2024-25 Catalog


P.C. Rossin college of engineering and applied science

The P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science offers the Bachelor of Science degree in 17 programs, combining a strong background in sciences and mathematics with requirements in humanities and social sciences.  Students in the Rossin College programs learn principles they can apply immediately in professional work; those who plan on further academic experience can design a curriculum centering on interests they will pursue in graduate school.  

The mission of the college is to prepare undergraduate and graduate students to be critical thinkers, problem solvers, innovators, leaders, and life-long learners in a global society and to create an environment where students pursue cutting-edge research in engineering and engineering science.  

The Rossin College provides many opportunities for study in a wide variety of fields.  In addition, multiple technical minors and interdisciplinary opportunities exist.  The Rossin College also offers an accelerated path towards a master's degree.  See this page for more information. 

See additional information on the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science.

Engineering Minor

See additional information on the Engineering Minor under the heading of the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science.

Students will need to have completed the following core prerequisites to begin the program.

MATH 051 OR MATH 021 OR MATH 031 OR MATH 081 OR equivalent
PHYS 005 OR PHYS 011 OR CHM 30 OR BIOS 41 OR equivalent

The Engineering Minor will require 15 credits:

General Requirements
ENGR 005Introduction to Engineering Practice2
ENGR 010Applied Engineering Computer Methods2
Principles of Design3-6
At least 3 credits (up to 6 credits) from the following:
Students then can choose from the following options
Biological, Chemical, and Materials
5-8 credits from the following list: BIOE 110, MAT 028, MAT 033, BIOE 210, CHE 171, CHE 179, CHE 367/BIOE 367, BIOE 225, BIOE 369/CHE 369, BIOC 237, ENGR 212, or other courses in an engineering department by approval
Mechanical, Electrical, and Manufacturing Track
5-8 credits from the following list: MAT 028, MAT 033, MECH 002, ECE 083, ISE 168, ISE 215, ECE 328, CHE 179, BIOE 225, ISE 131 and ISE 132, ISE 334, ENGR 212, or other courses in an engineering department as approved.
Computational Track
5-8 credits from the following list: ISE 111, CSE 003 (and CSE 004) OR CSE 007, CSE 012, ISE 172, ISE 224, ISE 230, ISE 364, ISE 365, ISE 367, ENGR 212, or other courses in an engineering department as approved.
Infrastructure and Sustainability Track
5-8 credits from the following list: CHE 171, CEE 003, CEE 010, CEE 170, CEE 202, ECE 328, ENGR 212, or other courses in an engineering department as approved.
Develop your own track
Students may select any combination of the courses above, or a combination of courses in an engineering discipline as approved by the Rossin College, leading to 15 credits.

Students may substitute up to 3 credits of the courses above with an appropriate CINQ project.  Students may also elect to take up to 6 credits of EMC courses as a substitute to the tracks above.

Number of credits to fulfill minor is 15 credits

Note: The Minor in Engineering is not open to RCEAS students or students in CSB, IBE, or IDEAS.

Engineering Minor Course Courses

EMC 001 Macro and Micro View of Engineering 3 Credits

A course designed to be exciting and stimulate a student’s further interest in the engineering minor. Hands-on experience with engineering problem solving, modeling, simulation, and analysis tools. Macro view of what engineering is and what engineers do. Interaction with practicing engineers; visits to local engineering facilities.

EMC 002 Engineering Practicum 3 Credits

Techniques and processes used in the creation of engineered products. Exposure to engineering tasks and processes in a hands-on laboratory; mechanical and electronic manufacturing and fabrication techniques. Disassembly and reassembly of common engineered products to assess how they work and are manufactured.

EMC 042 (CSE 042) Game Design 3 Credits

From the early text-based, one-player computer games to the modern 3D games with thousands of gamers sharing the same virtual gaming world simultaneously, computer games have gone through a remarkable evolution. Despite this evolution, principles of computer game design are not well understood. In this course we will study the broad issue of game design, particularly tailored towards video games. We will present an experimental model for game design and analyze various modern computer games from the perspective of this model.

