but not limited to Pakistan, Israel, No. Ireland, India, Iran and USA.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, SW, W

GS 145 (ASIA 145, REL 145) Islam and the Modern World 4 Credits

Examines how numerous Muslim thinkers-religious scholars, modernists, and Islamists-have responded to the changes and challenges of the colonial and post-colonial eras. Special emphasis is placed on the public debates over Islamic authority and authenticity in contemporary South Asia.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, W

GS 148 (REL 148) Islam Across Cultures 4 Credits

Explores the Muslim world’s diversity and dynamism in multiple cultural contests-from the Middle East and North Africa, to Asia and America-through literature, ethnography, and films. Topics include: travel and trade networks; education; women and gender; Islam and cultural pluralism; colonialism; and identity politics.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, W

GS 151 (ENGL 151, FILM 151) Global Cinema 4 Credits

This course introduces students to contemporary filmmakers from Asia and Africa who have been inspired by globalization, dealing with issues such as mass migration, ethnic conflict and civil war, transnational finance and technology, and ongoing social and economic inequities. The course will be divided into four geographical units, with a representative mix of art films, popular genres (Bollywood and Nollywood), and global science fiction and horror. Filmmakers may include Mira Nair, Farah Akhtar, Bong Joon-ho, and Asghar Farhadi, among others.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, W

GS 152 (ASIA 152, MLL 152) Chinese Literature in the World 4 Credits

What place does Chinese literature occupy in the world? In this course we will read and discuss important works of modern Chinese fiction and drama alongside critical and theoretical writings on world literature. Student papers will integrate these discussions to reflect on questions such as center/periphery, national form, and canon formation. The course objectives are to introduce students to current debates on the topic of world literature and to resplendent modern Chinese short stories, novellas, and plays. Taught in English.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, W

GS 155 (ANTH 155, HMS 155) Medical Anthropology 4 Credits

Medical Anthropology is the study of how conceptions of health, illness, and healing methods vary over time and across cultures. Students will learn how social and cultural factors shape health outcomes in a variety of human contexts, and will study culturally specific approaches to healing, including Western bio-medicine. The course offers a broad understanding of the relationship between culture, health, and healing.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW, W

GS 161 (JST 161, REL 161) Globalization in the Ancient Mediterranean 4 Credits

We often think of globalization as a modern phenomenon. Yet as early as the twelfth century BCE, transportation, trade, political and religious networks tied the Mediterranean basin together. This course will examine in three periods-the Late Bronze Age, the Hellenistic period, and the Roman period-how these networks were organized and how they affected a range of Mediterranean and Near Eastern peoples. We will use some modern approaches to globalization as analytical tools for understanding the ancient world.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU, W

GS 162 (HMS 162, SOC 162) HIV/AIDS and Society 4 Credits

Impact of the AIDS epidemic on individuals and on social institutions (medicine, religion, education, politics, etc.); social and health policy responses; international experience; effect of public attitudes and policy on people affected directly by AIDS.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW

GS 173 (ANTH 173) Archaeology of the Middle East 4 Credits

Covers major archaeological findings from Iraq, Iran, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, and Turkey, as well as historical context surrounding those findings. Learn about palaces, temples, fortresses, pyramids, tombs, and ancient cities that archaeologists have excavated—but also about who excavated these sites and why. Answer questions like: Who built the pyramids? How did writing begin? And: Why is the Rosetta Stone now in England? How has our knowledge of the past been shaped by the relationship between archaeology and colonialism?
Attribute/Distribution: CC, Q, SS, SW

GS 175 (HIST 175, JST 175, REL 175) History of Racism, anti-Semitism, and Islamophobia 4 Credits

From the history of slavery in the ancient world to Charlottesville 2017. We will read texts and watch movies that discuss the history of slavery, anti-Semitism, and Islamophobia. The historical meeting of worlds goes from "social slavery" in the ancient world to the ''blood laws" in medieval Spain; colonialism in the New World, the rise of biological racism in the nineteenth century, and of cultural racism in the twentieth century.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, SS, W

GS 176 (AAS 176, HIST 176, HMS 176) Keeping Africa and Africans Healthy: A History of Illness and Wellness 4 Credits

What are the myths about diseases in Africa and how does the world respond to health crises there? What are the African healing traditions? What is the history of global health in Africa and its implications for illness and wellness? This course explores health interventions and initiatives by Africans and non-Africans including missionaries, colonial officials, and NGOs. Students’ final papers will perform a “post-mortem” on Africa, critically tracing how efforts to control, manage and eradicate diseases have succeeded or failed.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, W

GS 178 (AAS 178, HIST 178) Globalization and Health in Ghana 3 Credits

This 4-week field-based course fosters global engagement by introducing students to the historical, social, cultural, and political factors at the forefront of globalization and health processes in Ghana.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, SS, W

