2024-25 Catalog

Special Education

The Special Education program offers the following degree programs:  Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Special Education, Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Behavior Analysis, and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Special Education.

Students have options within the master’s degree program to pursue Pennsylvania state teacher certification. All teacher certification programs are fully accredited by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. These options include:

  • Certification in Special Education PreK-12
  • Dual certification in Special Education PreK-12 and general education PreK-4
  • Dual certification in Special Education PreK-12 and general education 7-12
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) Program Specialist Certification

For individuals already certified, they may enroll in a post-certification Master’s in Special Education degree program or Master’s in Behavior Analysis degree program to build upon their professional expertise. Students may pursue course work focused on intensive academic/behavioral interventions, low incidence disabilities, and/or work toward the Board Certification Behavioral Analyst (BCBA) Examination within the post-certification master's degree programs.

Students who complete the master’s degree with teaching certification are fully qualified to teach special education in PreK-12 school settings. Teacher graduates may assume a variety of roles as teachers in self-contained classrooms, co-teachers in inclusive classrooms, itinerant support or consultants, and transition coordinators. Some graduates choose to work in community settings, providing behavioral support or services to non-school age individuals with disabilities.

Students who complete the Ph.D. program are fully prepared to conduct research and teach in college or university settings. Alternatively, some graduates assume leadership positions, directing school, district, or state-level programs or participating in state or national educational policy or teacher training initiatives.

The Special Education program emphasizes the use and development of evidence-based and other innovative practices that make meaningful differences in the lives of individuals with disabilities. Our master’s students are trained a variety of intensive academic and behavioral interventions to support students with disabilities in a variety of settings. The Ph.D. program is individualized and emphasizes the development of professional competencies in research, teacher training, and dissemination. Two unique features of our program are our small Ph.D. cohorts, which allow for personalized faculty-student mentoring, and cross-collaboration with other programs within the college (for example, School Psychology; Educational Leadership; and Teaching, Learning and Technology).

Special Education faculty members are continuously immersed in research and service projects that bring nationally recognized innovations to schools and community settings that support individuals with disabilities. Students may have the opportunity to work with faculty on projects supported by competitive university, state, foundation and federal grants and contracts. Recent projects/programs include: 

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of Tier 3 mathematics interventions for students with persistent difficulties in learning mathematics,
  • Investigating structural inequalities that constrain the learning opportunities and bilingual development of multilingual learners with disabilities,
  • Investigating the use of non-concurrent multiple baselines in special education,
  • Developing a culturally appropriate screener to identify autism in Sierra Leone,
  • Developing and evaluating a supported college and career readiness program for at-risk high school students,
  • Evaluating the effects of an education program for parents of preschool children with or at-risk for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and
  • Evaluating adaptations to Tier 2 interventions in the context of School-Wide Positive Behavior Support.

For additional information about the program, please visit: http://coe.lehigh.edu/academics/disciplines/sped

4+1 Bachelor's Plus Accelerated Master of Education in Special Education and PreK-12 Certification

This 39-credit (minimum) master’s program prepares students for certification as PreK-12 special education teachers.

SPED 332Introduction to Inclusion and Exceptional Education3
TLT 407Instructional Design for K-12 Classrooms3
SPED 404Cultural and Linguistic Diversity3
SPED 409K-12 Classroom Environment and Management3
SPED 411Early Childhood Education3
SPED 418Alternative Curricular Approaches3
SPED 419Intensive Intervention in Reading 3
SPED 421Intensive Intervention in Mathematics and Content Area Literacy3
SPED 423Supporting Transition for Individuals with Disabilities 3
SPED 432Positive Behavior Support3
SPED 452Assessment in Special Education3
SPED 465Advanced Inclusionary Practices in K-123
SPED 443Special Education Student Teaching and Seminar3

Distribution of coursework across undergraduate and graduate study: Sophomore Year (3 credit hours)

Sophomore Year (3 credit hours)

Junior Year (6 credit hours)

Senior Year (9 credit hours)

College of Education - Summer (9 credits) College of Education - Fall (9 credits) College of Education - Spring (3 credits)

Students in the 5-year program will take 18 credits pre-bachelor’s and an additional 21 credits post-bachelor’s. However, the University requires that master’s degrees carry at least 30 credits minimum. This means students in the 5-year program must have at least 9 credits “left over” from their bachelor’s program to move across to the College of Education to put toward their master’s degree.