EMC 105 Engineering Structures and Motion 3 Credits

Practical limits imposed on stationary or moving structures; why exceeding these limits can lead to failure. Basic principles governing both stationary structures; e.g. buildings and bridges, and things that move, e.g. cars and satellites, and how these principles apply in engineering practice. How a stationary structure effectively supports both its own weight and the weight of its users and why a structure will undergo deflections and deformations during use. How forces and energy are associated with a moving structure and how these affect the motion of the structure.

EMC 110 Energy Engineering 3 Credits

The amount of energy used by a modern society is quite staggering, and a clear understanding of energy processes and constraints is essential knowledge for every citizen. The basics of energy, its measurement, principles governing its use and conversion, methods of production, and the associated consequences on the environment. Fossil, nuclear, and renewable, energy sources. Energy utilization developed in a simple form and employed to examine the use of energy in large and small engineering systems and products, from power plants to air conditioners.

EMC 115 Engineering Materials and Electronics 3 Credits

“Materials” are the “stuff” from which we build TV’s, cell phones, cars, skyscrapers, etc., and affect design, performance, costs, and environmental impacts. How electronics, communications, and structures depend on advances in materials engineering: materials behavior, modeling and simulation of materials properties and performance; methods and databases for materials selection; and engineering processes to control material composition and structure.

EMC 120 Systems Engineering 3 Credits

Systems approach to problem solving in fields such as environmental planning, large-scale infrastructure systems, manufacturing, telecommunication, and delivery of services. Systems analysis concepts and their relation to the determination of preferred plans and designs of complex, large-scale engineering systems. Performance and cost in project engineering decisions that balance resource investments across the major stages of life of an engineering system. Development of functional requirements and satisfactory designs.

EMC 150 Information and Knowledge Engineering 3 Credits

How computers manage information for making decisions automatically or for advising decision makers. Characterization of database systems, of web technologies, of multimedia, and of the relationships among them. Representations of knowledge and the use of artificial intelligence techniques. Automated help-desk systems and computer generation of project plans.

EMC 155 Enterprise Engineering 3 Credits

The key elements of modeling and engineering the corporation. Enterprise engineering, decision analysis, application of quantitative methods to facilities planning, engineering economy, production planning and control, forecasting, material requirements planning, and agile business practices.
Prerequisites: EMC 001 or EMC 002
Can be taken Concurrently: EMC 001, EMC 002

EMC 156 Embedded Systems 3 Credits

Use of small computers embedded as part of other machines. Limited resource microcontrollers and state machines from high-level description language. Embedded hardware: RAM, ROM, flash, timers, UARTs, PWM, A/D, multiplexing, debouching. Development and debugging tools running on host computers. Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) semaphores, mailboxes, queues. Task priorities and rate monotonic scheduling. Software architectures for embedded systems.
Prerequisites: EMC 001 or EMC 002
Can be taken Concurrently: EMC 001, EMC 002

EMC 160 Computer Aided Engineering and Control Systems 3 Credits

Use of computer-based technologies to design and manufacture products. The design cycle to create product concepts. Analysis of product design. Specifications for the control of manufacturing processes. How control systems are used in creating agile manufacturing environments: discrete and analog signals, analog to digital conversion, and application case studies. Hands-on application(s) and sample exercises from real world examples.

EMC 168 Production Analysis 3 Credits

A course for students not majoring in industrial engineering. Engineering economy; application of quantitative methods to facilities analysis and planning, operations planning and control, work measurement, and scheduling.

