Definitions of Grades
Course grades are A, A–, B+, B, B–, C+, C, C–, D+, D, D–, P, F, N, SP, X, Z. The meaning of each grade is as follows: A, A–, excellent; B+, B, and B–, good; C+ and C, competent; C–, continuation competency (the student has achieved the level of proficiency needed for the course to satisfy prerequisite requirements); D+, D, and D–, passing, but performance is not adequate to take any subsequent course which has this course as a prerequisite. P, pass-fail grading with a grade equivalent to D– or higher; F, failing; N or SP, incomplete; X, absent from the final examination; Z, absent from the final examination and incomplete.
Grades are weighted as follows: A, 4.0; A-, 3.7; B+, 3.3; B, 3.0; B-, 2.7; C+, 2.3; C, 2.0; C-, 1.7; D+, 1.3; D, 1.0; D-, 0.7; F, 0. Quality points for each course are assigned according to the number of credit hours in the course.
Other symbols used for courses on student records are: W, withdrawn; CR, grade of C- or higher, credit allowed; DCR, does not meet prerequisites, credit allowed; NCR – no credit. NR is used when no final grade was received from the instructor of record by the final grade submission deadline.
Grades in the range of A through D–, P, and CR may be credited toward baccalaureate degrees within the limits of program requirements. Grades of F, N, SP, X, Z, W, and NR cannot be credited toward the degree. Grades of W do not count as hours attempted.
Courses in which grades of D+,D, D-,F, NCR, W, NR, N, SP, X, or Z are recorded do not meet prerequisite requirements. The student may request to waive a prerequisite. Upon presentation of evidence of substantially equivalent preparation, and with the approval of the instructor of the course, the teaching department chairperson and the chairperson of the student's major department or program if applicable, the prerequisite may be waived.
The grade N (grade), may be used to indicate that one or more course requirements (e.g., course report) have not been completed. It is the obligation of the student to explain, to the satisfaction of the instructor, that there are extenuating circumstances (e.g., illness or emergency) that justify the use of the N grade. If the instructor feels the N grade is justified, he or she assigns a grade of N supplemented by a parenthetical letter grade, (e.g., NF). In such cases, the instructor calculates the parenthetical grade by assigning an F (or zero score) for any incomplete work unless he or she has informed the class in writing at the beginning of the course of a substitute method for determining the default grade.
In each case in which an N grade is given, the course instructor will provide written notification to the department chairperson stating the name of the student receiving the grade, the reason for the incomplete work, the work to be done for the removal of the N grade and the grade for the work already completed.
A student who incurs an N grade in any course is required to complete the work for the course by the fifth day of instruction in the next regular semester. The N grade will be converted into the parenthetical grade after the tenth day of instruction in the next regular semester, following receipt of the N grade, unless a petition to request an extension has been approved, or the instructor has previously changed the grade using the removal-of-incomplete procedure. The parenthetical grade will be dropped from the transcript after the assignment of the course grade.
The SP (grade) may be assigned for coursework or projects that do not conform to standard terms (e.g., thesis, research courses, open learning or multi-term project based learning coursework, etc.) when the student is making satisfactory progress; otherwise, the student should be assigned F. An SP grade will not be converted automatically but rather will remain until changed by the instructor or department chair when instructor is not available. SP grades count towards credits completed but do not affect GPA until converted.
Where valid reasons exist for not taking the make-up examination at the scheduled time, the student may petition for a later examination with a fee.
The grade Z (grade) is used to indicate both absence from the final examination and incomplete course requirements. The instructor calculates the parenthetical grade using an F (or zero score) for the final examination and either an F (or zero score) for incomplete coursework.
A student who incurs a Z grade in any course is required to complete the work for the course by the fifth day of instruction in the next regular semester. The Z grade will be converted into the parenthetical grade after the tenth day of instruction in the next regular semester following receipt of the Z grade. In no case shall the deadline for completion of the work be later than the last day of classes in the first full semester in residence (except summer) following receipt of the Z grade.
N, X and Z grades do not count as hours attempted and are not used in computations of cumulative averages.
Where failure to complete coursework prevents the student from taking the make-up examination at the scheduled time, the student may petition the Committee on the Standing of Students for a later examination.
If no grade is received by the Office of the Registrar before student grades are officially posted, a grade of NR will be assigned. It is the responsibility of the faculty member who failed to submit a grade to resolve the situation. If a correct grade is not submitted or the situation is not otherwise resolved then the NR grade will be converted to a grade of F on the tenth day of instruction of the next academic year semester.