 4+1 Bachelor's Plus Accelerated Master of Education in Behavior Analysis

This combined degree program leads to either a B.A. or B.S. degree in an academic discipline from the College of Arts and Sciences, the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the College of Business, or the College of Health, and an M.Ed. degree in Behavior Analysis.  Core courses in this program have been designed to meet the Fourth Edition Task List and Foundational Knowledge List issued by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board® (BACB®).

Core Coursework (21 credits, core course sequence approved by the BACB®)
The Behavior Analyst Certification Board, Inc.® (BACB®) has verified the following course sequence as meeting the coursework requirements for eligibility to take the Board Certified Behavior Analyst Examination®. Applicants will have to meet additional requirements to qualify (http://bacb.com/bcba-requirements/).
SPED 408Basic Principles of Behavior3
SPED 454Behavior Assessment3
SPED 455Intervention and Behavior Change3
SPED 422Theory & Philosophy in Behavior Analysis 3
SPED 446Research Methods in Behavior Analysis3
SPED 412Organizational Behavior Management3
SPED 410Behavior Analysts: Ethics and Professional Conduct 3
Other Required Course (3 credits)
EDUC 471Diversity and Multicultural Perspectives3
Electives (6 credits)
SPED 332Introduction to Inclusion and Exceptional Education3
SPED 411Early Childhood Education3
SPED 423Supporting Transition for Individuals with Disabilities 3
EDL 432Special Education Law3
EDL 479School Law and Ethics3
EDUC 401Globalization and Contextualization3
EDUC 406Social Emotional Learning in Context3
EDUC 420Contemporary Issues in Multilingual Learner Education3
EDUC 422Pedagogy for Second Language Learning3
EDUC 423Curriculum and Materials Design for Multilingual Learners3
EDUC 431Multi-Tiered Systems of Social-Emotional Support3
Other electives as approved by advisor

Distribution of coursework across undergraduate and graduate study:

 Senior Year (6 credit hours)

College of Education - Summer (6 credits)

College of Education - Fall (9 credits)

College of Education - Spring (9 credits)

Students in the accelerated program will take 6 credits pre-bachelor’s and an additional 24 credits post-bachelor’s. However, the University requires that master’s degrees carry at least 30 credits minimum. This means students in the 5-year program must have at least 6 credits “left over” from their bachelor’s program to move across to the College of Education to put toward their master’s degree.

Doctor of Philosophy in Special Education

This 60 credit post-master's degree program is individualized and emphasizes applied research, faculty-student mentoring, and the development of professional competencies such as writing for publication, college teaching, grant writing, and program administration.

Doctoral Core (12 credits)
SCHP 496Doctoral Seminar in School Psychology3
SPED 490Doctoral Seminar in Special Education3
Research Core (18 credits)
EDUC 410Univariate Statistical Models3
EDUC 411Multivariate Statistical Models3
EDUC 408Introduction to Statistics3
EDUC 409Analysis of Experimental Data3
EDUC 461Single-Subject Research Design3
SCHP 473Advanced Research Methods in Applied Psychology1-3
SPED 495Independent Study in Special Education1-6
Other courses with approval of adviser.
Special Education Major Core (15 credits)
Choose from special education courses or independent studies in special interest areas with approval of adviser.
Related Areas (9 credits)
EDUC 471Diversity and Multicultural Perspectives3
Other courses with approval of adviser.
Apprenticeship (6 credits)
Supervised mentored experiences such as college teaching, student teaching supervision, writing for publication, participation in research projects, presentations at national conferences, grant writing, or educational leadership in schools and community.