EMC 170 Software Engineering and Collaborative Environments 3 Credits

Discover why building large software systems is very different from using large databases, or designing products such as automobiles with CAD, etc. Design and implementation of a large team project involving complex data management in a collaborative environment. Learn why and how collaborative environments are becoming essential to modern engineering projects and require the tools and techniques of software engineering to succeed.
Prerequisites: EMC 001 or EMC 002
Can be taken Concurrently: EMC 001, EMC 002

EMC 171 (CEE 171, CHE 171) Fund of Environmental Technology 4 Credits

Water and air quality; water, air, and soil pollution. Chemistry of common pollutants. Water purification, wastewater treatment, solid and hazardous waste management, environmental remediation, and air quality control. Global changes, energy, and the environment. Constraints of environmental protection on technology development and applications. Constraints of economic development on environmental quality. Environmental life cycle analysis and environmental policy.

EMC 174 Process Engineering 3 Credits

Semiconductor process engineering, including technology to process raw silicon wafer to electronics integrated circuits (ICs). Crystal growth, thin film deposition, photolithography, doping technology.
Prerequisites: EMC 001 or EMC 002
Can be taken Concurrently: EMC 001, EMC 002

EMC 252 (CSE 252) Computers, the Internet, and Society 3 Credits

An interactive exploration of the current and future role of computers, the Internet, and related technologies in changing the standard of living, work environments, society and its ethical values. Privacy, security, depersonalization, responsibility, and professional ethics; the role of computer and Internet technologies in changing education, business modalities, collaboration mechanisms, and everyday life.
Attribute/Distribution: SW, W

EMC 300 Apprentice Teaching 1-3 Credits

Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

Engineering Courses

ENGR 005 Introduction to Engineering Practice 0,2 Credits

First year practical engineering experience; introduction to concepts, methods and principles of engineering practice. Problem solving, design, project planning, communication, teamwork, ethics and professionalism; innovative solution development and implementation. Introduction to various engineering disciplines and degree programs. Mandatory for first year RCEAS students.

ENGR 010 Applied Engineering Computer Methods 0,2 Credits

Introduction to programming for engineering tasks. Use of programming tools to solve engineering problems. Interfacing sensors and actuators to a microcontroller board and programming to interact with the world. Computer lab setting. Final project controls engineering equipment.
Attribute/Distribution: ND

ENGR 050 Directed Study 1-3 Credits

Engineering project work either as an individual or team member. Projects directed by faculty within the Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science with possible interaction from outside consultants, community and industry leaders. Written report required. RCEAS permission required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

ENGR 089 Introduction to Design Thinking for Innovation 3 Credits

Design Thinking is a proven process for identifying problems and creating solutions to address them. Key tools and terminology of Design Thinking and related processes that encourage creativity as a way to innovate will be explored. The emphasis is on learning by doing and focuses on practicing the 5 steps in Design thinking: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test that can be applied to virtually any area where new solutions are needed.

ENGR 130 Engineering Communications 1 Credit

Experience and theory in oral and written communications preparing students for their first Co-Op work assignments. Required of all Engineering Co-Op students.
Prerequisites: ENGR 200 or ENGR 198
Can be taken Concurrently: ENGR 200, ENGR 198

ENGR 160 Engineering Internship 1-3 Credits

Offers students who have attained at least Jr2 standing an opportunity to complement coursework with a work experience. Detailed rules can be obtained from the Associate Dean of Engineering. Report required. P/F grading.

ENGR 200 Engineering Work Experience 3 Credits

Supervised work assignment to obtain practical experience. Must have acceptance into the program. P/F grading.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

ENGR 211 (BIOC 211, BIOE 211, MAT 211, ME 211) Capstone Design Project I 3 Credits

Students work on teams, integrating knowledge and skills acquired in their prior course work, to design practical solutions to real-world problems, typically in collaboration with industry, entrepreneurs, faculty, or campus departments. Teams perform in-depth engineering design while considering engineering standards and the project business case. Constraints, including technical, financial, environmental, societal, supply chain, regulatory, and others are considered throughout. Teams produce written reports, oral presentations, and prototypes appropriate for the project.

