2024-25 Catalog

Eckardt Scholars Program

Program Director: Jenna D. Lay, PhD (Stanford University)

Email: jdl210@lehigh.edu  |  Phone: 610-758-3308

Website:  www.eckardtscholars.cas.lehigh.edu

Supported by the Office of Interdisciplinary Programs 610-758-3996; incasip@lehigh.edu
Maginnes Hall, Suite 280

Faculty Steering Committee:

Nandini Deo, PhD (Yale University), Department of Political Science; Wei-Min Huang, PhD (University of Rochester) Department of Mathematics; Jenna Lay, PhD (Stanford University) Department of English; Will Lowry, MFA (UNC Greensboro), Department of Theatre; Lindsey Reuben, PhD (University of Pennsylvania), Department of Modern Languages and Literatures; Vassie Ware, PhD (Yale University) Department of Biological Sciences

The Eckardt Scholars Program is a highly selective and unique honors program in the College of Arts and Sciences. The program emphasizes deep intellectual curiosity, independent work, and close mentoring relationships among the very highest achieving students and faculty at Lehigh. Students in the program are exempt from the Arts & Sciences distribution requirements and work with their major advisor and the Eckardt Scholars Program Director to create a flexible course of study that best suits their academic interests and ambitions. Although exempt from Arts and Sciences distribution requirements, students will complete the requisite number of credits for their degrees and all correlative requirements for their departmental or interdisciplinary majors. The program includes participation in two Eckardt Scholar Seminars, and completion of a large independent project (in the form of a thesis, artistic creation, or other capstone experience) during the senior year.


ECK 081 Eckardt Scholars Seminar 4 Credits

Seminar for first-year Eckardt Scholars offered during the Fall semester. Consent of program director required.

ECK 281 Eckardt Scholars Seminar 4 Credits

Seminar for Eckardt Scholars offered during the Fall semester. Consent of program director required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: ND

ECK 282 Independent Study 2-4 Credits

Directed readings for Eckardt Scholars. Requires consent of program director.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Attribute/Distribution: ND

ECK 389 Honors Project for Eckardt Scholars 1-8 Credits

Opportunity for Eckardt Scholars to pursue an extended project for senior honors. Consent of program director required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

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