2024-25 Catalog


An interdepartmental B.S. biochemistry major is offered in the College of Arts and Sciences. The B.S. in biochemistry degree is managed by an interdepartmental committee composed of biochemists, bioorganic chemists, and molecular/cellular biologists. The committee administers the degree, monitors the academic program, provides research possibilities, and advises student majors. The director of the program is currently Linda J. Lowe-Krentz. Faculty in both Biological Sciences and Chemistry serve as advisors.

Bachelor of Science Degree in Biochemistry

Collateral Science Requirements
Select one of the following options:9-10
Option A
General Physics I
and Introductory Physics Laboratory I
General Physics II
and Introductory Physics Laboratory II
Option B
Introductory Physics I
and Introductory Physics Laboratory I
Introductory Physics II
and Introductory Physics Laboratory II
Select one of the following options: 210-12
Option A
Survey of Calculus I
Survey of Calculus II
Survey of Linear Algebra
Option B
Calculus I
Calculus II
Calculus III
One statistics course 23
CSE 012Introduction to Programming with Python3
or ENGR 010 Applied Engineering Computer Methods
or BIOS 237 Introductory Molecular Modeling and Simulation
Required Chemistry Courses
CHM 040Honors General Chemistry I 34
CHM 041Honors General Chemistry II 34
CHM 110
CHM 111
Organic Chemistry I
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
CHM 112
CHM 113
Organic Chemistry II
and Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
CHM 194Physical Chemistry for Biological Sciences3
CHM 307Advanced Inorganic Chemistry3
or CHM 364 Bioinorganic Chemistry
CHM 332Analytical Chemistry3
or CHM 336 Clinical Chemistry
Required Biological Science courses
BIOS 041
BIOS 042
Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology
and Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory
or BIOS 043 Phage Hunting Laboratory
BIOS 115Genetics3
BIOS 371Elements of Biochemistry I3
BIOS 372Elements of Biochemistry II3
BIOS 377Biochemistry Laboratory3
Advanced Laboratory4
Electives in Biological Sciences (3 hours minimum) 43
Technical Writing (2 hours minimum)2
Total Credits75-78

16 hours to be broadly distributed in fields of thought other than natural science and mathematics, including at least 8 hours each in humanities and social sciences.


Mathematics option and statistics course must be at least 12 hours combined.


The CHM 030 / CHM 031 sequence may be substituted.


The three credit hours of biological sciences electives are chosen with the approval of the adviser.

Model Pattern Roster

First YearCredits
CHM 0404
CHM 0414
BIOS 041
BIOS 042
WRT 0013
WRT 0023
BIOS 0901-4
Select one of the following: 
Select one of the following: 
Second YearCredits
CHM 110
CHM 111
CHM 112
CHM 113
MATH 043 or 0233
BIOS 1153
BIOS 13014
Select one of the following: 
Third YearCredits
CHM 1943
CHM 3323
BIOS 3713
BIOS 3723
BIOS 3773
CSE 0123
Technical Writing2
Fourth YearCredits
BIOS Advanced laboratory course(s) 
BIOS elective 
CHM 3073
Total Credits: 60-63

A statistics course from the MATH department could also fulfill the statistics requirement

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