2024-25 Catalog

General College Division

The General College Division provides an opportunity for qualified persons not planning to seek a degree to pursue work of a general or specialized nature that their preparation and interests make desirable; provides a trial period for those who wish to become candidates for baccalaureate or graduate degrees, but whose preparation does not satisfy the entrance requirements for the established curricula; and provides an opportunity for qualified students to continue their education without being committed to a restricted or specialized program of studies. Courses taken in the General College Division may not be submitted to meet the requirements for a graduate degree.

For admission to the General College Division, the student must submit a special, simplified application to the undergraduate admissions office; the application must be submitted at least one month prior to the start of the semester in which the student hopes to enroll. The applicant must show maturity, seriousness of purpose and evidence of ability to pursue with profit the program of studies they desire. The student must have the established prerequisites for courses in which he or she wishes to enroll, and may register for courses up to and including those at the 300-level.  400-level courses are prohibited.

There is no established curriculum for the General College Division. Each student works on a program outlined to meet his or her special needs. Each program must be approved by the Registrar or their designee, who serves as the director of the division.  Students must obtain permission of the instructor for each course in which they seek to enroll each semester. Students in this division are granted final approval for enrollment on a case by case and space available basis.  Students in the division are not permitted to take courses using the optional pass/fail grading system, course audit, or cross register for courses in LVAIC.

Students in the division, as non-degree candidates, do not meet the eligibility criteria for institutional or federal student aid, under Title IV, including Federal Pell Grants and Federal Stafford Student Loans. 

Students in the division are not candidates for degrees and must maintain a minimum 2.00 grade point average. A student may transfer to regular matriculated undergraduate status in any of the colleges only upon petition to, and with the approval of, the Committee on the Standing of Students. Transfer to the graduate school is possible only through the normal graduate admission process.

With the exception above, students in the General College Division are subject to the same rules and regulations as students of the university. They pay the tuition and fees established for regularly matriculated students.

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