2024-25 Catalog


The academic advisor is one of the most valuable resources in the educational process, not only to assist in making academic selections to match the student’s particular background, interests, and future objectives, but also to identify program options, to work out an academic pace, and to develop career planning strategies. The advisor will help to identify other resources and support systems available at the university, such as the Center for Academic Success, Counseling and Psychological Services, and the Center for Career and Professional Development.

Every undergraduate in the College of Arts and Sciences is assigned a faculty advisor upon matriculation. This advisor will usually change when the student selects a major or program.

First year students in the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science are advised by the Rossin College advising staff until they declare a program near the end of the first year. At that point they are assigned a faculty advisor from their program of study.

Every undergraduate in the College of Business is assigned to a professional advisor in the College of Business Undergraduate Programs Office. Once a major is declared, a faculty mentor from the major department will be assigned for more in-depth conversations about major courses and career paths.

Undergraduate students who enter into the College of Health are assigned a faculty advisor who will follow them throughout their academic career.  Concurrently, professional staff advisors provide support and serve as a resource to students.  College of Health faculty and staff advisors guide students on course selections,  experiential learning opportunities, post graduate education and career paths. 

Students who are in the Integrated Business and Engineering program (IBE), the Integrated Degree in Engineering, Arts and Sciences (IDEAS), and the Computer Science and Business (CSB) program are advised by program-specific academic advisors and the faculty co-directors of these programs in the first year of study.  Additional advisors are identified in disciplinary areas as the student advances through the program. 

Pre-professional advisors, such as Pre-law, Pre-medicine and Pre-MBA are located in the Center for Career and Professional Development.

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