2024-25 Catalog

Institute for Interactivist Studies

Interactivism is a philosophical and theoretical approach to modeling multiple biological, mental, and social phenomena. It is attracting interest from scholars and researchers around the world. See https://www.ecointeractivism.com/conference

The primary functions of the Institute for Interactivist Studies are:

  1. to build on the growing interest in the model,
  2. to promote interactivist research,
  3. to give Lehigh greater visibility within this wider community of people involved in the interactivist research program.

The primary focus of the Institute is the sponsoring of Summer Institutes on Interactivism.  We have organized eight International Summer Institutes: 2001 at Lehigh; 2003 in Copenhagen; 2005 at Clemson University; 2007 in Paris; 2009 in Vancouver; 2011 in Syros, Greece; 2013 at the University of South Florida in Tampa, FL; 2015 at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey; and via Zoom at https://www.ecointeractivism.com/conference.   These have attracted philosophers, psychologists, biologists, roboticists, and linguists from more than twenty countries. 

The Institute also:

  1. sponsors an institute web site — http://www.lehigh.edu/~interact/index.html,
  2. encourages and sponsors visiting scholars, and
  3. encourages collaborative work.

For more information, contact Mark Bickhard, Director, mhb0@lehigh.edu.

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