2024-25 Catalog

Student Code of Conduct

Intellectual honesty and mutual respect are not accidental values in a university. They are, for students and professors alike, a presupposition of the pursuit of truth, which brings universities into existence. It is essential that an academic community uphold these values. The student code of conduct and the student conduct system are mechanisms by which the university endeavors to develop in all students a sense of responsibility to the Lehigh University community.

The Lehigh University Student handbook (https://studentaffairs.lehigh.edu/node/32) contains information relevant for the student members of our community. All students have an obligation to read and be familiar with the Student Handbook, the Code of Conduct, and the other policies contained therein.

Attendance policy

The university assumes that regular class attendance is an essential element of its academic operations. A student is personally responsible for the academic consequences of a poor attendance record. 1) If for any reason any student is to be away from the university for an extended period of time (e.g., three consecutive class days), he or she has the responsibility of informing the Dean of Students before the absence. At the first class session after any absence or period of absence the student ascertains from the instructor what make-up work is required, and when and how it becomes due. 2) For officially approved field trips, athletic contests, or extracurricular activities, a report is provided to each instructor describing the schedule and listing the names of students authorized to participate. 3) For absences of other sorts the student should complete the student absence form.  4) All reports of absence are for information only and do not bind the instructor to any particular course of action. 5) If a student appears to be neglecting the work in any course or interferes with the discipline of any course, the faculty member may submit a Section 3 report to the Dean of Students, who warns the student and, upon the second report, if the faculty member requests it the student will be excluded from the course which has been neglected. If a student is excluded from two or more courses, the case is brought to the committee on standing of students for further action. 6) Make-up privileges for a student absent during any part of the three days immediately preceding or the three days immediately following Pacing Break, Thanksgiving, winter recesses, or spring recesses are denied, unless such absence is certified by the Dean of Students. 7) Each instructor informs students in each course of his or her attendance policy and the policy should be included in the syllabus. A student is responsible for observing the instructor’s written interpretation as distributed for each course.  

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