Master of Education in Special Education

Course ListThe Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree in Special Education is designed for the college graduate who holds instructional certification in special education and who is interested in pursuing advanced studies in special education.  The program offers four areas of concentration, which are listed below.  The student must choose one area of concentration, with the advisor's approval. 

Concentration 1: Intensive Academic Intervention (30 credits)

Required Core (9 credits)
SPED 419Intensive Intervention in Reading 3
SPED 421Intensive Intervention in Mathematics and Content Area Literacy3
SPED 452Assessment in Special Education3
Research Requirement (3 Credits)
EDUC 461Single-Subject Research Design3
Diversity Requirement (3 Credits)
SPED 404Cultural and Linguistic Diversity3
Electives: Choose 5 Courses with Advisor's Approval (15 Credits)
SPED 402Applied Behavior Analysis3
SPED 409K-12 Classroom Environment and Management3
SPED 410Behavior Analysts: Ethics and Professional Conduct 3
SPED 411Early Childhood Education3
SPED 416Autism Spectrum Disorders and Evidence-Based Practices 3
SPED 432Positive Behavior Support3
SPED 465Advanced Inclusionary Practices in K-123
EDL 432Special Education Law3
EDUC 456Trauma and Resilience in Schools3
EDUC 406Social Emotional Learning in Context3
EDUC 401Globalization and Contextualization3
Other electives as approved by advisor
Concentration 2:  Low Incidence Disabilities (30 credits)
Required Core (9 credits)
SPED 418Alternative Curricular Approaches3
SPED 423Supporting Transition for Individuals with Disabilities 3
SPED 452Assessment in Special Education3
Research Requirement (3 Credits)
EDUC 461Single-Subject Research Design3
Diversity Requirement (3 Credits)
SPED 404Cultural and Linguistic Diversity3
Electives: Choose 5 Courses with Advisor's Approval (15 Credits)
SPED 402Applied Behavior Analysis3
SPED 409K-12 Classroom Environment and Management3
SPED 410Behavior Analysts: Ethics and Professional Conduct 3
SPED 411Early Childhood Education3
SPED 416Autism Spectrum Disorders and Evidence-Based Practices 3
SPED 432Positive Behavior Support3
SPED 465Advanced Inclusionary Practices in K-123
EDL 432Special Education Law3
EDUC 456Trauma and Resilience in Schools3
EDUC 406Social Emotional Learning in Context3
EDUC 401Globalization and Contextualization3
Other electives as approved by advisor

Concentration 3:  English as a Secondary Language (30 credits)

Required Core (15 credits)
EDUC 391Educational Linguistics3
EDUC 419Second Language Acquisition3
EDUC 420Contemporary Issues in Multilingual Learner Education3
EDUC 423Curriculum and Materials Design for Multilingual Learners3
SPED 452Assessment in Special Education3
Research Requirement (3 Credits)
EDUC 461Single-Subject Research Design3
Diversity Requirement (3 Credits)
SPED 404Cultural and Linguistic Diversity3
Electives: Choose 3 Courses with Advisor's Approval (9 Credits)
SPED 402Applied Behavior Analysis3
SPED 409K-12 Classroom Environment and Management3
SPED 410Behavior Analysts: Ethics and Professional Conduct 3
SPED 411Early Childhood Education3
SPED 416Autism Spectrum Disorders and Evidence-Based Practices 3
SPED 432Positive Behavior Support3
SPED 465Advanced Inclusionary Practices in K-123
EDL 432Special Education Law3
EDUC 456Trauma and Resilience in Schools3
EDUC 406Social Emotional Learning in Context3
EDUC 401Globalization and Contextualization3
Other electives as approved by advisor

 Concentration 4: General Special Education Studies (30 credits)

