2024-25 Catalog

Design (DES)


DES 025 (THTR 025) Costume Construction I 0,2 Credits

Introduction to the art of costume construction. Costume construction materials, techniques, tools and safety. Practical experience in executing costumes for the stage.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU, Q

DES 026 (THTR 026) Costume Construction II 0,2 Credits

Continuation of THTR 25 - Costume Construction I, including pattern drafting, fitting, crafts and accessories. Materials, methods and problem solving. Practical experience in executing costumes for the stage.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU, Q

DES 040 Product Design I: Form, Process and Concept 4 Credits

Introduction to the field of Industrial Design. Through research, analysis, drawing and prototyping, students will acquire an understanding of the various aesthetic, technological, and business issues a designer must consider when creating a product.
Prerequisites: ART 004
Attribute/Distribution: AL, CC, HU

DES 053 Introduction to Graphic Design 4 Credits

This course serves as an introduction to the graphic design process, with a primary focus on concept development and craft. Students examine how to identify and resolve visual problems and learn the basics of design and typography. Creative solutions will be encouraged for projects with practical applications. Topics include logo development and execution, professional typography, image basics and resolution, print production, studio skills and professional practices. Digital applications include Photoshop, Illustrator and In-design.
Prerequisites: ART 003
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

DES 066 Design History 4 Credits

History of product design, graphic design and time-based media in artistic, cultural, technological, and business contexts.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU, W

DES 070 Web Design I 4 Credits

Introduction to the design and fabrication of web pages. Students will learn how to create pages using HTML and web fabrication software, with an emphasis on aesthetic and structure.
Prerequisites: ART 003
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

DES 072 (THTR 072) Textile Design I 4 Credits

Textile printing has brought about revolutionary changes in textile design. Textile Design utilizes digital photography, scanning, drawing and image editing software to create botanical and geometric patterns for textiles.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

DES 073 Special Topics in Design 1-4 Credits

An introduction to methods and techniques of design studio. Designed to acquaint the student with general design elements, covering topics not covered in other specific studio course listings. Instructor permission required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU, W

DES 079 (ASIA 079) Digital Bridges 2 Credits

Run as an independent study: research ancient Chinese bridges, gardens, and pavilions. Digitize images and website design. Create photographic documentation of the Bridge Project. Produce documentary from historical materials concerning history of Chinese students at Lehigh. Bridge Project students could continue project work in Shanghai and Beijing.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

DES 080 Motion Graphics 4 Credits

Motion graphics takes art and design elements: shapes, objects, photographs, type and gives them movement. We explore effects techniques applied to stills, graphics and short video and work with abstract transformations in time. Prerequisite: ART 003 or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: ART 003
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

DES 087 (THTR 087) Performance Design 4 Credits

Introduction to the process of creating integrated designs in theatre production. The study and practice of the principles of visual representation, historical and conceptual research and the study of theatrical styles.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, CC, HU

DES 088 (THTR 088) Digital Rendering 4 Credits

Explore the use of modern technology to develop and communicate design ideas with speed, clarity, and visual punch. Strategies geared toward increasing the young designer’s confidence in presenting artistic concepts. Learn the basics of Photoshop and SketchUp and then apply those skills in creative execution of scenic, costume, and lighting renderings.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

DES 089 (THTR 089) Introduction to Fashion Design 4 Credits

An introduction to conceptual garment design. Research, devise, and develop collections of apparel and accessories. Basic elements of design, fashion theory, design processes, and rendering techniques.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, CC, HU

DES 111 (THTR 111) Sound Design 2 Credits

Introduction to the study of the techniques and equipment used for theatrical sound design. Elements include audio theory, script analysis, field recording and editing audio in digital audio workstations.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

DES 129 (THTR 129, WGSS 129) History of Fashion and Style 4 Credits

Global trends in dress and culture from pre-history to today. The evolution of silhouette, garment forms and technology. The relationship of fashion to politics, art and behavior. Cultural and environmental influences on human adornment.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, HE, HU

DES 140 Product Design II: Designing for Others 4 Credits

This course will expose students to client based projects and issues of branding relevant to the product designer. Special emphasis will be given to functionality from a user centered perspective. Projects will also include the use of 3D digital prototyping software and computer based fabrication techniques.
Prerequisites: DES 040
Attribute/Distribution: HU

DES 148 Furniture Design I 4 Credits

Design methodology, fabrication techniques, and methods of design presentation.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

DES 153 Graphic Design: Word and Image 4 Credits

This course explores techniques of image making in relation to analyzing and creating meaning in graphic and typographic messages. Students solve visual communication problems with visual, conceptual and social impact. Assignments may include book covers, posters, music packaging, and promotional materials. Students will work in both traditional and digital media.
Prerequisites: ART 053 or DES 053
Attribute/Distribution: HU

DES 154 (THTR 154) Scene Painting 4 Credits

Study and practice of basic and advanced methods of painting for the theatre. Includes basic elements and principles of design, color theory, the influence of light, atmosphere and aesthetics for the theatre.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

