2024-25 Catalog

Documentary Storymaking (DOC)


DOC 091 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

A topic, genre, or approach in documentary studies not covered in other courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, CC, HE, HU, SW, W

DOC 102 (COMM 102, FILM 102, GS 102, JOUR 102) The Sports Documentary 4 Credits

The sports documentary has become an increasingly important form of media. Through the sports documentary, some of society’s most significant concerns are portrayed and discussed, including issues of race, gender, terrorism, inequality and more. Too, the sports documentary has adapted to various media, from film to television to online, from the multi-volume work of Ken Burns to ESPN’s “30 for 30.” This course examines and critiques the social, cultural, political and economic implications of the sports documentary in contemporary culture.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU

DOC 104 (COMM 104, FILM 104) The Last Dance: Documentary Storymaking 4 Credits

This class explores documentary storytelling through an in-depth case study of the sports documentary "The Last Dance," the 10-part award-winning film series on basketball's Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls. Critical study of the making of "The Last Dance" reveals the numerous legal, ethical, creative, economic, technical, aesthetic and other considerations that go into the practice of documentary story making.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU

DOC 150 (FILM 150) Introduction to Documentary Storymaking 4 Credits

An introduction to digital documentary storymaking, merging critical study of documentary media with hands-on construction of documentary stories. Working with tools of the documentary arts—video, still images, audio, writing—students will acquire foundational skills of media production and effective storytelling while absorbing and analyzing rich examples of documentary storytelling over time and place. The course surveys traditions and issues in documentary media and introduces documentary practices and methods.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

DOC 191 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

A topic, genre, or approach in documentary studies not covered in other courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, CC, HE, HU, SW, W

DOC 250 (FILM 250) Rights and Responsibilities in Documentary Inquiry 4 Credits

This course explores the rights and responsibilities associated with documenting people, places, events, and situations. We will consider how documentary films construct and represent truth, the nature of documentarians’ rights and responsibilities in relation to the communities, people, and collaborations, and how these issues inform other documentary practices. Topics discussed will include the impact of copyright law and fair use in documentary practice as well as ethical principles in relation to subjects, viewers and documentary filmmakers’ own praxis.
Prerequisites: DOC 150 or FILM 150
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

DOC 291 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

A topic, genre, or approach in documentary studies not covered in other courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HU, W

DOC 325 Theories and Methods of Documentary Process 4 Credits

This course examines the non-fiction representations of people, places and events. While the course content focuses on documentary film, we will also explore the genre through photographs, web-based documentary projects, and audio productions, including podcasts. Through assigned readings, audio, and the analysis of still and moving image, we will discuss the forms, strategies and conventions of documentary, investigate ethical and legal challenges, consider issues of representation, and gain an understanding of the historical significance and impact of the genre.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

DOC 370 (FILM 370) Capstone in Documentary Storymaking 4 Credits

Synthesizes course of study across the Documentary Storymaking Minor and solidifies learning in a collaborative documentary project. Course is required to complete Documentary Storymaking Minor. The Capstone is a workshop-based experience that guides students through the design, planning, field research, production, and completion of a substantial documentary media project that results in a public presentation of their most advanced work. Production will be informed and enhanced by class discussion of selected readings, screenings, relevant theories and practices in documentary.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, W

DOC 391 Special Topics in Documentary Studies 3-4 Credits

A topic, genre, or approach in documentary studies not covered in other courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, W

DOC 392 Documentary Internship 1-4 Credits

Individualized work experience, on- or off-campus, in a field that a student of Film wishes to explore as a career. Before registering, a student must meet with the internship adviser and obtain departmental approval. Sophomore standing and departmental approval required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, W

DOC 393 Documentary Independent Study 1-4 Credits

Individually supervised study of a topic in documentary studies not covered in regularly listed courses. Consent of program director required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, W

DOC 425 Theories and Methods of Documentary Process 3 Credits

This course examines the non-fiction representations of people, places and events. While the course content focuses on documentary film, we will also explore the genre through photographs, web-based documentary projects, and audio productions, including podcasts. Through assigned readings, audio, and the analysis of still and moving image, we will discuss the forms, strategies and conventions of documentary, investigate ethical and legal challenges, consider issues of representation, and gain an understanding of the historical significance and impact of the genre.

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