2024-25 Catalog

Arts (ARTS)


ARTS 021 Career Exploration and Communication Skills 1 Credit

Half semester open enrollment course, offered to first-year students. Students will complete professional developmental inventories and engage in related discussions to support their academic success, as well as their personal and career development. Students will also engage in readings and written reflections focusing on their applicability to the classroom environment. course assessment 1) an in-class presentation regarding students informational interview with a faculty/staff mentor and 2) a final project addressing their personal success.

ARTS 088 Lehigh's History and Intellectual Heritage 2 Credits

This course will teach students about key points in Lehigh’s history and scholarship, and examine how Lehigh’s trajectory as an educational and research institution has shaped what it has become today and where it may be heading in the future. Throughout this exploration, students will engage in different information-seeking and critical thinking activities that will help develop research and writing skills, building toward a larger final project where students will contribute to a digital time capsule.

ARTS 250 Communications, Cultures, Behaviors and Attitudes 4 Credits

Writing-intensive experiential focus on communications, development of social roles and life skills required for effective functioning in a changing society in America and globally. Models of group processes; small group projects; communications; critical thinking and its application to course content; cognitive processes in handling individual differences in race, gender, class, religion, disabilities, sexual harassment, religions of the world, sexual orientation, and culture; synthesis of class experiences with readings and discussions; and social role implications on choices. The application of lessons learned in the course to real life situations such as structured fieldwork will be required in addition to in class work. As part of the “hands-on” experience, students will be required to provide regular written and oral reports of activity and then write a detailed analysis/assessment report of particular issues and lessons learned. Students may not receive credit for both ARTS 250 and Comm 65.

ARTS 298 Special Topics 1-4 Credits

Prerequisites: COMM 065 or ARTS 250

ARTS 300 Apprentice Teaching 3 Credits

ARTS 490 Thesis (Moc) 1 Credit

Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

ARTS 492 (BUS 492, ENGR 492) Summer Research 1-3 Credits

Summer research experience for graduate students. Only available to students with summer academic appointments.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

ARTS 499 Dissertation (Moc) 1 Credit

Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

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