2024-25 Catalog

Masters Accounting (MACC)


MACC 407 Federal Income Taxation 3 Credits

An introductory study of the principles and concepts of federal income taxation of individuals, corporations, partnerships, and fiduciaries; and federal gift and estate taxes. Determination of tax liabilities and opportunities for planning are emphasized. Problem-solving using the source materials of tax law and tax research are important components of the course. Credit will not be given for both MACC 407 and ACCT 307.
Prerequisites: MACC 415

MACC 409 Advanced Federal Income Taxation 3 Credits

An advanced study of the taxation of business organizations, estates, trust, and wealth transfer taxes. Planning and research are the basic components of the course. Problem-solving and written research are emphasized. Credit will not be given for both ACCT 309 and MACC 409.
Prerequisites: ACCT 307

MACC 411 Accounting Information Systems 3 Credits

An introduction to the concepts underlying information systems as they relate to organizational structure, managerial decision making and accounting. The course acquaints students with the reports and documents generated by information systems, as well as procedures and controls employed in a variety of business applications. Students apply these concepts, techniques and procedures to the planning, analysis and design of manual and computer-based information systems. Credit will not be given for both MACC 411 and ACCT 311.

MACC 412 IT Auditing 3 Credits

Addresses internal control and audit issues in an Information Technology (IT) environment. structured around the COSO internal control framework. Audit procedures for the review of IT general and application controls are examined. Students perform substantive tests on financial databases using audit software. Topics covered: Internal controls in centralized and distributed IT environments, IT outsourcing, IT governance, Data modeling, network and database security ACL software, SAP process and control issues.

MACC 413 The Corporate Financial Reporting Environment 3 Credits

This course addresses the nature of corporate financial reporting, its role in providing decision-useful information to capital market participants, standard-setting and the FASB conceptual framework, and theoretical and empirical assessments of its performance.

MACC 415 Intermediate Accounting I 3 Credits

Intensive study of the basic concepts and principles of financial accounting, emphasizing the problems of fair presentation of an entity's financial position, operating results and cash flows. Understanding of the conceptual framework of accounting, review of the accounting process, and recognition, measurement, valuation and disclosure of current assets, fixed assets, and intangibles. Problem-solving skills and critical analysis are stressed. Credit will not be given for both MACC 415 and ACCT 315.

MACC 416 Intermediate Accounting II 3 Credits

The sequel to MACC 415, this course continues with intensive study of recognition, measurement, valuation and disclosure issues relating to such topics as investments, liabilities, leases, pensions, income-taxes, share-based payments, revenue issues, earnings per share, and complexities related to the statement of changes in financial position. Analysis and interpretation of financial statements and problem-solving skills are integral parts of the course. Credit will not be given for both MACC 416 and ACCT 316.
Prerequisites: MACC 415

MACC 417 Advanced Financial Accounting 3 Credits

A study of specialized topics in financial accounting, including partnership accounting, business combinations and consolidated financial statements, segment and interim reporting, foreign currency transactions and translation, and accounting and reporting for governmental and other nonprofit organizations. Involves considerable problem-solving and critical evaluation of controversial theoretical issues. Credit will not be given for both MACC 417 and ACCT 317.
Prerequisites: MACC 416

MACC 419 Auditing 3 Credits

An introduction to auditing theory, objectives, and practices related largely to the responsibilities of independent professional accountants. The auditing environment, generally accepted auditing standards, internal control theory, and reporting alternatives are considered. Exposure to operational auditing is provided. Credit will not be given for both MACC 419 and ACCT 320.
Prerequisites: MACC 415 and MACC 411

MACC 420 Fraud Examination and Forensic Accounting 3 Credits

This course focuses on developing student understanding of forensic accounting and fraud investigation for introduction to the forensic accounting profession. Course provides enhanced knowledge of occupational fraud, with emphasis on financial statement fraud. Topics include the nature/theories of fraud, fraud prevention/detection techniques and the legal and auditing framework for fraud investigation. Course integrates data analytic techniques in fraud examination and detection, analysis of SEC cases involving fraud allegations and incorporates materials provided by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE).
Prerequisites: ACCT 320

MACC 423 Managerial Accounting 3 Credits

An in-depth study of concepts and methods involved in the collection, organization, dissemination and interpretation of information that facilitate operational and strategic decisions. Topics include: product costing; relevant costs for outsourcing and other operational decisions; metrics development; budgeting, performance evaluation; target costing; and transfer pricing. Credit will not be given for both MACC 423 and ACCT 324.

MACC 424 Governance, Risk and Control 3 Credits

This course focuses on developing in students an understanding of corporate governance, risk oversight and internal control monitoring from an accounting professional’s perspective. Topics include agency theory, fundamentals of corporate governance, risk and internal control, functions of the board of directors and the audit committee, independent auditor and impediments to audit quality, internal auditor’s role, and SEC regulations and laws impacting governance, risk and control. Class discussions, interactive group exercises, role plays, field projects, and real-life cases are used.
Prerequisites: ACCT 320 or BUA2

MACC 427 Accounting Research and Regulation 3 Credits

Explores the mechanics of performing professional accounting research through analysis of the authoritative accounting literature applied to emerging accounting issues. While emphasizing U.S. GAAP and the Accounting Standards Codification, students will also work with SEC reporting requirements, PCAOB and AICPA auditing standards, and International Financial Reporting Standards. Students will develop skills to conduct research, determine the appropriate accounting for new and complex business transactions, and document the rationale for the accounting method chosen.
Prerequisites: ACCT 316 or MACC 416

MACC 430 Data Analytics for Accountants 3 Credits

This course uses publicly available financial statement information to programmatically analyze company activities. Obtaining, cleaning, exploring, analyzing with statistical and machine learning methods, and presenting accounting data are explored in a project based format. Non-financial related information analyses are linked to audit and risk assessments. Projects and papers involve actual entities and associated financial information. Credit will not be given for both MACC 430, Data Analytics for Accountants and ACCT 330, Accounting Data and Analytics.
Prerequisites: ECO 045

MACC 490 Business Skills for Accounting Professionals 3 Credits

Enhances key skills necessary to function effectively in a professional accounting environment. Topics include oral and written communication, exercising professional judgment, protecting and upholding professional integrity, developing and maintaining professional relationships, analyzing data to inform business decisions. Weekly participation in the Segal Accounting Distinguished Speaker Series is an integral part of this course.

MACC 491 Internship in Accounting 3 Credits

Supervised internship experience in auditing, tax consulting, corporate accounting of at least eight weeks duration.
Prerequisites: MACC 419

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