Required Core (6 credits)
SPED 452Assessment in Special Education3
SPED 465Advanced Inclusionary Practices in K-123
Research Requirement (3 Credits)
EDUC 461Single-Subject Research Design3
Diversity Requirement (3 Credits)
SPED 404Cultural and Linguistic Diversity3
Electives: Choose 6 Courses with Advisor's Approval (18 Credits)
SPED 402Applied Behavior Analysis3
SPED 409K-12 Classroom Environment and Management3
SPED 410Behavior Analysts: Ethics and Professional Conduct 3
SPED 411Early Childhood Education3
SPED 416Autism Spectrum Disorders and Evidence-Based Practices 3
SPED 432Positive Behavior Support3
SPED 465Advanced Inclusionary Practices in K-123
EDL 432Special Education Law3
EDUC 456Trauma and Resilience in Schools3
EDUC 406Social Emotional Learning in Context3
EDUC 401Globalization and Contextualization3
Other electives as approved by advisor

Master of Education in Special Education and Special Education PreK-12 Certification

This 33 credit (minimum) master’s program is designed for students seeking Pennsylvania certification as Special Education PreK-12 teachers.

SPED 332Introduction to Inclusion and Exceptional Education3
SPED 404Cultural and Linguistic Diversity3
SPED 411Early Childhood Education3
SPED 418Alternative Curricular Approaches3
SPED 419Intensive Intervention in Reading 3
SPED 421Intensive Intervention in Mathematics and Content Area Literacy3
SPED 423Supporting Transition for Individuals with Disabilities 3
SPED 432Positive Behavior Support3
SPED 452Assessment in Special Education3
SPED 465Advanced Inclusionary Practices in K-123
SPED 443Special Education Student Teaching and Seminar3

Master of Education in Special Education with Special Ed PreK-12 and General Ed 7-12 Certification

This 30 credit (minimum) master’s program is designed for students seeking Pennsylvania certification as Special Education PreK-12 teachers (with General Education 7-12 dual certification eligibility).

SPED 332Introduction to Inclusion and Exceptional Education3
SPED 404Cultural and Linguistic Diversity3
SPED 411Early Childhood Education3
SPED 418Alternative Curricular Approaches3
SPED 419Intensive Intervention in Reading 3
SPED 421Intensive Intervention in Mathematics and Content Area Literacy3
SPED 423Supporting Transition for Individuals with Disabilities 3
SPED 432Positive Behavior Support3
SPED 452Assessment in Special Education3
SPED 465Advanced Inclusionary Practices in K-123

NOTE: Students seeking dual certification in general education 7-12 and Special Education PreK-12 must complete an additional ten courses (30 credits) that are not listed above [including SPED 442, General Education and Special Education Student Teaching and Seminar]. These courses/credits are required to be eligible for dual certification but are not part of the master’s program in Special Education.

Master of Education in Special Education with Special Ed PreK-12 and General Ed PreK-4 Certification

This 30 credit (minimum) master’s program is designed for students seeking Pennsylvania certification as Special Education PreK-12 teachers (with General Education PreK-4 dual certification eligibility).

SPED 332Introduction to Inclusion and Exceptional Education3
SPED 404Cultural and Linguistic Diversity3
SPED 411Early Childhood Education3
SPED 418Alternative Curricular Approaches3
SPED 419Intensive Intervention in Reading 3
SPED 421Intensive Intervention in Mathematics and Content Area Literacy3
SPED 423Supporting Transition for Individuals with Disabilities 3
SPED 432Positive Behavior Support3
SPED 452Assessment in Special Education3
SPED 465Advanced Inclusionary Practices in K-123

NOTE: Students seeking dual certification in general education PreK-4 and Special Education PreK-12 must complete an additional ten courses (30 credits) that are not listed above [including SPED 442, General Education and Special Education Student Teaching and Seminar]. These courses/credits are required to be eligible for dual certification but are not part of the master’s program in Special Education.

Master of Education in Behavior Analysis

The Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree in Behavior Analysis is designed for the college graduate who is interested in pursuing advanced studies in behavior analysis.  Core courses have been designed to meet the Sixth Edition Task List and Foundational Knowledge List issued by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board® (BACB®).  The mission of this master’s program is to enhance the skills of practitioners in the field of special education by providing a concentration in evidence-based behavioral support strategies.