GS 183 (ART 183, HIST 183) France from Medieval to Modern:Soc., Pol. & Art 3 Credits

France's artistic, cultural, social, artistic and political development from early kingship and dominance of the Church in the Middle Ages to the grandeur of Versailles in the Age of Absolutism; radical transformations of culture and society during the French Revolution and advent of the Modern Nation-State; to twentieth century developments including the two World Wars, imperialism and impact of post-war globalization. Offered in summer only through Lehigh Study Abroad Office as part of Lehigh in Paris program.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU

GS 184 (ARCH 184, HIST 184) Paris: The Global City 3 Credits

An overview of the development of the city of Paris from its origins as an outpost on the far reaches of the Roman Empire to its rise as capital of medieval Christendom, from seat of Absolute Monarchy to birthplace of modern revolutions, resistance and occupation in the era of world wars, and model of modern urban planning in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. Focus is on the way global contexts shaped social and political life at the local level.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU

GS 187 (ANTH 187, ASIA 187) Contemporary Southeast Asia 4 Credits

Southeast Asia is said to be on the rise. But from where has Southeast Asia risen? And what are the social consequences of this so-called rise? Addressing these questions, this course provides a broad introductory overview of contemporary Southeast Asia, surveying the region’s extraordinary diversity and ongoing political, economic, and sociocultural transformations. Through engagement with ethnographic materials, the course further explores how everyday Southeast Asians negotiate and contend with ongoing challenges associated with the forces of globalization.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW

GS 191 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

General study of a topic of special interest not covered in other courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, SS, SW, W

GS 201 (ASIA 201, POLS 201) South Asian Politics 4 Credits

Examines the politics of countries in South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives). Some of the key themes are 1) the lasting legacy of colonialism, 2) ways in which ethnic and religious diversity is managed, 3) distinctiveness of political institutions like parliament and constitutions in South Asia, and 4) how politics, economics, and culture relate to one another. The focus of the course changes each year in order to reflect current developments and student interest.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW

GS 202 (ENGL 202, LAS 202, MLL 202) Latin America In Fact, In Fiction 4 Credits

This class couples a survey of Latin American literature in translation with an interdisciplinary approach to the study of Latin America. Departing initially from readings of literary and cinematographic works, our analyses will engage methodologies from multiple disciplines including history, sociology, and cultural studies. Accordingly, this course will examine critical developments in Latin American aesthetics along with the cultural climates in which they matured. This course assumes no prior study of Spanish, Portuguese, or Latin American culture.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU

GS 221 (ART 221) Global Contemporary Art 4 Credits

Examines art and theory since World War II through the present in the global context. Topics include the development of abstract expressionism; conceptual art and the aesthetics of 1960s-era social movements; the politics of multiculturalism; the shift from contemporary to global in the 1990s; the rise of art biennials and the role of curators; post-Marxist and decolonial approaches to the arts; critical discourses on globalization; and issues of memory, trauma, migration, diaspora, and the environment. Includes museum and gallery visits.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, W

GS 246 (JOUR 246) International Communication 4 Credits

The subject matter is crucial to understanding modern life: the role of international news media in world affairs. The class studies the social, political and economic contexts that frame the reporting of international events by U.S. news media, such as politics, war, disasters, and other crises, as well as U.S. reporting on international issues, such as poverty, disease, and environmental change. The course also surveys reporting practices in nations around the world, including the varying systems of journalism and mass media and the brutal censorship and repression facing many foreign journalists.
Attribute/Distribution: SS

GS 247 (ASIA 247, REL 247) Islamic Mysticism 4 Credits

Sufism, the inner or ‘mystical’ dimension of Islam, has deep historical roots and diverse expressions throughout the Muslim world. Students examine Sufi doctrine and ritual, the master-disciple relationship, and the tradition’s impact on art and music, poetry and prose.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, W

GS 259 (FREN 259) Contemporary France 3-4 Credits

How is France defining itself today as a European nation in a global world? Issues to be explored include: family, gender, race and religion, the education and social systems, immigration, and politics. Strongly recommended for students who plan to study abroad in France.
Attribute/Distribution: HU, W

GS 291 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Intermediate-level study of a topic of special interest not covered in other courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, SS, SW, W

GS 300 Apprentice Teaching 1-4 Credits

Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

GS 302 (ENGL 302, LAS 302, MLL 302) Travel and Adventure in Latin American Fiction 4 Credits

Centering on a corpus of works presenting tales of travel and adventure, this class offers an overview of Latin American narrative genres (including “fantastic” narrative, magical realism, and postmodern fiction) from the mid 20th century to present day. Through close readings of works by Adolfo Bioy Casares and Roberto Bolaño, among others, and the analysis of filmic representations of travel in Latin America, we will examine differing modes of perceiving the region defined as Latin America.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU

