2024-25 Catalog

Communication (COMM)


COMM 001 Media and Society 4 Credits

This introduction to the roles of mass media in U.S. and global society explores a media-saturated society. Students learn how mass media operate in relationship to society, controversies surrounding their activities, social consequences of media behavior, and theories for examining mass media. Restricted to CAS students but other colleges and upperclassmen allowed by instructor’s permission.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS, SW

COMM 091 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Intensive study of a topic of special interest not covered in other courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: SS

COMM 102 (DOC 102, FILM 102, GS 102, JOUR 102) The Sports Documentary 4 Credits

The sports documentary has become an increasingly important form of media. Through the sports documentary, some of society’s most significant concerns are portrayed and discussed, including issues of race, gender, terrorism, inequality and more. Too, the sports documentary has adapted to various media, from film to television to online, from the multi-volume work of Ken Burns to ESPN’s “30 for 30.” This course examines and critiques the social, cultural, political and economic implications of the sports documentary in contemporary culture.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU

COMM 104 (DOC 104, FILM 104) The Last Dance: Documentary Storymaking 4 Credits

This class explores documentary storytelling through an in-depth case study of the sports documentary "The Last Dance," the 10-part award-winning film series on basketball's Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls. Critical study of the making of "The Last Dance" reveals the numerous legal, ethical, creative, economic, technical, aesthetic and other considerations that go into the practice of documentary story making.
Attribute/Distribution: HE, HU

COMM 119 (JOUR 119) Mobile and Social Media Storytelling 4 Credits

Learn how to take a better photo, record a better video or podcast, and produce better social media content for your newsroom, company, or brand — all with your smartphone. This is a hands-on, highly practical online course that will have you learning tools and principles for visual and audio storytelling. You’ll be producing content in the community that surrounds you and publishing exclusively to social media platforms. (Access to a smartphone is required).
Attribute/Distribution: AL, SS

COMM 130 Public Speaking 4 Credits

Applying the principles of public speaking to making informative and persuasive presentations effectively. Emphasis on speech composition and effective oral communication skills.
Attribute/Distribution: AL, HU

COMM 135 (JOUR 135) Human Communication 4 Credits

Processes and functions of human communication in relationships and groups.
Attribute/Distribution: SS, SW

COMM 143 Persuasion and Influence 4 Credits

The social, symbolic, and rhetorical means of persuasion and how this persuasive influence is expressed in politics, advertising, and the mass media. Students will gain experience in evaluating and creating persuasive communication messages and campaigns.
Attribute/Distribution: SS, SW

COMM 147 (AAS 147) Dreams and Nightmares: The Music Industry, Media and Inequality 4 Credits

What were the racial and gendered stakes when Kanye West interrupted Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards? How do sexual assaults by famous musicians go under-investigated and under-covered? What are the structures of the music industry that enable inequity? This course addresses these questions and problematic hierarchies within the global popular music industry, situates musical case studies in social, news and entertainment media environments, and highlights the role of music journalism in setting the terms of key debates.
Attribute/Distribution: SS, SW

COMM 150 (HMS 150) Health Communication 4 Credits

Knowledge of health communication is an essential foundation for anyone working in the field. Yet communicating about health is often complex and multi-faceted. To better understand health communication, we will explore the role of media and persuasion. We'll examine media coverage of health information; communications on risks and epidemics; theories and research of health behavior; effects of communication technologies on health communication; communicating about health data and information; health campaigns; engaging with individuals and communities with health messages and more.
Attribute/Distribution: SS, SW

COMM 165 Data Storytelling 4 Credits

The availability of large amounts of data offers new insights for many fields, such as computer science, marketing, health and journalism. Data storytelling -- the ability to gather, analyze, visualize and tell stories with data -- has become a sought-after skill. This course, designed for students with skills or prior experience in data analytics, statistics, math or programming, demonstrates the value of data storytelling for all fields and provides students with advanced tools to create meaningful, compelling data stories.
Attribute/Distribution: Q, SS, SW

COMM 191 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Intensive study of a topic of special interest not covered in other courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: SS

COMM 252 Social and Psychological Effects of Communication Technology 4 Credits

Communication technology, ranging from the Internet and social media to robots and the Internet of Things, has changed the ways that we communicate, think and behave, and reshaped our society as a result. In this class, we discuss the impact of communication technology and the social and psychological mechanisms through which such impact is made possible. Specifically, we will look at how technology affects cognition, attitude and action of individuals and among groups. Open to all students.
Attribute/Distribution: SS, SW

COMM 291 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Intensive study of a topic of special interest not covered in other courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: SS

COMM 300 Apprentice Teaching 1-4 Credits

COMM 352 Social and Psychological Effects of Communication Technology 4 Credits

Communication technology, ranging from the Internet and social media to robots and the Internet of Things, has changed the ways that we communicate, think and behave, and reshaped our society as a result. In this class, we discuss the impact of communication technology and the social and psychological mechanisms through which such impact is made possible. Specifically, we will look at how technology affects cognition, attitude and action of individuals and among groups. Senior seminar open to majors only.
Attribute/Distribution: SS, SW

COMM 375 (AAS 375) Global Media and Culture 4 Credits

Cultural Studies investigates dominant understandings; issues of identity and experience; and society. A Cultural Studies approach to understanding representations of difference in global media. Focus will center upon the role of media in shaping the contemporary dominant understandings of various groups in a globalized world; introductions to philosophies and theories that function as fundamental texts on the relationship between media, social life and human behavior; and the ways in which media socially construct a new, globalized reality.
Attribute/Distribution: CC, SS

COMM 385 Seminar in Communication Issues 3-4 Credits

A seminar focusing on contemporary issues and problems facing the mass media and communication. Topics vary. Taken by seniors for 4 credits and graduate students for 3 credits. Open to senior journalism or senior journalism/science writing majors or have consent of the instructor.
Attribute/Distribution: SS

COMM 391 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Intensive study of a topic of special interest not covered in other courses.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: SS

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