PROGRAM OF STUDY (30 credits)
Core Coursework (21 credits, core course sequence approved by the BACB®)
The Behavior Analyst Certification Board, Inc.® (BACB®) has verified the following course sequence as meeting the coursework requirements for eligibility to take the Board Certified Behavior Analyst Examination®. Applicants will have to meet additional requirements to qualify (http://bacb.com/bcba-requirements/).
SPED 408Basic Principles of Behavior3
SPED 410Behavior Analysts: Ethics and Professional Conduct 3
SPED 422Theory & Philosophy in Behavior Analysis 3
SPED 446Research Methods in Behavior Analysis3
SPED 454Behavior Assessment3
SPED 455Intervention and Behavior Change3
SPED 412Organizational Behavior Management3
Diversity Requirement (3 credits)
SPED 404Cultural and Linguistic Diversity3
EDUC 471Diversity and Multicultural Perspectives3
Additional Courses (6 credits)
SPED 418Alternative Curricular Approaches3
SPED 432Positive Behavior Support3
Other electives as approved by advisor

Certificate in Behavior Analysis

A 21-credit Lehigh certificate program offered through the Special Education program. This certificate program provides a concentration of coursework in behavior analysis for practitioners interested in enhancing their knowledge and skills in implementing evidence-based behavioral support strategies. The Behavior Analyst Certification Board, Inc.® (BACB®) has approved the following course sequence as meeting the coursework requirements for eligibility to take the Board Certification Behavior Analyst Examination®.  Applicants will have to meet additional requirements to qualify.* 

SPED 408Basic Principles of Behavior3
SPED 410Behavior Analysts: Ethics and Professional Conduct 3
SPED 412Organizational Behavior Management3
SPED 422Theory & Philosophy in Behavior Analysis 3
SPED 446Research Methods in Behavior Analysis3
SPED 454Behavior Assessment3
SPED 455Intervention and Behavior Change3

*Please refer to http://bacb.com/bcba-requirements/ for additional requirements for eligibility to take the Board Certification Behavior Analyst Examination®. Those interested in taking the BCBA® exam must also have at least an acceptable master's degree from an accredited university and a defined period of supervised practical experience. If you are also interested in a master's degree, you may want to consider our Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Special Education offered through the Special Education Program.

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Certificate

This certificate is committed to advancing educators’ knowledge and use of evidence-based instructional practices to support the learning and second language development of second language learners. With the understanding that second language learners often have inequitable learning opportunities, this certificate program seeks to assist educators in being agents of social change in education through enhanced knowledge of linguistics and second language instructional practices.

  • Three classes from the following: SPED/TLT 404, EDUC 391, 419, 420, or 423.
  • One class from the following:
    • Any remaining eligible ESL courses (SPED/TLT 404, EDUC 391, 419, 420, or 423),
    • Any teacher education course from either the elementary or secondary certification track, or
    • Other courses as approved by advisor.


SPED 330 Special Topics in Special Education 1-3 Credits

Current issues in the education of individuals with special needs. Titles vary.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

SPED 332 Introduction to Inclusion and Exceptional Education 3 Credits

Overview of social, developmental, legal, and educational issues and practices related to the special education of individuals with disabilities. Covers social, environmental, and physiological etiology; development; identification; learning characteristics; and needs of individuals identified for special education. Emphasizes meeting diverse needs of students in general education classrooms through evidence-based practices and adaptations matched to learner needs. Addresses legal rights of students and their families, as well as legal responsibilities of teachers as required by IDEIA and other related special legislation.

SPED 338 Emotional and Behavioral Disorders of Children 3 Credits

Definition, classification, etiology, treatment, and historical perspective of children and adolescent disorders.

SPED 402 (SCHP 402) Applied Behavior Analysis 3 Credits

Theory and application of behavior modification methods in classroom and clinical settings. Topics include behavior analysis, outcome research, task utilization, and single case research.