GS 314 (AAS 314, HMS 314, SOC 314) Infections and Inequalities: HIV, TB and Malaria in the Global South 4 Credits

This course will explore the social, economic, and environmental causes of HIV, TB, and malaria in developing nations, with a particular focus on the characteristics and causes of these diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa. Students will engage theories and perspectives on development, globalization, and social inequality to explain trends in HIV, TB, and malaria and to understand why certain groups are more vulnerable to infection than others. Prerequisite: Junior/senior standing with declared major/minor in SOC, ANTH, SOAN, HMS, GS, or AAS.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW, W

GS 316 (ENGL 316) Native American Literature 3-4 Credits

This course is a survey of the literary texts written by the indigenous inhabitants of what is now the United States, beginning with the myths and legends of the era before European contact and ending with the novels, poems, and films produced by Native Americans in the twentieth- and twenty-first centuries.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU, W

GS 317 (AAS 317, ANTH 317) So You Want to Save the World: Anthropological Encounters with Humanitarianism and Development 4 Credits

We are often motivated by the desire to “give back”-- feed the hungry, heal the sick, and help those less fortunate than ourselves. Anthropological research on humanitarian aid, development projects, and other interventions meant to improve human lives in various contexts shows us why these efforts often go awry. Focusing primarily on settings outside the U.S., students will consider the pitfalls of developmental and humanitarian interventions as well as the crucial role of local knowledge in addressing complex global problems.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW, W

GS 319 (SOC 319) The Political Economy of Globalization 4 Credits

Studies the relationship among economic, political and cultural forces in an era of globalization, focusing on how global capitalism, the world market and local economics shape and are shaped by social, cultural, and historical forces. Topics include political and cultural determinants of trade and investment; culture and the global economy; global capitalism, especially studied through the lens of culture; globalization and patterns of economic growth; cross-cultural study of consumerism; and poverty and inequality.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW, W, WRIT

GS 320 (ANTH 320) Global Capitalism 4 Credits

Anthropological approach to the forms and effects of global capitalism. Topics include the structure of contemporary global capitalism, including the growth of multinational corporations, flexible corporate strategies, overseas manufacturing, and global branding and marketing; the impact of global capitalism on the environment and on the lives of people in "Third World" countries; consumer culture and the diversity of non-Western consumption practices; alternative capitalist systems.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW, W

GS 322 (HMS 322, SOC 322) Global Health Issues 4 Credits

Sociological dimensions of health, illness, and healing as they appear in different parts of the world. Focus on patterns of disease and mortality around the world; the relative importance of 'traditional' and 'modern' beliefs and practices with regard to disease and treatment in different societies; the organization of national health care systems in different countries; and the role of international organizations and social movements in promoting health.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW, W

GS 325 (POLS 325) Nationalism, Regionalism, and Populism 3,4 Credits

Examination of major theoretical and policy debates in the study of nationalism. Focus on the emergence and endurance of nationalist movements in the modern era, the spread of autonomy movements, and the recent rise of populist politics. Discussion of responses to nationalist claims and efforts to resolve nationalist conflict.
Prerequisites: POLS 003
Attribute/Distribution: CC

GS 328 (SOC 328) Global Food Systems 4 Credits

Where does our food come from? How does it get to our tables? Why are there famines in some parts of the world and obesity epidemics in other parts of the world? This course will investigate these questions by focusing on food systems – the chains of social action that link food producers to food consumers. We will also explore a range of alternatives to global food systems that emphasize food democracy, security, and sustainability.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW

GS 331 (SOC 331, WGSS 331) Gendered Experience of Globalization 4 Credits

Women and men experience globalization differently and globalization affects women in different cultural and national contexts. Gender stratification has been intensified by the transnational flow of goods and people. provides students with a survey of new development in feminist theories on globalization and on gender stratification and development, and links these theoretical frameworks to empirical research about gender issues that have become more prominent with globalization.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW, W

GS 339 The Rise of the State in Modern East Asia 4 Credits

An examination of the role of Asian nationalism in the construction of the modern state form in Asia.
Attribute/Distribution: SS

GS 341 (AAS 341, HIST 341) Global Africa: Aid, Volunteerism, NGO's and International Studies 3,4 Credits

This course traces the origins of Aid to Africa, explores various volunteer activities, and investigates the role of NGOs, missionaries, philanthropists, medical practitioners, and global education. It examines the ways that cross-cultural interactions and exchanges between Africans and foreigners shaped African societies both positively and negatively.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, SS, W