DES 155 (THTR 155) Model Building and Rendering 4 Credits

The art and practice of model building and rendering for the stage. Special techniques including scale furniture, soldering, acrylic painting and hand drafting.
Attribute/Distribution: AL

DES 164 Ergonomics 4 Credits

Introduction to physical, emotional, and psychological ways design interacts with people. Analyze real design problems and create solutions.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

DES 170 Web Design II 4 Credits

Creation of dynamic content in web design. Various 2D animation software applications and simple scripting will be explored.
Prerequisites: DES 070
Attribute/Distribution: HU

DES 172 (THTR 172) Textile Design II 4 Credits

Building on skills and concepts developed in Textile Design I, students will develop their own voice in textile, apparel and accessory design.
Prerequisites: DES 072 or THTR 072
Attribute/Distribution: HU

DES 173 Special Topics in Design 1-4 Credits

Directed projects in design with selected readings as required. Student must initiate contact with sponsoring professor. Instructor permission required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU, W

DES 186 (THTR 186) Lighting Design 4 Credits

An introduction to the art and practice of lighting design for the theatre. Script analysis, research, and the interplay of lighting technology and design. Students will develop a sense of the dramatic while creating a portfolio of lighting designs.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, CC, HU

DES 188 (THTR 188) Scenic Design 4 Credits

An introduction to the art and practice of scenic design for the theatre. Script analysis, research, drafting and modeling techniques. Students will develop a sense of the dramatic while creating a portfolio of scenic designs.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, CC, HU

DES 189 (THTR 189) Costume Design 4 Credits

An introduction to the art and practice of costume design for the theatre. Script analysis, research, and rendering techniques. Students will develop a sense of the dramatic while creating a portfolio of costume designs.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, CC, HU

DES 240 Product Design III: Materials to Market 4 Credits

In this advanced level studio students will research fabrication techniques and materials, develop ideas into prototypes, outsource production and sell their designs in a competitive retail market. This course confronts the financial realities of being an independent designer while offering an opportunity to create innovative and desirable domestic products.
Prerequisites: DES 040
Attribute/Distribution: HU

DES 248 Furniture Design II 4 Credits

Advanced fabrication. Contemporary art issues and furniture history.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Prerequisites: DES 148
Attribute/Distribution: HU

DES 253 Graphic Design: Brand Experience 4 Credits

Students examine the basic principles of corporate identity and develop a clear understanding of the process of creating brands. Projects will offer a framework for looking at business strategy as it relates to the creative process of design. Emphasis will be placed on creating visual elements that support a brand and the steps a designer takes to create a consistent brand. In addition, students will develop self-promotion materials and identity systems.
Prerequisites: DES 153
Attribute/Distribution: HU

DES 268 Advanced Design Projects 1-4 Credits

Advanced projects or studies applying Design Arts practices or theories. Consent of instructor required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

DES 272 (THTR 272) Advanced Textile Design Workshop 4 Credits

Building on skills and concepts developed in Digital Textile Design II, students work towards a maturing studio practice within an atmosphere of rigorous critique. Further exploration in the conceptual research and material tools of surface design in textiles developed in DES 072 and 172, with experimentation in broader media is encouraged. An expansion of knowledge of textiles and apparel in the 21st Century will inform the development of a design practice and portfolio. Prerequisite: DES 172 / THTR 172.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Prerequisites: DES 172 or THTR 172
Attribute/Distribution: HU

DES 300 Apprentice Teaching 1-4 Credits

DES 311 Design Portfolio 1-4 Credits

The concept, layout, and preparation of a portfolio for graduate school application or employment search, including graphic techniques and reproduction method. Student must contact sponsoring professor.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Prerequisites: DES 240 or DES 253

DES 348 Furniture Design III 4 Credits

Advanced fabrication, contemporary art issues and furniture history.
Prerequisites: DES 248
Attribute/Distribution: HU

DES 370 Special Topics in Design 1-4 Credits

Current topics in design, with selected readings, discussions, and studio work as required. Must have completed two 100-level Design courses. Consent of department required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: HU, W

DES 375 Design Internship 1-4 Credits

Practical experience following apprenticeship model. Requires approval of instructor and host prior to beginning of the term, with a memorandum of understanding outlining student work responsibilities and educational objectives for the experience.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: ND

DES 385 Fusion: Design Practice 1-4 Credits

Fusion: Design Practice is a project-based studio that offers students the opportunity to harness the skills they learn in the classroom for real-world application, as important tools for inquiry, dialogue, and service in the community and world at large. Projects prioritize experiential learning in architectural, graphic, and product design, and related fields. Fusion students see design projects through from beginning to end, from research and design to construction and production, frequently working in collaboration with university and community partners.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: HU

DES 389 Honors Project 1-8 Credits

Opportunity for undergraduate majors in Design to pursue a project for departmental honors. Department permission required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: W

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