SPED 404 (TLT 404) Cultural and Linguistic Diversity 3 Credits

All teachers need to gain an understanding of how to support culturally and linguistically diverse students, particularly multilingual learners (MLs). This course explores the systemic disadvantage and bias MLs experience in the school system. It will offer best practices and concrete strategies that teachers can implement to challenge systemic disadvantages MLs face in classrooms and schools. With the understanding that students have complex identities and needs, throughout the course, the heterogeneity of culturally and linguistically diverse students will be emphasized.

SPED 405 (TLT 405) Principles and Applications of K-12 Assessment 3 Credits

Assessment applied to learning in classroom learning environments, including universal screening and progress monitoring. Discusses assessment approaches, ways to implement assessment, and use of assessment tools to monitor all students, including ELL and students with disabilities. Use of data-management and grading systems. Addresses diagnostic assessments for student placement and analysis of assessment data to tailor instruction to diverse student needs. Emphasis on research-based practices of assessment to inform instructional decision-making consistent with the RtII framework.

SPED 408 Basic Principles of Behavior 3 Credits

This course examines the core concepts of applied behavior analysis. Principles describing the influence of environmental events on behavior change and strategies that can be applied to make behavior change socially meaningful in school, home, and community settings will also be covered. Topics include respondent and operant conditioning, reinforcement, punishment, extinction, stimulus discrimination, motivation operations, verbal behavior, and imitation and observational learning.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

SPED 409 (TLT 409) K-12 Classroom Environment and Management 3 Credits

Designing inclusive classroom environments that maximize learning. Emphasis on fostering a positive learning environment using evidence-based classroom management strategies for all learners, including students with disabilities and those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Addresses function-based thinking to understand behavior problems and identify appropriate interventions. Includes discussion of manifestation of both internalizing and externalizing problems and related interventions.

SPED 410 Behavior Analysts: Ethics and Professional Conduct 3 Credits

This course is designed to provide students an in-depth review of the BACB Professional and Ethics Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts and other relevant content and readings that further support student understanding of the topic area. Class discussions, review of case studies, and student-lead small group problem-solving activities will enable students to apply ethical and professional standards to their work, further promoting quality interactions between the children and adults they serve, families, teachers, and others stakeholders.

SPED 411 (TLT 411) Early Childhood Education 3 Credits

Introduction to development of early childhood education in the U.S. Emphasizes evidence-based methods and materials to assist young children in the learning process, including arrangement of indoor/outdoor space, developmentally appropriate practices, and the design of instruction to foster young children’s emotional, social, language, cognitive, physical, and creative development. Includes embedded instruction and adaptations for students with identified disabilities, children at risk for developing disabilities, and children with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and family collaboration within the instructional planning process.

SPED 412 Organizational Behavior Management 3 Credits

This course provides an introduction to organizational behavior management (OBM). Students will learn how to assess work environments and implement function-based antecedent and consequent interventions with the goal of improving employee performance and business outcomes. Topics include performance analysis and management, supervision, staff training, behavioral systems analysis, organizational culture, and leadership. Through a review of relevant literature and case studies, students will learn how to approach complex ethical scenarios and promote a diverse, equitable, and inclusive organizational culture.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

SPED 416 Autism Spectrum Disorders and Evidence-Based Practices 3 Credits

This course provides an overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and an introduction to the evidence based practices (EBPs) for practitioners, based on recently published and publicly available reports and other supporting materials. Assignments help students translate EBPs, grounded in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), into concrete goals and practices that have a meaningful impact on the day-to-day functioning of students with ASD.

SPED 418 Alternative Curricular Approaches 3 Credits

Curricular and instructional methods for students with pervasive support needs (e.g., intellectual disabilities, autism) who follow an alternative or modified curriculum. Methods for developing an individualized curriculum, embedding instruction and accessing the general education curriculum, systematic instruction, and instruction for full participation in school, home, and community settings are covered. Strategies for facilitating emergent social and communication skills, teaching augmentative and alternative communication, and use of assistive technologies to enhance self-directed learning are included.