ENGR 212 (BIOC 212, BIOE 212, MAT 212, ME 212) Capstone Design Project II 2 Credits

Students continue developing their solutions from ME 211 through prototype fabrication and testing, iteration, and failure mode analysis. New information about the project, as well as new knowledge, standards, and constraints, may be identified, considered and integrated into the solution. Teams are expected to produce a final project-specific prototype, an implementation plan appropriate to the project, as well as related business case financial models. Additional deliverables include written reports and presentations.

ENGR 300 Apprentice Teaching 1-3 Credits

ENGR 400 Experiential Learning for Engineering Graduate Students 1-3 Credits

Supervised work assignment outside of the university to obtain practical experience in field of study. Requires consent of department chairperson. When on an assignment, the student must register for this course to maintain continuous student status. Limit to at most three credits per registration period. No more than six credits may be applied towards a master’s program and no more than nine credits may be used throughout a student’s entire graduate study at Lehigh.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

ENGR 401 Teaching/Presentation Skills 1 Credit

Development of teaching and presentation skills for scientific professionals. Presentation effectiveness, teaching/presentation methodologies, classroom management, course development/content preparation, lecture/presentation development and lecture/presentation delivery. Individualized undergraduate course specific modules selected by student. Enrollment limited to Rossin Doctoral Fellows.

ENGR 402 Preparing for the Professoriate 1 Credit

Overview of the job search, research program development and service skills for graduate students entering academic careers. Transition from graduate student to faculty responsibilities, the post-doctoral experience, time management, CV/resume preparation, faculty search process, tenure and promotion, research leadership and program development, research proposal preparation and research sponsorship. Enrollment limited to Rossin Doctoral Fellows.

ENGR 430 Technical Writing for Engineering and the Sciences 1 Credit

Formal composition and technical writing skills for advanced non-native English writers in Engineering and the Sciences. Instructor and peer review of writing, self-editing strategies, how to incorporate technical vocabulary and formulas, advanced sentence structure, and appropriate citation of research. Field-specific readings, which students must compile, critique, and model in their own writing. Designed for international graduate students who are writing or preparing to write publishable quality articles, theses, or dissertations.

ENGR 440 Intensive Teaching Workshop 0 Credits

Two-day intensive teaching workshop designed to prepare doctoral students for a teaching practicum experience. Various faculty will discuss a range of topics including fundamentals of effective teaching, motivating students, inclusive teaching, principles of teaching under a research perspective, explaining difficult topics, assessing student learning and enhancing learning with instructional technology. Students will be required to prepare and lead micro-teaching sessions. Course requires Dean's office permission and may not be repeated.

ENGR 441 Teaching Practicum 1-3 Credits

Mentored teaching experience focused on the design, organization, pedagogy and assessment of university courses in engineering. Students will work with a faculty member to develop teaching and communication skills and apply best practices in university teaching while receiving feedback. Specific course assignments will be determined by the student's home department and must be approved by the department chair. Course may be repeated for credit.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Prerequisites: ENGR 440

ENGR 452 (BIOE 452, CHE 452, ME 452) Mathematical Methods In Engineering I 3 Credits

Analytical techniques relevant to the engineering sciences are described. Vector spaces; eigenvalues; eigenvectors. Linear ordinary differential equations; diagonalizable and non-diagonalizable systems. Inhomogeneous linear systems; variation of parameters. Non-linear systems; stability; phase plane. Series solutions of linear ordinary differential equations; special functions. Laplace and Fourier transforms; application to partial differential equations and integral equations. Sturm-Liouville theory. Finite Fourier transforms; planar, cylindrical, and spherical geometries.

ENGR 490 Thesis (Moc) 1 Credit

ENGR 492 (ARTS 492, BUS 492) Summer Research 1-3 Credits

Summer research experience designated for engineering graduate students at both the master's and doctoral level who are participating in full-time research during the entire summer semester. Students must have a summer research appointment to be eligible to enroll in this course. The course is repeatable, however, credits earned for this course cannot be used to fulfill degree requirements.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

ENGR 499 Dissertation (Moc) 1 Credit

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