2024-25 Catalog

Joint International Relations/Modern Languages and Literatures Major

Program directors: IR: Yinan He;  MLL: Mary A. Nicholas

The multidisciplinary Joint IR/MLL Major is offered jointly by the Department of International Relations (IR) and the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures (MLL). The program, which offers a Bachelor of Arts, incorporates courses from both IR and MLL, as well as electives from a broad cross-section of other departments, for a challenging program that requires overseas study, language facility, and undergraduate research.

The Joint IR/MLL Major recognizes that Lehigh graduates must be adequately prepared to play an active role in the world of the 21st century. For that, they will need an acute understanding of essential issues of global politics, broad linguistic and cultural skills, significant overseas experience, and both intellectual and cultural sophistication. The Joint IR/MLL Major meets those requirements with courses in economics, international relations, language, and culture. Extended study abroad and undergraduate research in more than one language are also required. The program will help students develop a deeper and richer understanding of cultural, linguistic, and political diversity around the world.

The program requires a total of 16 courses for 60-64 credits. At least one semester of study abroad in an approved Lehigh program is required, as is undergraduate research that uses sources in at least one language other than English. Each student will have two major advisors, one each from IR and MLL.

Joint IR/MLL Major
International Relations courses (6 courses/24 credits)24
Introduction to World Politics
Any three of the following courses:
Methods and Research Design
Foreign Policy
Globalization and World Politics
International Political Economy
Great Power Politics
International Security
Causes of War
National Security: The Military Instrument of Foreign Policy
International Organization
Two IR advanced courses numbered 300-387 (except IR 307) or IR 393
Modern Languages and Literature courses (6 courses/22-24 credits)22-24
16 credits in one language, either Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Russian, French (above the level of French 2), German (above the level of German 2), and Spanish (above the level of Spanish 2)
Two culture courses from an approved list or in consultation with the MLL advisor
Capstone project: IR 389/MLL 3894
A research project on international politics that will include original research in at least one foreign language under the joint supervision of an advisor in IR and one in the relevant language in MLL.
Study Abroad
1 semester or more in an approved Lehigh program
Electives (3 courses/10-12 credits)10-12
Any IR courses except IR 002, 090, 307, 388, 389, 391, or courses from an approved list.
Total Credits60-64


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