SPED 419 Intensive Intervention in Reading 3 Credits

Methods course designed to address the needs of students with disabilities to increase knowledge of instruction of comprehensive pre-literacy and literacy skills and their components. Additionally, pre-reading, reading, language arts, mathematics, and content area reading literacy skills in primary and elementary settings will be addressed. Emphasis on instructional planning, differentiated instructional strategies, appropriate assessments modifications, and adaptations needed for use with individuals with disabilities through a conceptual foundation in the components of reading and the integration of research validated interventions.

SPED 420 Field Experience: Special Education Certification 1-3 Credits

Intensive practice in the application of principles of teaching for special education settings in a supervised internship in the schools. Regular meetings among student teachers for critical analysis and discussion of classroom instructional practices, as illustrated by the student teachers’ experiences in the schools. Practical mentoring on professionalism, applying differentiated instructional models in real-world settings, and aligning instruction with standards. Consent of program director required.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

SPED 421 Intensive Intervention in Mathematics and Content Area Literacy 3 Credits

Methods course designed to increase knowledge of core components of reading in secondary settings, language arts, mathematics, and content area literacy skills for students with disabilities and those who are culturally and/or linguistically diverse. Emphasis on instructional planning, differentiated instructional strategies, appropriate assessments, modifications, and adaptations needed for use with individuals with disabilities through a conceptual foundation in the components of reading and the integration of research validated interventions.

SPED 422 Theory & Philosophy in Behavior Analysis 3 Credits

This course will examine the field of human and animal learning, including operant and classical conditioning. The history and evolution of psychology and the science of behavior will be discussed. The course will provide a foundation for understanding the behaviorism of B. F. Skinner. In addition, the course will describe current applications of applied behavior analysis.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

SPED 423 Supporting Transition for Individuals with Disabilities 3 Credits

Best instructional practices for preparing students for the early childhood transition into special education and the transition to post-school adult life: employment, post-secondary education, and community participation in inclusive settings. Topics include transition planning, person-centered and work-based assessments, family and interagency collaboration, innovative post-school and in-school transition services, and self-determination. Evidence-based practices to promote positive student outcomes are emphasized.

SPED 425 Applied Behavior Analysis Practicum 1-6 Credits

This practicum is designed to shape supervisee’s clinical and behavioral skills as well as his/her professional, ethical, and collegial behavior. This experience embeds the concepts, principles, methods, and applications of behavior analysis learned in the course sequence and applies them to educational, clinical, and community/home settings.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

SPED 427 Contemporary Service Delivery Models 3 Credits

This course is to provide students with knowledge and skills related to contemporary academic and behavioral service delivery models such as multi-tier systems of supports (MTSS). Relevant research literature will be explored to promote critical reflection on the models. Students will gain knowledge and skills in the following areas: (1) core components of service delivery models; (2) implementation of the services delivery model within k-12 schools; and (3) legal, ethical, and administrative issues related to service delivery implementation.

SPED 429 Professional Seminar 3 Credits

Master’s seminar on current issues in the area of special education and research design. Must have 18 graduate credits in special education.

SPED 430 Advanced Seminar in Special Education 3 Credits

Advanced issues relating to the field of special education. Titles will vary.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

SPED 432 Positive Behavior Support 3 Credits

Addresses tiered models of prevention and support. Includes design of comprehensive, multi-component behavior support plans for individuals with a variety of disabilities who engage in problem behavior. Emphasis on functional assessment and evidence-based interventions. Assessment focuses on the link between curriculum, academic performance, and behavior problems. Addresses mental health challenges, the role of various school-based professionals, and collaboration across agencies. Promotes consideration of diverse populations for understanding behavioral differences. Describes strategies for ongoing monitoring and maintenance of behavior reductions.

SPED 434 Applied Research Practicum 1-3 Credits

Designing and conducting research projects in applied settings.

SPED 440 Early Academic Intervention 3 Credits

Explores the potential effectiveness of interventions to prevent academic failure of children at risk for learning difficulties. Emphasis on research-based interventions in the areas of beginning reading, language and vocabulary, writing and spelling, awareness of print and exposure to print, and mathematics (number sense).

