2024-25 Catalog

Scholastic Averages and Probation

The Committee on Standing of Students uses the following guidelines to evaluate whether students are in Good Standing, on Scholastic Warning, on Scholastic Probation, or Dropped for Poor Scholarship.

1) A student is in Good Standing if their cumulative GPA is greater than or equal to 2.0 and they are making at least minimal progress towards their degree.

2) Undergraduate students with fewer than 19 completed credit hours can be in Good Standing, on Scholastic Warning, on Scholastic Probation, or Dropped for Poor Scholarship. Undergraduate students with 19 or more completed credit hours can be in Good Standing, on Scholastic Probation, or Dropped for Poor Scholarship.

3) Implications of Scholastic Warning, Scholastic Probation or Dropped for Poor Scholarship:

a) Students on Scholastic Warning will meet with their advisors and the Undergraduate Associate Dean of their College to develop a detailed plan of study, consultation with course instructors, etc., intended to achieve a rapid return to Good Standing. If the student fails to develop such a plan with their Undergraduate Associate Dean within the first two weeks of the semester, they will be put on Scholastic Probation.

b) Students on Scholastic Probation are ineligible for:

(a) intercollegiate competition and other extracurricular activities in which they publicly represent the university,

(b) major office (elected or appointed) in any university organization, and

(c) other activities which require more time than should be diverted from primary purposes by students whose academic survival is at risk.

The Dean of Students shall monitor and enforce this ruling. (See Lehigh University Student Code of Conduct on band regulations.) Scholastic probation will be effective at the end of each term.

c) Students Dropped for Poor Scholarship may be granted reinstatement by the Committee on Standing of Students. The student will be required to present a plan of study endorsed by their Undergraduate Associate Dean and approved by the Committee on Standing of Students. If a student is granted reinstatement, they will be on Scholastic Probation until they achieve Good Standing.

4) If a student fails to meet the standards for minimal degree progress, the Committee on Standing of Students may place the student on Scholastic Probation or Drop for Poor Scholarship. Note that courses with grades of W, F, or that were repeated during a later semester, do not count as completed credit hours. The standards for minimal degree progress are:

a) Complete at least 24 credit hours prior to the second year of enrollment.

b) Complete at least 48 credit hours prior to the third year of enrollment.

c) Complete at least 72 credit hours prior to the fourth year of enrollment.

5) The cumulative grade point average (GPA) is the weighted point average of all grades received in residence or at institutions specifically approved for grade transfer. The cumulative average is computed at the end of each term. The term GPA is a student’s GPA in the most recent term

6) For students with fewer than 19 completed credit hours while in residence at Lehigh, academic standing will be determined as follows:

Term GPA greater than or equal to 2.0: Good Standing

Term GPA greater than or equal to 1.7 and less than 2.0: Scholastic Warning

Term GPA less than 1.7: Scholastic Probation or Dropped for Poor Scholarship

7) The Committee on Standing of Students will determine a student’s academic status if the student's cumulative GPA fails to meet the requirements for good scholastic standing as a result of a conversion of an N, X, or Z grade on the tenth day of instruction.

8) Students who, while on scholastic probation, attend either or both summer sessions or winter term will have their status reviewed at the end of the term by the Committee on Standing of Students.

Special Cases

a) Certain categories of students (e.g., those on financial aid, or those participating in intercollegiate athletics) will be expected to maintain whatever credit hours are required for eligibility.

b) Non-degree students with fewer than 12 credit hours attempted will not have their progress evaluated until they earn at least 7 credit hours. A non-degree student with two or more F grades is eligible to be reviewed by and may be placed on Scholastic Warning, Scholastic Probation, or Dropped for Poor Scholarship at the discretion of the Committee on Standing of Students.

c) Students who, regardless of their cumulative average, have failed more than eight credits of coursework during a term, may be placed on Scholastic Warning, Scholastic Probation, or Dropped for Poor Scholarship at the discretion of the Committee on Standing of Students.


Scholastic Probation

Students on scholastic probation are ineligible for (a) intercollegiate competition and other extracurricular activities in which they publicly represent the university; (b) major office in any university organization; and (c) other activities which require more time than should be diverted from primary purposes by students whose academic survival is at risk. The Dean of Students shall monitor and enforce this ruling.

Removal from probation

Students are removed from probation at such time as they meet the standard listed above, effective at the end of any semester or the second summer session.

Dropped for poor scholarship/Reinstatement Status

1) If a student is placed on scholastic probation for the second but not necessarily consecutive term, a review by the Committee on Standing of Students will determine whether the student will continue on scholastic probation or be dropped for poor scholarship.

2) If the conversion of an N, X, or Z grade on the tenth day of instruction makes the student eligible for a change in academic status, the Committee on the Standing of Students will review each individual case to determine the student's status.

3) A student may be granted the privilege of reinstatement for summer session(s) only by the Committee on Standing of Students. The student will be required to present a plan of study endorsed by their advisor and Academic Dean and approved by the Committee on Standing of Students. At the completion of the summer, the student's status will be determined through review by the Committee on Standing of Students.

4) A student may be granted reinstatement for an academic semester on probation by the Committee on Standing of Students. The student will be required to present a plan of study endorsed by their advisor and Academic Dean and approved by the Committee on Standing of Students. At the completion of the semester, the student's status will be determined through review by the Committee on Standing of Students.


Unsatisfactory Progress Policy for Students using veterans educational benefits

The law requires that educational assistance benefits to Veterans and other eligible persons be discontinued when the student ceases to make satisfactory progress toward completion of his or her training objective. Based on this requirement, any student using Veterans Education Benefits will become ineligible for benefits when dismissed from the university.

Benefits may be resumed if the student is readmitted after at least one semester away. The beneficiary must re-enroll in the same educational institution and in the same program. 

When a student fails to maintain prescribed standards of progress the VA will be informed so that benefit payments can be discontinued in accordance with the law. The termination date assigned by the school will be the last day of attendance.

Upon re-certification the school's certifying official should maintain a statement that describes the conditions for the student's continued certification to VA. This may include an academic plan as outlined to the SOS Committee upon petition for readmission. These conditions will prescribe the minimum performance standards to be achieved by the student during the next enrollment/evaluation period.

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