GS 342 (POLS 342, WGSS 342) Gender and Third World Development 3-4 Credits

Focus on gender implications of contemporary strategies for Third World economic growth, neo-liberalism. How do economic theories affect ‘real people?' How do economic theories affect men vs. women? What is the role of people who want to ‘help?' Some background in economic theories and/or Third World politics desired, but not required.
Prerequisites: POLS 001 or WGSS 001
Attribute/Distribution: SS

GS 343 (AAS 343, ASIA 343, POLS 343) Global Politics of Race: Asia and Africa 4 Credits

An examination of the concept of “race” and its impact on domestic and international politics.
Attribute/Distribution: SS

GS 346 (MGT 346) International Business 3 Credits

This class provides an overview of international business, including the decisions, issues, and challenges faced by multinational enterprises and the environment in which they operate. This class will discuss why trade exists between nations and examine patterns in foreign direct investment. We will explore political, economic, cultural, and other differences between countries that are salient to international business. We will understand why businesses decide to create overseas subsidiaries, and the various choices available to them as they operate globally.

GS 347 (HIST 347) The French Revolution and Napoleon: A Global History 3,4 Credits

Global origins; breakdown of Absolute Monarchy; rise of Enlightenment culture and decadence of the court; storming of the Bastille and creation of republican government; invention of modern nationalism and Napoleonic military culture; women in political life; uses of mass propaganda, public festivals and transformation of the arts; political violence in the “Terror”; abolition of slavery and origins of Haitian Revolution; Napoleon's imperial system and warfare with Europe; impact on global imperial rivalries and revolutionary movements abroad.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, W

GS 348 (HIST 348) The British Empire and the Modern World 3-4 Credits

Examines the empire and its central role in the process of globalization between the 16th and 20th centuries. Topics include exploration, state-building, war, multinational corporations, industry, international finance, missionaries, racism, and independence movements.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SW, W

GS 353 (ANTH 353, EVST 353) Ethnobotany: People and Plants 4 Credits

This course explores the meanings and uses given to plants by diverse cultures in their unique ecological settings. Ethnobotany combines botany and cultural anthropology to study how people classify, use, and manage plants for medicine, food, and ritual. This course introduces the history, methods, theory, and practical applications of ethnobotany, including plant conservation, sustainable development, and cultural survival. Special emphasis will be placed on learning to do ethnobotany through student research projects.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW, W

GS 366 (ANTH 366) Power, Preparedness, Precarity: Urban Resilience in an Age of Uncertainty 4 Credits

We have learned to expect the end of the world as we know it: sea levels are rising, carbon fuel reserves are diminishing, global power structures are shifting. This course asks how we can respond both socially and materially in the face of uncertainty. How can urban planning be used as an instrument of social control--or social change? How do we conceptualize themes like crisis and the natural? And how are new imaginations of the built environment emerging in response.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, W

GS 369 (ASIA 369, POLS 369, WGSS 369) Women's Movement in China 4 Credits

We will examine the state-sponsored, state-directed mass movement for the liberation of Chinese women. Beginning with Confucian notions of mother/daughterhood, to imperial system, to the role of women in the founding and establishment of the Communist Party of China, to the participation of women and girls in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Gender equality issues have been a central focus of the Party. The class will look at post-reform era women's status and ask, “did the Party liberate women?”
Attribute/Distribution: SS

GS 370 (EVST 370, SOC 370) Globalization and the Environment 4 Credits

This course investigates how globalization has influenced society-nature relationships, as well as how environmental conditions influence the globalization processes, focusing on the rapidly evolving global economic and political systems that characterize global development dynamics and resource use. Particular attention is paid to the role of multi-national corporations, international trade, and finance patterns and agreements. Questions related to consumption, population, global climate change, toxic wastes, and food production/distribution are key themes.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW, W

GS 390 Readings in Global Studies 1-4 Credits

Directed course of readings for students with interests in Global Studies not fully explored in regular offerings. Junior or senior standing required. Departmental permission required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, SW, W

GS 391 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Intensive or highly in-depth study of a topic of special interest not covered in other courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU, SS, SW, W

GS 392 Internship in Global Studies 1-4 Credits

Supervised work relevant to global studies, including internships at the United Nations, nongovernment organizations (NGOs), government organizations, and other public and private agencies. Department permission required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: SS

GS 394 Senior Thesis 1-4 Credits

A thesis project entails intensive, original research, undertaken under the direct supervision of a faculty adviser, either over the course of a semester or a year. While all GS students are encouraged to pursue research opportunities and complete a senior thesis, in order to receive departmental honors, Global Studies majors must earn a 3.5 major GPA, take GS 394: Senior Thesis, and receive an A grade in this course. Senior standing and departmental permission required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: SS, W

GS 399 Special Topics in Global Studies 1-4 Credits

Topics vary from semester to semester. Topics are addressed at an intermediate level. Previous course work in global studies and consent of faculty sponsor is required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

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