SPED 442 (TLT 442) General Education and Special Education Student Teaching and Seminar 4-6 Credits

Intensive practice in the application of principles of teaching for both general and special education settings in a supervised internship in the schools (for dual certification). Regular meetings among student teachers for critical analysis and discussion of classroom instructional practices, as illustrated by the student teachers’ experiences in the schools. Practical mentoring on professionalism, applying differentiated instructional models in real-world setting, and aligning instruction with standards. Consent of program director required.

SPED 443 Special Education Student Teaching and Seminar 3-4 Credits

Intensive practice in the application of principles of teaching for special education settings in a supervised internship in the schools. Regular meetings among student teachers for critical analysis and discussion of classroom instructional practices, as illustrated by the student teachers’ experiences in the schools. Practical mentoring on professionalism, applying differentiated instructional models in real-world settings, and aligning instruction with standards. Consent of program director required.

SPED 446 Research Methods in Behavior Analysis 3 Credits

This course focuses on research methods in behavior analysis. Students will develop operational definitions and identify data collection methods. Students will learn basic single case experimental designs and how to assess internal and external validity. Students will analyze and interpret graphic data. Students will understand treatment integrity and social validity. Students will summarize and critically evaluate single case design research studies. Finally, students will describe ethical conduct in conducting research in school, home, and community settings to improve life quality.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Prerequisites: SPED 408
Can be taken Concurrently: SPED 408

SPED 452 Assessment in Special Education 3 Credits

Identification, administration and interpretation of a variety of assessments used for planning and to determine special education eligibility and to assess social, emotional, behavioral, and academic functioning. Discusses strengths and limitations of various models and assessment, both formal and informal, instruments used to evaluate the need for special education. Describes strategies to enhance the relationship between assessment and service delivery. Addresses assessment practices to identity curricular needs consistent with the RtII framework.

SPED 454 Behavior Assessment 3 Credits

This course focuses on behavior assessment. It covers descriptive and functional assessment of problematic behavior, as well as functional analysis. Students learn to conduct record review, determine the need for behavior analytic services, select socially significant behavior-change goals, and conduct skill and preference assessment. Through case studies, students learn to describe the common functions of behavior. Examples of multi-disciplinary applications of behavior assessment are presented.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

SPED 455 Intervention and Behavior Change 3 Credits

This course teaches the application of behavior analytic principles across varied child, adult, and health contexts. Training is provided for procedures such as reinforcement, punishment, motivating operations, modeling, stimulus control, rules, shaping and chaining. Students explore methods for teaching simple to complex repertoires, using discrete trials, Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior, group contingencies, self-management, and strategies to maintain and generalize behavior. Topics include behavior change applications from a range of subject-matter experts across multiple uses of applied behavior analysis.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.
Prerequisites: SPED 454

SPED 465 Advanced Inclusionary Practices in K-12 3 Credits

Advanced techniques grounded in current research-based methods and best practice for educating and assessing students with disabilities, students from diverse backgrounds, and English language learners using a standards-aligned system. Accommodations, modifications, planning for physical and instructional inclusion through embedded strategic instruction, adaptations, and curriculum overlapping. Addresses decision hierarchies for level of instructional adaptation and social inclusion methods through social facilitation techniques. Explores critical factors in developing, implementing, and modifying curriculum using evidence-based practices. Explores collaborative co-planning and co-teaching models.
Prerequisites: SPED 332

SPED 482 Practicum in University Teaching: Special Education 1-4 Credits

Mentored and guided co-teaching focused on the design, organization, pedagogy and assessment of university courses in Special Education. Students in this course will work with a faculty member to apply best practices in university teaching with feedback while co-teaching students in a course in the College of Education. Students taking the course must meet the college standards for participation and be approved by the program director and department chair. May be repeated for credit.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

SPED 490 Doctoral Seminar in Special Education 3 Credits

Advanced knowledge of issues and research in the education of individuals with special needs. Topics will vary. Must be admitted for doctoral studies.
Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

SPED 499 Dissertation 1-15 Credits

Repeat Status: Course may be repeated.

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